Search Results - "Klötzle, Marcelo Cabús"
Study on the relationship between the IVol-BR and the future returns of the Brazilian stock market
Published in Revista Contabilidade & Finanças (01-05-2021)“…ABSTRACT In 2015, the Financial Economics Research Center (NEFIN) of the University of São Paulo proposed an implicit volatility index for the Brazilian stock…”
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Do Market Conditions Affect the Tracking Efficiency of Exchange-traded Funds? Evidence from Developed and Emerging Markets
Published in Global business review (29-08-2021)“…This study examines the tracking efficiency of a sample of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) from seven different emerging and developed markets, in bullish and…”
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Dynamic Associations between GDP and Crude Oil Prices in Brazil: Structural Shifts and Nonlinear Causality
Published in Emerging markets finance & trade (09-08-2021)“…This paper puts forward an in-depth investigation of the nonlinear associations between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and international crude oil prices using…”
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Operating Model and Estimation of the Insurance Premium for an Energy Futures Clearing House in Brazil
Published in Revista brasileira de gestão de negócios (01-01-2023)“…Theoretical framework--The main theoretical bases were diffusion processes, with jumps and without jumps, and the pricing model developed by Merton (1976)…”
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Dynamic connectedness between energy markets and the Brazilian cash market: An empirical analysis pre‐ and post‐COVID‐19
Published in The journal of futures markets (01-01-2024)“…Brazil's significant commodity production is internationally recognized, yet the absence of a mature futures market exposes it to price risks and international…”
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Can sustainable investments outperform traditional benchmarks? Evidence from global stock markets
Published in Business strategy and the environment (01-02-2020)“…To contribute to overcoming global sustainability challenges, investors have been increasingly interested in making sustainable investments and incorporating…”
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Market Stress and Herding: A New Approach to the Cryptocurrency Market
Published in The journal of behavioral finance (2022)“…Herding is a feature of investor behavior in financial markets, particularly in market stress. We apply an approach based on the cross-sectional dispersion of…”
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FXvol: Indicador Antecedente da Taxa de Câmbio
Published in Revista de administração FACES journal (29-09-2016)Get full text
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A risk model to compute the volatility and the need for collateral margins in energy futures contracts in Brazil
Published in International journal of energy sector management (25-03-2022)“…Purpose Brazil is characterized by the inexistence of a more robust system of guarantees and rules to minimize risks and protect agents in energy futures…”
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Water: The Only Factor Influencing the Price of Energy in the Spot Market?
Published in Sociedade, contabilidade e gestão (01-04-2016)“…The Brazilian electric energy generation system is based on its hydroelectric power plants, making the country dependent on proper rainfall and, thus, raising…”
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Investor behavior in ETF markets: a comparative study between the US and emerging markets
Published in International journal of emerging markets (02-12-2019)“…Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a study on investor behavior in exchange-traded fund (ETF) markets. The standard feedback…”
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Herding and Google search queries in the Brazilian stock market
Published in Review of behavioral finance (05-03-2024)“…PurposeThis study investigates the presence of herding in the Brazilian stock market between 2012 and 2020 and associates it with the volume of searches on the…”
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Political risk, fear, and herding on the Brazilian stock exchange
Published in Applied economics letters (20-05-2020)“…This study analyses beta herding in the Brazilian stock market using a state-space model, controlled by two company groupings: those listed on the market index…”
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How do young low-income university students deal with risk and time preferences in Brazil?
Published in Revista Contabilidade & Finanças (2022)“…ABSTRACT This article sought to understand the behavior of young low-income university students through an experiment based on prospect and hyperbolic…”
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Scenario analysis in the BNDES experience: integrating operational risk management with the measurement of capital
Published in Revista Contabilidade & Finanças (01-05-2018)“…ABSTRACT Internal operational risk models have not yet been established as a methodology for calculating regulatory capital. These models, which must be…”
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Blockholders and firm value: Evidence from Brazil
Published in Revista Brasileira de Finanças (19-06-2022)“…This study investigates the relationship between the presence of large shareholders (blockholders) and the value of Brazilian companies. The dataset…”
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Stock Market Reaction to Monetary Policy: An Event Study Analysis of the Brazilian Case
Published in Emerging markets finance & trade (01-01-2018)“…This article examines the relationship between the monetary policy implemented by the Central Bank of Brazil and the stock market. We implement event study…”
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FXvol: Indicador Antecedente da Taxa de Câmbio
Published in Revista de administração FACES journal (01-09-2016)“…A forte correlação negativa entre a Taxa de Câmbio Brasil-EUA (Ptax) e o índice do mercado de ações (Ibovespa) tem sido amplamente documentada na literatura…”
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Água: Único Fator a Influenciar o Preço da Energia no Mercado Spot?
Published in Sociedade, contabilidade e gestão (22-08-2016)“…A geração de energia elétrica brasileira é baseada na geração hidrelétrica, causando uma dependência do regime de chuvas que resulta em possíveis situações de…”
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Inovação e a capacidade de apropriar benefícios associados aos investimentos em P&D no Brasil
Published in Revista brasileira de inovação (30-10-2017)“…Este trabalho busca analisar a capacidade das empresas brasileiras de se apropriarem de benefícios associados aos investimentos em P&D, seguindo a metodologia…”
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