Search Results - "Kaufman, L.J"

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    Glioma Expansion in Collagen I Matrices: Analyzing Collagen Concentration-Dependent Growth and Motility Patterns by Kaufman, L.J., Brangwynne, C.P., Kasza, K.E., Filippidi, E., Gordon, V.D., Deisboeck, T.S., Weitz, D.A.

    Published in Biophysical journal (01-07-2005)
    “…We study the growth and invasion of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) in three-dimensional collagen I matrices of varying collagen concentration. Phase-contrast…”
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    Study of a zirconium getter for purification of xenon gas by Dobi, A., Leonard, D.S., Hall, C., Kaufman, L.J., Langford, T., Slutsky, S., Yen, Y.-R.

    “…Oxygen, nitrogen and methane purification efficiencies for a common zirconium getter are measured in 1050 Torr of xenon gas. Starting with impurity…”
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    Characterization of the Hamamatsu VUV4 MPPCs for nEXO by Gallina, G., Giampa, P., Retière, F., Zhang, G., Ward, M., Margetak, P., Tsang, T., Doria, L., Al Kharusi, S., Alfaris, M., Arnquist, I.J., Badhrees, I., Barbeau, P.S., Beck, D., Belov, V., Bhatta, T., Blatchford, J., Brodsky, J.P., Brown, E., Brunner, T., Cao, L., Cen, W.R., Chambers, C., Chiu, M., Craycraft, A., Dalmasson, J., Daniels, T., Darroch, L., Daugherty, S.J., De St. Croix, A., Der Mesrobian-Kabakian, A., DeVoe, R., Dilling, J., Dolinski, M.J., Dragone, A., Fairbank, D., Fairbank, W., Farine, J., Feyzbakhsh, S., Fontaine, R., Gautam, P., Gornea, R., Gratta, G., Hansen, E.V., Heffner, M., House, A., Ito, Y., Jamil, A., Jewell, M.J., Karelin, A., Koffas, T., Krücken, R., Kuchenkov, A., Kumar, K.S., Lan, Y., Larson, A., Leonard, D.S., Li, S., Licciardi, C., Lin, Y.H., MacLellan, R., McElroy, T., Mong, B., Murray, K., Nakarmi, P., Nolet, F., Odgers, K., Odian, A., Oriunno, M., Orrell, J.L., Ortega, G.S., Ostrovskiy, I., Overman, C.T., Piepke, A., Pocar, A., Pratte, J.-F., Radeka, V., Rescia, S., Richman, M., Robinson, A., Roy, N., Sangiorgio, S., Skarpaas, K., Soma, A.K., Stekhanov, V., Stiegler, T., Sun, X.L., Tarka, M., Tolba, T., Visser, G., Vuilleumier, J.-L., Wang, Q., Watkins, J., Weber, M., Wu, S.X., Wu, X., Yang, L., Yen, Y.-R., Zhao, J., Zhou, Y.

    “…In this paper we report on the characterization of the Hamamatsu VUV4 (S/N: S13370-6152) Vacuum Ultra-Violet (VUV) sensitive Multi-Pixel Photon Counters…”
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    Trace radioactive impurities in final construction materials for EXO-200 by Leonard, D.S., Auty, D.J., Didberidze, T., Grinberg, P., MacLellan, R., Methven, B., Piepke, A., Vuilleumier, J.-L., Albert, J.B., Anton, G., Badhrees, I., Barbeau, P.S., Bayerlein, R., Beck, D., Belov, V., Breidenbach, M., Brunner, T., Cao, G.F., Cen, W.R., Chambers, C., Cleveland, B., Coon, M., Craycraft, A., Cree, W., Daniels, T., Danilov, M., Daugherty, S.J., Daughhetee, J., Davis, J., Delaquis, S., Mesrobian-Kabakian, A. Der, DeVoe, R., Dilling, J., Dolgolenko, A., Dolinski, M.J., Fairbank, W., Farine, J., Feyzbakhsh, S., Fierlinger, P., Fudenberg, D., Graham, K., Gratta, G., Hall, C., Herrin, S., Hoessl, J., Hufschmidt, P., Hughes, M., Jamil, A., Jewell, M.J., Johnson, A., Johnston, S., Karelin, A., Kaufman, L.J., Koffas, T., Kravitz, S., Krücken, R., Kuchenkov, A., Kumar, K.S., Lan, Y., LePort, F., Li, S., Licciardi, C., Lin, Y.H., Mackay, D., Marino, M.G., Michel, T., Mong, B., Moore, D., Murray, K., Neilson, R., Nelson, R., Njoya, O., Odian, A., Ostrovskiy, I., Pocar, A., Pushkin, K., Retière, F., Rowson, P.C., Russell, J.J., Schubert, A., Sinclair, D., Smith, E., Stekhanov, V., Tarka, M., Tolba, T., Tsang, R., Wagenpfeil, M., Waite, A., Walton, J., Walton, T., Wamba, K., Weber, M., Wen, L.J., Wichoski, U., Wodin, J., Yang, L., Yen, Y.-R., Zeldovich, O.Ya, Zettlemoyer, J., Ziegler, T.

