Search Results - "Kirin, Branka Kristić"
Hepatitis during respiratory syncytial virus infection--a case report
Published in Biochemia medica (01-01-2013)“…Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is the most common cause of hospitalization in infants and small children. The aim was to present a 13-months old…”
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Decreased risk for atopic disorder associated with highly hyperreactive tuberculin skin test reaction in children and adolescents
Published in Pediatric pulmonology (01-07-2009)“…Background It is speculated that the exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, either by infection or by Bacillus Calmette‐Guérin vaccination, may inhibit the…”
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Serial interferon-γ release assay in children with latent tuberculosis infection and children with tuberculosis
Published in Pediatric pulmonology (01-04-2012)“…Background Interferon‐γ (IFN‐γ) release assay (IGRA) is used for diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), and for serial testing of active…”
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C-reactive protein and complement components' C3 and C4 in children with latent tuberculosis infection
Published in Biochemia medica (2008)Get full text
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C-reaktivni protein i komplement C3 i C4 u djece s latentnom tuberkuloznom infekcijom
Published in Biochemia Medica (18-02-2008)“…Cilj: U posljednje se vrijeme hsCRP (engl. high sensitive CRP) primjenjuje kao prognostički biljeg kronične upale. Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati dolazi li do…”
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