Search Results - "Keidel, H."
Latent Body-Pose guided DenseNet for Recognizing Driver's Fine-grained Secondary Activities
Published in 2018 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS) (01-11-2018)“…Over the past two decades, there has been an increasing research in developing self-driving vehicles, with many industries pushing the bounds alongside…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Effect of individual grass species and grass species mixtures on soil quality as related to root biomass and grass yield
Published in Applied soil ecology : a section of Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-07-2010)“…For the purpose of feeding value, drought resistance and nitrogen utilization, other grasses (e.g. Festuca arundinacea and Dactylis glomerata) than the…”
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Journal Article -
(Micro)Albuminuria: antigen excess detection in the Roche modular analyzer
Published in Clinical chemistry (Baltimore, Md.) (01-06-2005)Get full text
Journal Article -
Changes in estuarine nematode communities following a decrease of organic pollution
Published in Aquatic ecology (01-10-1998)“…The response of a nematode community to a decreasing organic matter loading was studied. Monthly observations were made at three stations at an intertidal…”
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Journal Article -
Biological and chemical monitoring after pilot remediations in the delta of the rivers Rhine and Meuse
Published in Aquatic ecosystem health & management (01-01-2000)“…Two pilot projects were carried out to investigate the effects of sediment remediation. One project was situated in a groyne section of the Nieuwe Merwede, a…”
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Journal Article -
Biological and chemical monitoring after pilot remediations in the delta of the rivers Rhine and Meuse
Published in Aquatic ecosystem health & management (01-01-2000)“…Two pilot projects were carried out to investigate the effects of sediment remediation. One project was situated in a groyne section of the Nieuwe Merwede, a…”
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Journal Article -
Über die „Grondwaniden“ Argentiniens
Published in Geologische Rundschau (01-12-1938)Get full text
Journal Article -
Een electieve voedingsbodem voor het aantonen van trichomonas gallinae in geringe hoeveelheden
Published in Tijdschrift voor diergeneeskunde (15-10-1948)Get more information
Magazine Article