Search Results - "Kleber, Franke Portella"
Novel approach to detect encasement failures in the anchorage system of guyed transmission towers by distribution of relaxation times
Published in Engineering failure analysis (01-11-2024)“…[Display omitted] •Identification of time constants of cement paste by EIS/DRT.•Characterization of the pore structure of cement paste by EIS/DRT.•Detection of…”
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Multiple techniques of microstructural characterization of DEF: Case of study with high early strength Portland cement composites
Published in Construction & building materials (13-12-2021)“…[Display omitted] •EBSD - showed a natural sand with a few strained quartz grains and other minerals.•Sigmoidal characteristics of DEF were more expressive for…”
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Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) - Investigation of crystallographic parameters of natural sands by backscattered electron diffraction
Published in Revista IBRACON de estruturas e materiais (2021)“…This study involved analyzing several natural sands to ascertain the possible causes for distress due to ASR. The analyses were performed using the following…”
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Determining water content and other impurities in Siparuna guianensis Aublet essential oil using differential scanning calorimetry
Published in African journal of biotechnology (30-03-2016)“…Siparuna guianensis Aublet is a predominant species in the Brazilian Cerrado. Some studies found that its essential oil has properties that could be useful for…”
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Nanostructured Titanium Film Deposited by Pulsed Plasma Magnetron Sputtering (Pdms) on a High Voltage Ceramic Insulator for Outdoor Use
Published in Materials research (São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil) (01-08-2015)“…In this study, the cold plasma technique was used to produce nanometric titanium films with hydrophobic and anti-fouling properties. The films where deposited…”
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The effect of chloride, sulfate, and ammonium ions on the semiconducting behavior and corrosion resistance of AISI 304 stainless steel passive film
Published in Matéria (2023)“…ABSTRACT Water cooling systems usually receive additional chemical treatment and different features to prevent pitting corrosion on stainless steel which is…”
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Concretos com cinza do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar: avaliação da durabilidade por meio de ensaios de carbonatação e abrasão
Published in Ambiente Construído“…O bagaço é gerado como resíduo do processamento do açúcar e do álcool. Esse resíduo é utilizado para a cogeração de energia por meio da queima em caldeiras,…”
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Use of waste polymers in concrete for repair of dam hydraulic surfaces
Published in Construction & building materials (01-02-2011)“…The durability of a concrete structure is strongly influenced by the inadequate use of materials and by the physical and chemical effects of the environment of…”
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The inhibitory and comparative effects of Zn-Al layered double hydroxide microcontainers intercalated with benzotriazole and nitrite for corrosion protection coatings on AISI 1010 carbon steel
Published in Matéria (2020)“…ABSTRACT The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and the open circuit potential techniques were used to analyse coatings with layered double hydroxides…”
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Deposition and characterization of AlN thin films on ceramic electric insulators using pulsed DC magnetron sputtering
Published in Surface & coatings technology (25-12-2015)“…Porcelain electric insulators are fundamental support devices to act as holders for transmission lines. The exposition to pollutants environments such as…”
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Performance analysis and life-cycle assessment of energy distribution system insulators in aggressive environments
Published in LALCA (01-12-2019)“…In this study, the energy distribution system was evaluated against the durability of materials and its environmental aspects, in relation to the life-cycle…”
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Oxidação da pirita e seus efeitos em argamassas de cimento Portland sujeitas ao ataque por sulfatos de origem interna
Published in Matéria (01-06-2016)“…RESUMO O ataque por sulfatos de origem interna é resultante da reação química entre os íons Fe2+ e SO4 2-, provenientes da oxidação de agregados sulfetados, e…”
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Reação Sulfática Interna (RSI) como degradação de matriz cimentícia: comportamento de pastas dosadas com diferentes teores de contaminação por sulfato
Published in Revista ALCONPAT (31-05-2017)“…El presente trabajo, desarrollado en el ámbito del Programa de P&D ANEEL, proyecto 6491-0301/2013, tiene el objetivo de evaluar cómo las diferentes…”
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Internal attack by sulphates in cement pastes and mortars dosed with different levels of pyrite
Published in Journal of building pathology and rehabilitation (01-12-2017)“…This study aims to investigate cementitious compound behaviour at early stages (up to 168 days), primarily when dosed with different levels of pyrite. To…”
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Estudo do desempenho do aço carbono AISI 1010 sob o efeito de barreira de revestimento epóxi/HDL-Zn-Al-NO2- como inibidor de corrosão, via espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica
Published in Matéria (2020)“…RESUMO Para estender a vida útil de materiais metálicos dos artefatos das linhas de distribuição e de transmissão de energia vem sendo estudado um cristal do…”
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Physicochemical evaluation of oxidation of diabase aggregates with sulfide minerals: influence of particle size, pH of the medium and pyrite concentration
Published in Journal of building pathology and rehabilitation (01-12-2016)“…Large constructions, such as concrete dams, commonly use aggregates extracted from rock masses near the implantation sites, which may contain sulfide minerals…”
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Análise de desempenho e ciclo de vida de isoladores do sistema de distribuição de energia em ambientes de elevada agressividade
Published in LALCA (31-12-2019)“…Neste estudo, foi avaliado o sistema de distribuição de energia frente ao desempenho em durabilidade de materiais e seus aspectos ambientais, com relação às…”
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Avaliação da taxa de corrosão do aço carbono 1040 em solo por modulação de frequência eletroquímica (EFM)
Published in Matéria (2020)“…RESUMO A taxa de corrosão instantânea do aço carbono 1040 enterrado em solo, por 6 meses, foi medida por meio da técnica de modulação de frequência…”
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Biofouling e biodeterioração química de argamassa de cimento portland em reservatório de usina hidroelétrica Biofouling and chemical biodeterioration in hydroeletric power plant portland cement mortar
Published in Química nova (01-01-2009)“…Last decade Brazilian rivers experimented progressive biofouling of Limnoperna fortunei communities and Cordylophora caspia hydroids. The microhabitat is so…”
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Biofouling e biodeterioração química de argamassa de cimento portland em reservatório de usina hidroelétrica
Published in Química nova (2009)Get full text
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