Search Results - "Karen da Silva Santos"
Palliative care in primary health care: scoping review
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-01-2020)“…Objective: to map the available evidence on the main topics investigated in palliative care in primary health care. Method: scoping review type study carried…”
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Women and leprosy: interferences and experiences
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-01-2021)“…Objective: to know the interferences of leprosy in women's lives and how they reinvent themselves in coping with the disease. Method: a descriptive study with…”
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Analyzers of Support Practices in Humanization and Permanent Health Education
Published in Paidéia cadernos de Psicologia e Educação (2022)“…Abstract The National Policies of Humanization and Permanent Health Education (PHE) have shown advances and setbacks in their historical process. Some concepts…”
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The Work of Nurses in Primary Health Care: Crossings of the New Public Management
Published in Healthcare (Basel) (26-05-2023)“…The literature in the field of health management mentions a concept called new public management (NPM), introduced in Brazil and France at the end of the 20th…”
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Within-bloom shift in abundance of a wild pollinator mediates pollen deposition rates to blueberry
Published in Basic and applied ecology (01-11-2023)“…•Southern highbush blueberry stigmatic pollen loads were higher during early compared to late bloom, concordant with a decline in pollinator abundance.•Wild…”
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Experiences of social stigma of people living with Hansen's disease in Brazil: silencing, secrets and exclusion
Published in International health (28-03-2024)“…Hansen's disease is a chronic, infectious and transmissible disease that is considered a public health problem in Brazil. Hansen's disease is marked by stigma…”
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Violence in the Nursing Workplace in the Context of Primary Health Care: A Qualitative Study
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (31-08-2023)“…Violence demands considerable attention due to its complexity and social consequences. The objective of this study was to analyze violence in the nursing…”
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Homeless people: health aspects and experiences with health services
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-01-2021)“…to analyze the understanding of homeless people living in a city in the countryside of São Paulo about what health is and about their experiences in health…”
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Pollen collection by honey bee hives in almond orchards indicate diverse diets
Published in Basic and applied ecology (01-11-2022)“…•The quantity of almond pollen collected by honey bee hives increases with almond flower abundance.•Non-almond pollen is a complementary resource in the honey…”
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Work and Leprosy: women in their pains, struggles and toils
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (2018)“…To analyze the interference of leprosy in women's life regarding work and daily life activities. Exploratory qualitative study developed from semi-structured…”
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Integrative review of literature: nursing care to aged people with HIV
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (2018)“…To identify evidences in scientific Brazilian literature on nursing care to aged people with HIV. Integrative review of literature from databases: Latin…”
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O conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde sobre vacinação de pessoas vivendo com HIV – uma revisão integrativa
Published in Escola Anna Nery revista de enfermagem (2022)“…Resumo Objetivo Identificar evidências na literatura acerca do conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde sobre vacinação das pessoas vivendo com HIV. Método…”
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Meaning of leprosy for people who have experienced treatment during the sulfonic and multidrug therapy periods
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-08-2015)“…to analyze the meanings of leprosy for people treated during the sulfonic and multidrug therapy periods. qualitative nature study based on the Vigotski's…”
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Repply: Integrative review of literature: nursing care to aged people with HIV
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (2018)“…Dear Editor, I would like to request clarification of the authors on the points raised in the article reading - Integrative review of literature: nursing care…”
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Apoio matricial em saúde mental infantojuvenil na Atenção Primária à Saúde: pesquisa intervenção socioclínica institucional
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (2021)“…RESUMO Objetivo Analisar o apoio matricial para equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família em relação à Saúde Mental em Crianças e Adolescentes. Método…”
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Série histórica dos casos de hanseníase em menores de 15 anos em um estado do nordeste brasileiro
Published in Hansenologia internationalis (30-11-2016)“…Objetivo: Analisar a série histórica dos casos de hanseníase em menores de 15 anos em Alagoas, no período de 1995 a 2013. Materiais e Métodos: Tratase de…”
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Avaliação das incapacidades físicas em ex-portadores de hanseníase da época do isolamento compulsório
Published in Hansenologia internationalis (30-11-2013)“…A hanseníase afeta milhares de brasileiros anualmente, destes um número significativo apresenta graus de incapacidade física I e II. O Objetivo deste estudo…”
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Analyzers of Support Practices in Humanization and Permanent Health Education/Analisadores de Praticas de Apoio em Humanizacao e Educacao Permanente em Saude/Analizadores de Practicas de Apoyo en Humanizacion y Educacion en Salud Permanente
Published in Paidéia cadernos de Psicologia e Educação (01-01-2022)“…The National Policies of Humanization and Permanent Health Education (PHE) have shown advances and setbacks in their historical process. Some concepts from the…”
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Matrix support in children's mental health in Primary Health Care: institutional socio-clinical intervention research
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (2021)“…To analyze matrix support for Family Health Strategy teams in relation to Mental Health in Children and Adolescents. This is a research-intervention with a…”
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Published in Revista baiana de enfermagem (04-12-2018)“…Objetivo: avaliar a coprevalência da hanseníase em contatos com idade compreendida entre 5 e 15 anos. Método: estudo descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa,…”
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