Search Results - "Kasselmann, S."
HTR code package neutronics developments and benchmarks
Published in Nuclear engineering and design (01-06-2020)“…•Implementation of new spectrum code in HTGR comprehensive simulation code package HCP.•Implementation and verification of latest Dancoff factor calculation…”
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Verification of the HTR code package (HCP) as a comprehensive HTR steady state and transient safety analysis framework
Published in Nuclear engineering and design (01-04-2018)“…The HTR code package (HCP) allows for the simulation of several safety-related aspects of a High Temperature Reactor core in a highly integrated manner. HCP…”
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First results for fluid dynamics, neutronics and fission product behavior in HTR applying the HTR code package (HCP) prototype
Published in Nuclear engineering and design (01-09-2016)“…To simulate the different aspects of High Temperature Reactor (HTR) cores, a variety of specialized computer codes have been developed at Forschungszentrum…”
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Code-to-code comparison between TINTE and MGT for steady state scenario
Published in Nuclear engineering and design (01-10-2012)“…Based on the scenarios defined in the OECD-NEA benchmark “PBMR Coupled Neutronics/Thermal Hydraulics Transient Benchmark of the PBMR-400 Core Design”, a…”
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Test of CMS tracker silicon detector modules with the ARC readout system
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01-02-2004)“…The CMS tracker will be equipped with 16,000 silicon microstrip detector modules covering a surface of approximately 220 m 2 . For quality control, a compact…”
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Use of SANA experimental data for validation and verification of MGT-3D and a CFD porous media model for VHTR application
Published in Nuclear engineering and design (15-08-2016)“…This paper forces on the investigation of heat transfer including thermal conduction, thermal radiation and convection in atmospheric pressure in the pebble…”
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Development of a new nuclide generation and depletion code using a topological solver based on graph theory
Published in Nuclear engineering and design (01-09-2016)“…The problem of calculating the amounts of a coupled nuclide system varying with time especially when exposed to a neutron flux is a well-known problem and has…”
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Test of CMS tracker silicon detector modules with the ARC system
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11-12-2004)“…The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker will be equipped with 16000 silicon microstrip detector modules covering a surface of approximately 200 m 2 . The APV Readout…”
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