Search Results - "Knowles, Heidi"
The association between electronic health information usage and patient-centered communication: a cross sectional analysis from the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS)
Published in BMC health services research (12-12-2023)“…Patient-provider communication can be assessed by the patient-centered communication (PCC) score. With rapid development of electronic health (eHealth)…”
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Fulfillment, burnout and resilience in emergency medicine-Correlations and effects on patient and provider outcomes
Published in PloS one (19-10-2020)“…Healthcare provider wellness have been reported to correlate with patient care outcomes. It is not understood whether synergistic effects may exist between…”
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What explains differences in average wait time in the emergency department among different racial and ethnic populations: A linear decomposition approach
Published in Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open (01-10-2024)“…Objective Non‐Hispanic Black (NHB) and Hispanic/Latino (Hispanic) patients wait longer in the emergency department (ED) to see practitioners when compared with…”
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The influence of patient perception of physician empathy on patient satisfaction among attending physicians working with residents in an emergent care setting
Published in Health science reports (01-09-2021)“…Background It is unclear whether the patient's perception of attending physician empathy and the patient's satisfaction can be affected when attending…”
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Addressing end‐of‐life care in the chronically ill: Conversations in the emergency department
Published in Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open (01-10-2021)“…Patients present to the emergency department in various stages of chronic illness. Advance directives (ADs) aid emergency physicians in making treatment…”
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Association between burnout and wellness culture among emergency medicine providers
Published in Clinical and experimental emergency medicine (01-03-2021)“…Burnout is a common occurrence among healthcare providers and has been associated with provider wellness culture. However, this association has not been…”
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Large observational study on risks predicting emergency department return visits and associated disposition deviations
Published in Clinical and experimental emergency medicine (01-06-2019)“…A common emergency department (ED) patient care outcome metric is 72-hour ED return visits (EDRVs). Risks predictive of EDRV vary in different studies…”
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Using natural language processing in emergency medicine health service research: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Published in Academic emergency medicine (01-07-2024)“…Objectives Natural language processing (NLP) represents one of the adjunct technologies within artificial intelligence and machine learning, creating structure…”
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Society of Critical Care Medicine Guidelines on Recognizing and Responding to Clinical Deterioration Outside the ICU: 2023
Published in Critical care medicine (01-02-2024)“…Clinical deterioration of patients hospitalized outside the ICU is a source of potentially reversible morbidity and mortality. To address this, some acute care…”
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Executive Summary: Society of Critical Care Medicine Guidelines on Recognizing and Responding to Clinical Deterioration Outside the ICU
Published in Critical care medicine (01-02-2024)“…Clinical deterioration of patients hospitalized outside the ICU is a source of potentially reversible morbidity and mortality. To address this, some acute care…”
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Association Between Empathy and Burnout Among Emergency Medicine Physicians
Published in Journal of clinical medicine research (01-07-2019)“…The association between physician self-reported empathy and burnout has been studied in the past with diverse findings. We aimed to determine the association…”
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The Association of Name Recognition, Empathy Perception, and Satisfaction With Resident Physicians' Care Amongst Patients in an Academic Emergency Department
Published in Journal of clinical medicine research (01-04-2023)“…Recognition of the provider's name, provider empathy, and the patient's satisfaction with their care are patient-provider rapport measures. This study aimed to…”
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Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs: Ethical Issues in the Emergency Department
Published in Annals of emergency medicine (01-11-2016)“…Prescription drug monitoring programs are statewide databases available to clinicians to track prescriptions of controlled medications. These programs may…”
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Status of Emergency Department Seventy-Two Hour Return Visits Among Homeless Patients
Published in Journal of clinical medicine research (01-03-2019)“…We aim to externally validate the status of emergency department (ED) appropriate utilization and 72-h ED returns among homeless patients. This is a…”
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Emergency medical services liability litigation in the United States: 1987 to 1992
Published in Prehospital and disaster medicine (01-12-1994)“…Although emergency medical services (EMS) liability litigation is a concern of many prehospital health care providers, there have been no studies of these…”
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