Search Results - "Kirił Marinow"

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  1. 1

    Enemy of All Virtues: Once Again on the Image of Simeon the Great in the Oration “On the Treaty with the Bulgarians” by Kirił Marinow

    Published in Vox Patrum (15-12-2022)
    “…This article focuses on the Bulgarian Tsar Simeon I the Great (893-927), who in the second half of his reign entered into a protracted military and ideological…”
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    Τέρνοβος, ἐν ᾗ τὰ βασίλεια ἦν τῶν Βουλγάρων: the Role of the Bulgarian Capital City According to Ῥωμαϊκὴ ἱστορία by Nikephoros Gregoras by Marinow, Kirił

    Published in Studia Ceranea (28-11-2022)
    “…The paper is devoted to a detailed analysis of direct and indirect references to Tărnovo, the capital of the so-called Second Bulgarian Tsardom (12th–14th…”
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    Asparuh and His People on the Lower Danube through the Eyes of Theophanes, or a Story that Was Not Meant to Happen by Marinow, Kirił

    Published in Studia Ceranea (30-12-2018)
    “…The Bulgarians’ settlement in the Lower Danube area constituted one of the most significant events in the history of the Balkan Peninsula in the Middle Ages…”
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    Przez wąwozy i lasy. Armia bizantyńska wobec trudno dostępnych obszarów w świetle IX konstytucji Taktyk Leona VI Mądrego by Marinow, Kirił

    “…The Byzantine emperor Leo VI the Wise (886–912) wrote an extensive military treatise which compiled the knowledge of the Byzantines in the art of war. Among…”
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    Tărnovgrad Viewed by the Others: the Case of Niketas Choniates by Marinow, Kirił

    Published in Studia Ceranea (01-01-2021)
    “…The text is devoted to the analysis of the portrayal of Tărnovo, the new capital of the restored near the end of the twelfth century Bulgarian state, in the…”
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    Twierdza Emona. Na nadmorskich stokach średniowiecznego Hemusu by Kirił Marinow

    Published in Vox Patrum (15-06-2008)
    “…La forteresse Emona constitua une des fortifications flanquant les versants maritimes de la montagne Hemus (Bałkan, Stara Pianina), qui etaient une bariere…”
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    The Haemus Mountains and the geopolitics of the first Bulgarian empire: An overview by Marinow, Kirił

    “…The role of the Haemus Mountains (that is Stara Planina and Sredna Gora) as a geographical factor is visible in the fact that between the close of the 7th…”
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    The Haemus Mountains and the geopolitics of the first Bulgarian empire: An Overview by Marinow, Kirił

    “…The role of the Haemus Mountains (that is Stara Planina and Sredna Gora) as a geographical factor is visible in the fact that between the close of the 7th…”
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    In the Shackles of the Evil One The Portrayal of Tsar Symeon I the Great (893–927) in the Oration "On the treaty with the Bulgarians" by Kirił Marinow, Michał Zytka

    Published in Studia Ceranea (30-12-2011)
    “…The year 927 brought a peace treaty between Byzantium and Bulgaria, which ended many years of military struggle between both the states. On this occasion…”
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