    “…We report results from a systematic measurement campaign conducted to identify low radioactivity materials for the construction of the EXO-200 double beta…”
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    Measurement of the 3He spin-structure functions and of neutron (3He) spin-dependent sum rules at 0.035 ≤ Q2 ≤ 0.24 GeV2 by Sulkosky, V., Singh, J.T., Chen, J.-P., Deur, A., Abrahamyan, S., Aniol, K.A., Armstrong, D.S., Averett, T., Beck, A., Bertin, P., Butaru, F., Boeglin, W., Camsonne, A., Cates, G.D., Chang, C.C., Choi, Seonho, Chudakov, E., Coman, L., Cornejo, J.C., Craver, B., Cusanno, F., De Leo, R., de Jager, C.W., Denton, J.D., Dhamija, S., Feuerbach, R., Finn, J.M., Frullani, S., Fuoti, K., Gao, H., Garibaldi, F., Gayou, O., Gilman, R., Glamazdin, A., Glashausser, C., Gomez, J., Hansen, J.-O., Hayes, D., Hersman, B., Higinbotham, D.W., Holmstrom, T., Humensky, T.B., Hyde, C.E., Ibrahim, H., Iodice, M., Jiang, X., Kaufman, L.J., Kelleher, A., Keister, K.E., Kim, W., Kolarkar, A., Kolb, N., Korsch, W., Kramer, K., Kumbartzki, G., Lagamba, L., Lainé, V., Laveissiere, G., Lerose, J.J., Lhuillier, D., Liyanage, N., Lu, H.-J., Ma, B., Margaziotis, D.J., Markowitz, P., Meziani, Z.-E., Michaels, R., Moffit, B., Monaghan, P., Niedziela, J., Niskin, M., Pandolfi, R., Potokar, M., Puckett, A.J.R., Punjabi, V.A., Qiang, Y., Ransome, R., Reitz, B., Roché, R., Saha, A., Shabetai, A., Širca, S., Snyder, R., Solvignon, P., Stringer, R., Subedi, R., Tobias, W.A., Ton, N., Ulmer, P.E., Urciuoli, G.M., Vacheret, A., Voutier, E., Wang, K., Wojtsekhowski, B., Woo, S., Yao, H., Yuan, J., Zhan, X., Zheng, X., Zhu, L.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-06-2020)
    “…The spin-structure functions g1 and g2, and the spin-dependent partial cross-section σTT have been extracted from the polarized cross-sections differences,…”
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    A simple high-sensitivity technique for purity analysis of xenon gas by Leonard, D.S., Dobi, A., Hall, L.J. Kaufman, C., Langford, T., Slutsky, S., Yen, Y.-R.

    “…We report on the development and performance of a high-sensitivity purity-analysis technique for gaseous xenon. The gas is sampled at macroscopic pressure from…”
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    A xenon condenser with a remote liquid storage vessel by Slutsky, S., Yen, Y.-R., Breuer, H., Dobi, A., Hall, C., Langford, T., Leonard, D.S., Kaufman, L.J., Strickland, V., Voskanian, N.

    “…We describe the design and operation of a system for xenon liquefaction in which the condenser is separated from the liquid storage vessel. The condenser is…”
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    Precision Measurement of the Weak Mixing Angle in Moeller Scattering by Anthony, P.L., Bower, G., Erickson, R., Fieguth, T., Field, C., Keller, L., Olson, M., Pitthan, R., Saxton, O., Szalata, Z.M., Turner, J., Walz, D., Weber, T., Weisend, J., Woods, M., Arnold, R.G., Arroyo, C., Cahoon, J., Hicks, R.S., Kaufman, L.J.

