Search Results - "Karila, Kirsti"

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  1. 1

    A Nordic Perspective on Early Childhood Education and Care Policy by Karila, Kirsti

    Published in European journal of education (01-12-2012)
    “…The national policies and historical roots of early childhood education (ECE) vary from society to society. In the Nordic countries, early childhood education…”
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  2. 2

    Multi-professional teamwork in Finnish early childhood education and care by Karila, Kirsti, Kupila, Päivi

    “…This article analyses the theoretical, practical, and political interpretations of multi-professional teamwork in Finnish early childhood education and care…”
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    Enrolling the child in private early childhood education and care in the context of universal service provision by Alasuutari, Maarit, Ruutiainen, Ville, Karila, Kirsti

    Published in Education Inquiry (02-01-2024)
    “…Finland has traditionally had a universal early childhood education and care (ECEC) system like the other Nordic countries, but in the last 15 years this…”
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  4. 4

    Selectivity of clientele in finnish private early childhood education and care by Ruutiainen, Ville, Alasuutari, Maarit, Karila, Kirsti

    “…In accordance with the Nordic welfare model, the Finnish early childhood education and care (ECEC) system has traditionally been based on public provision and…”
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  5. 5

    A matter of universalism? Rationalities of access in Finnish early childhood education and care by Fjällström, Salla, Karila, Kirsti, Paananen, Maiju

    “…Universal access to early childhood education and care (ECEC) has become a policy goal in many countries. In comparing and categorising national ECEC systems,…”
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  6. 6

    Millaiset normit kehystävät työelämää koskevia ratkaisuja pienten lasten vanhempien puheessa? by Järventausta, Eeva, Paananen, Maiju, Karila, Kirsti

    Published in Työelämän tutkimus (Verkkoaineisto) (15-06-2021)
    “…Tässä artikkelissa tarkastelemme, minkälaisten kulttuuristen normien kontekstissa pienten lasten vanhemmat tekevät työelämään osallistumista ja lastenhoitoa…”
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    Rationalising public support for private early childhood education and care: the case of Finland by Ruutiainen, Ville, Alasuutari, Maarit, Karila, Kirsti

    Published in British journal of sociology of education (02-01-2020)
    “…In Finland, early childhood education and care (ECEC) is traditionally publicly provided. However, private ECEC provision has increased during the past decade,…”
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    Neighborhood-based factors predicting attendance of early childhood education and care in a universal system: A case of Finland by Fjällström, Salla, Paananen, Maiju, Karila, Kirsti

    “…This study investigates neighborhood-based predictors of attending early childhood education and care (ECEC) in a universal ECEC system. We used child-specific…”
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  9. 9

    Time and Temporality in Early Childhood Education and Care Work by Hjelt, Hanna, Karila, Kirsti, Kupila, Päivi

    “…We explore time and temporality within the work life context of Finnish early childhood education and care professionals. Temporality is a key element of…”
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  10. 10

    Stabilise, balance and adjust—Framing the early years transitions of children whose parents work non‐standard hours by Peltoperä, Kaisu, Siippainen, Anna, Karila, Kirsti

    Published in International journal of social welfare (01-07-2023)
    “…This study examined talk by parents about the early years transitions of their children (n = 7) in the context of parental non‐standard working hours and…”
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    Enrichment and safety -the parents of young children constructing early childhood education and care institution in Finland by Kivimäki, Mirka, Karila, Kirsti, Alasuutari, Maarit

    “…Parents` significance in early childhood education and care (ECEC) is emphasized in the research, but primarily from the perspective of ECEC professionals…”
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    Discourses at the boundary spaces: developing a fluent transition from preschool to school by Karila, Kirsti, Rantavuori, Laura

    Published in Early years (London, England) (02-10-2014)
    “…This article examines the preschool-school transition in the Finnish school system from institutional and professional perspectives. It takes place in a…”
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  14. 14

    A Finnish viewpoint on professionalism in early childhood education by Karila, Kirsti

    “…This article discusses professionalism in early childhood education through the analytical tool of a research-based multi-level perspective that sees this as a…”
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    Varhaisvuosien opettajat käsityö- ja teknologiakasvatuksen osaamistaan arvioimassa ja kehittämässä by Kirsti Karila, Sini Leikkola

    “…Artikkelissa tarkastellaan varhaiskasvatuksen käsityökasvatukseen ja teknologiakasvatukseen liittyvää ammatillista osaamista pohjautuen ammattilaisten…”
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    Framing the Picture of the Child by Alasuutari, Maarit, Karila, Kirsti

    Published in Children & society (01-03-2010)
    “…The paper studies the forms that are used in planning for a child’s early childhood education and care in Finnish day care from the perspectives of social…”
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    Varhaiskasvatustyön johtamisen paradoksit by Hanna Hjelt, Kirsti Karila

    “…Artikkelissa tutkitaan varhaiskasvatuksen johtajuuden rakentumista ja siihen liittyvien jännitteiden hallintaa analysoimalla päiväkodin johtajien työstään…”
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    Epistemic governance in local policy debates: The case of entitlement to early childhood education and care in Finland by Paananen, Maiju, Alasuutari, Maarit, Karila, Kirsti, Siippainen, Anna

    “…In Finland, children below school age have enjoyed the right to attend subsidised full-time early childhood education and care (ECEC). However, the attendance…”
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    Transition practices as an arena for the development of relational expertise by Rantavuori, Laura, Karila, Kirsti, Kupila, Päivi

    Published in Teacher development (15-03-2019)
    “…This article explores relational expertise in boundary crossing in the context of the transition from preschool to primary school. The need to increase…”
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  20. 20

    Varhaiskasvatustyön paikantuminen työntekijöiden puheessa by Hanna Hjelt, Kirsti Karila

    Published in Työelämän tutkimus (Verkkoaineisto) (01-09-2019)
    “…Artikkelissa analysoidaan sitä, miten varhaiskasvatustyö paikantuu varhaiskasvatuksen ammattilaisten puheessa ja miten ammattilaiset merkityksellistävät työnsä…”
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