Search Results - "Klimushkin, Dmitri Yu"
Eigenmodes of the Transverse Alfvénic Resonator at the Plasmapause: A Van Allen Probes Case Study
Published in Geophysical research letters (28-10-2018)“…A Pc4 ultralow frequency wave was detected at spacecraft B of the Van Allen Probes at the plasmapause. A distinctive feature of this wave is the strong…”
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Multispacecraft Observation of the Presubstorm Long‐Lasting Poloidal ULF Wave
Published in Geophysical research letters (16-12-2021)“…We report global dayside observation of Pc4–5 wave at the late recovery phase of a magnetic storm from seven satellites. Oscillations lasted for 15 hr and…”
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Alfvén Wave Generation by a Compact Source Moving on the Magnetopause: Asymptotic Solution
Published in Journal of geophysical research. Space physics (01-04-2019)“…The spatiotemporal structure of Alfvén waves excited by a moving pressure pulse on the magnetopause is analytically explored. These waves are supposed to be…”
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Conjugate Ionosphere‐Magnetosphere Observations of a Sub‐Alfvénic Compressional Intermediate‐m Wave: A Case Study Using EKB Radar and Van Allen Probes
Published in Journal of geophysical research. Space physics (01-05-2019)“…A Pc5 wave was simultaneously observed in the ionosphere by EKB radar and in the magnetosphere by both Van Allen Probe spacecraft within a substorm activity…”
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The Alfvén mode gyrokinetic equation in finite-pressure magnetospheric plasma
Published in Journal of geophysical research. Space physics (01-06-2015)“…The paper is concerned with the derivation of the Alfvén mode equation in finite‐pressure space plasma in gyrokinetic approach. The long plasma approximation…”
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On the equatorward phase propagation of high- m ULF pulsations observed by radars
Published in Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics (01-11-2009)“…An often observed and still unexplained feature of the high- m Alfvén waves in the terrestrial magnetosphere is their equatorward phase motion, in contrast…”
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The Field Line Resonance in the Three‐Dimensionally Inhomogeneous Magnetosphere: Principal Features
Published in Journal of geophysical research. Space physics (01-01-2021)“…The paper is devoted to study of the field line resonance in the three‐dimensionally inhomogeneous model of the magnetosphere taking into account the plasma…”
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Concerning ULF pulsations in Mercury's magnetosphere
Published in Geophysical research letters (01-09-2003)“…Upcoming missions such as Messenger or BepiColombo will revolutionize our knowledge about planet Mercury and its magnetosphere. To contribute to a comparison…”
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Theory of azimuthally small-scale Alfvén waves in an axisymmetric magnetosphere with small but finite plasma pressure
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics (01-11-2002)“…An analytical and numerical study is made of the influence of plasma finite pressure on the structure of Alfvén waves with large numbers of the azimuthal wave…”
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Azimuthally small-scale Alfvén waves in magnetosphere excited by the source of finite duration
Published in Earth, planets, and space (01-01-2007)“…In this paper the spatial structure of azimuthally small-scale Alfvén waves in magnetosphere excited by the impulse source is studied. The source is suddenly…”
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Ballooning Instability in the Magnetospheric Plasma: Two‐Dimensional Eigenmode Analysis
Published in Journal of geophysical research. Space physics (01-01-2020)“…This paper is concerned with the transverse structure of the ballooning instability in a two‐dimensionally inhomogeneous model of the magnetosphere, which…”
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Properties of frequency distribution of Pc5-range pulsations observed with the Ekaterinburg decameter radar in the nightside ionosphere
Published in Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics (01-01-2018)“…A statistical study of waves in the magnetosphere registered with the midlatitude coherent decameter radar located near Ekaterinburg (EKB), Russia is…”
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Drift-compressional modes generated by inverted plasma distributions in the magnetosphere
Published in Journal of geophysical research. Space physics (01-08-2013)“…The polarization and field‐aligned structure of drift‐compressional modes and the corresponding plasma instability are studied in a gyrokinetic framework in…”
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Experimental evidence of drift compressional waves in the magnetosphere: An Ekaterinburg coherent decameter radar case study
Published in Journal of geophysical research. Space physics (01-02-2016)“…A case study of shortwave radar observations of magnetospheric Pc5 ULF waves (wave periods of 150–600 s) that occurred on 26 December 2014 in the nightside…”
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Spatial structure and stability of coupled Alfvén and drift compressional modes in non-uniform magnetosphere: Gyrokinetic treatment
Published in Planetary and space science (01-10-2011)“…The spatial structure and stability properties of the coupled Alfvén and drift compressional modes in a space plasma are studied in a gyrokinetic framework in…”
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First results of the high-resolution multibeam ULF wave experiment at the Ekaterinburg SuperDARN radar: Ionospheric signatures of coupled poloidal Alfvén and drift-compressional modes
Published in Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics (01-08-2015)“…A continuous experiment was carried out at the Ekaterinburg (EKB) stereoradar of the Russian segment of SuperDARN in order to examine the spatio-temporal…”
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How energetic particles construct and destroy poloidal high- m Alfvén waves in the magnetosphere
Published in Planetary and space science (01-04-2007)“…The paper overviews the role of energetic particles in generation of poloidal ULF waves with high azimuthal wave numbers ( m ⪢ 1 ) . The part played by these…”
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How energetic particles construct and destroy poloidal high- Alfvén waves in the magnetosphere
Published in Planetary and space science (01-04-2007)Get full text
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Parallel structure of Pc1 ULF oscillations in multi-ion magnetospheric plasma at finite ion gyrofrequency
Published in Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics (01-12-2010)“…The paper deals with the spatial structure of the Pc1 oscillations in multicomponent (protons and heavy ions) space plasma. As earlier studies ( Guglielmi et…”
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On the spatial structure and dispersion of slow magnetosonic modes coupled with Alfvén modes in planetary magnetospheres due to field line curvature
Published in Planetary and space science (01-07-2008)“…The structure of the slow mode coupled with Alfvén mode in the axially symmetric magnetosphere is studied in the paper. Due to the coupling, the slow…”
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