    Published in Physical review letters (19-08-2005)
    “…We report on a precision measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry in fixed target electron-electron (Moeller) scattering: A{sub…”
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    High Resolution Spectroscopy of 12B_Lambda by Electroproduction by M. Iodice, F. Cusanno, A. Acha, P. Ambrozewicz, K.A. Aniol, P. Baturin, P.Y. Bertin, H. Benaoum, K.I. Blomqvist, W.U. Boeglin, H. Breuer, P. Brindza, P. Bydˇzovsk´y, A. Camsonne, C.C. Chang, J.-P. Chen, Seonho Choi, E.A. Chudakov, E. Cisbani, S. Colilli, L. Coman, B.J. Craver, G. De Cataldo, C.W. de Jager, R. De Leo, A.P. Deur, C. Ferdi, R.J. Feuerbach, E. Folts, R. Fratoni, S. Frullani, F. Garibaldi, O. Gayou, F. Giulani, J. Gomez, M. Gricia, J.O. Hansen, D. Hayes, D.W. Higinbotham, T.K. Holmstrom, C.E. Hyde, H.F. Ibrahim, X. Jiang, L.J. Kaufman, K. Kino, B. Kross, L. Lagamba, J.J. LeRose, R.A. Lindgren, M. Lucentini, D.J. Margaziotis, P. Markowitz, S. Marrone, Z.E. Meziani, K. McCormick, R.W. Michaels, D.J. Millener, T. Miyoshi, B. Moffit, P.A. Monaghan, M. Moteabbed, C. Munoz Camacho, S. Nanda, E. Nappi, V.V. Nelyubin, B.E. Norum, Y. Okasyasu, K.D. Paschke, C.F. Perdrisat, E. Piasetzky, V.A. Punjabi, Y. Qiang, B. Raue, P.E. Reimer, J. Reinhold, B. Reitz, R.E. Roche, V.M. Rodriguez, A. Saha, F. Santavenere, A.J. Sarty, J. Segal, A. Shahinyan, J. Singh, S. ˇ Sirca, R. Snyder, P.H. Solvignon, M. Sotona, R. Subedi, V.A. Sulkosky, T. Suzuki, H. Ueno, P.E. Ulmer, G.M. Urciuoli, P. Veneroni, E. Voutier, B.B. Wojtsekhowski, X. Zheng, and C. Zorn

    Published in Physical review letters (01-07-2007)
    “…An experiment measuring electroproduction of hypernuclei has been performed in Hall A at Jefferson Lab on a $^{12}$C target. In order to increase counting…”
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    High resolution spectroscopy of $^{12}_\Lambda$ B by electroproduction by Iodice, M., Cusanno, F., Acha, A., Ambrozewicz, P., Aniol, K.A., Baturin, P., Bertin, P.Y., Benaoum, H., Blomqvist, K.I., Boeglin, W.U., Breuer, H., Brindza, P., Bydzovsky, P., Camsonne, A., Chang, C.C., Chen, J.-P., Choi, Seonho, Chudakov, E.A., Cisbani, E., Colilli, S., Coman, L., Craver, B.J., de Cataldo, G., de Jager, C.W., Deleo, R., Deur, A.P., Ferdi, C., Feuerbach, R.J., Folts, E., Fratoni, R., Frullani, S., Garibaldi, F., Gayou, O., Giulani, F., Gomez, J., Gricia, M., Hansen, J.O., Hayes, D., Higinbotham, D.W., Holmstrom, T.K., Hyde, C. E., Ibrahim, H.F., Jiang, X., Kaufman, L.J., Kino, K., Kross, B., Lagamba, L., Lerose, J.J., Lindgren, R.A., Lucentini, M., Margaziotis, D.J., Markowitz, P., Marrone, S., Meziani, Z.E., Mccormick, K., Michaels, R.W., Millener, D.J., Miyoshi, T., Moffit, B., Monaghan, P.A., Moteabbed, M., Munoz Camacho, C., Nanda, S., Nappi, E., Nelyubin, V.V., Norum, B.E., Okasyasu, Y., Paschke, K.D., Perdrisat, C.F., Piasetzky, E., Punjabi, V.A., Qiang, Y., Raue, B., Reimer, P.E., Reinhold, J., Reitz, B., Roche, R.E., Rodriguez, V.M., Saha, A., Santavenere, F., Sarty, A.J., Segal, J., Shahinyan, A., Singh, J., Sirca, S., Snyder, R., Solvignon, P.H., Sotona, M., Subedi, R., Sulkosky, V.A., Suzuki, T., Ueno, H., Ulmer, P.E., Urciuoli, G.M., Veneroni, P., Voutier, E., Wojtsekhowski, B.B., Zheng, X., Zorn, C.

    Published in Physical review letters (2007)
    “…An experiment measuring electroproduction of hypernuclei has been performed in Hall A at Jefferson Lab on a $^{12}$C target. In order to increase counting…”
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