Search Results - "Kardiman"

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  1. 1

    Relationship between stomatal density, size and speed of opening in Sumatran rainforest species by Kardiman, Reki, Ræbild, Anders

    Published in Tree physiology (01-05-2018)
    “…Abstract Recent studies have suggested that an association between size and speed of stomatal opening of stomata within taxa is likely to play a role in…”
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    Interfacial Engineering Using Low-Temperature Indium Sulfide Electron-Transporting Material for Efficient Sn-Based Perovskite Solar Cells by Widianto, Eri, Riswan, Muhammad, Driyo, Cipto, Fauji, Najmudin, Kardiman, Hakim, Muhammad Fahmi, Nursam, Natalita Maulani, Santoso, Iman

    Published in Journal of electronic materials (01-12-2024)
    “…The urgent necessity to remove dangerous lead from the commonly used metal halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) requires the exploration of effective and…”
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    Published in Jurnal Trias Politika (15-04-2022)
    “…Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data atau informasi untuk dianalisis secara mendalam mengenai Strategi Pengembangan Pariwisata di Geosite Batu Kasah…”
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    Analisis Kekuatan Struktur Komposit Honeycomb Sandwich Berpenguat Serat Sabut Kelapa Dan Serat Karbon by Putut Praditya Ananto, Kardiman Kardiman

    Published in Patria Artha Technological Journal (01-11-2023)
    “…Komposit merupakan suatu bahan yang terbentuk dari dua atau lebih campuran material baku dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh sifat-sifat fisik dan mekanis yang…”
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    Development of Controversial Issues Learning Models in Improving Student's Critical Thinking Skills by Raharjo, Solihatin, Etin, Maiwan, Moh, Kardiman, Yuyus

    Published in Studies in Learning and Teaching (31-12-2023)
    “…This research aims to develop a learning model for controversial issues in Civic Education at Jakarta State University to enhance students' critical thinking…”
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    Pengembangan RPP Revisi 2019 Dengan Model Pembelajaran Aktif, Inovatif, Kreatif, Efektif dan Menyenangkan by Kardiman, Kardiman, Pangestika, Rintis Rizkia, Nurhidayati, Nurhidayati

    Published in Jurnal Educatio FKIP UNMA (28-06-2022)
    “…Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) adalah rencana pelakasanaan pembelajaran yang akan selalu berubah mengikuti perubahan perkembangan zaman dan berpedoman…”
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    Optimization of Non-fullerene Organic Photovoltaics Through Interface Engineering with Graphene Oxide: A Numerical Simulation by Fauji, Najmudin, Kardiman, Efelina, Vita, Hakim, Muhammad Fahmi, Suci, Farradina Choria, Hanifi, Rizal, Gusniar, Iwan Nugraha, Widianto, Eri

    Published in Journal of electronic materials (01-03-2024)
    “…In bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) organic photovoltaics (OPVs), non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs) have lately surpassed their fullerene counterparts in photovoltaic…”
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    Evaluation of the Phytochemical, Total Phenolic Content, and Antioxidant Activity of Banto Grass ( Leersia hexandra ) Using an Ecological and Ethnobotanical Approach by Farma, Siska Alicia, Kardiman, Reki, Selaras, Ganda Hijrah, Annisa, Novia

    Published in BIO web of conferences (01-01-2024)
    “…Banto ( Leersia hexandra ) is an essential plant for the Minangkabau people. Banto grass is a weed plant that easily grows anywhere. This plant can live in…”
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    Perbedaan Keanekaragaman Jenis Semut (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Pada Dua Tipe Habitat di Taman Wisata Alam Lembah Harau by Putri, Anggun Rafila, Nugraha, Fitra arya Dwi, Kardiman, Reki, Satria, Rijal

    Published in Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas (24-11-2023)
    “…A total of 11 species belonging to 10 genera, 3 subfamilies with a total of 133 individual litter ants were collected at the Lembah Harau Nature Tourism Park…”
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    Restoration of tropical rain forest success improved by selecting species for specific microhabitats by Kardiman, Reki, Afriandi, Roki, Schmidt, Lars Holger, Ræbild, Anders, Swinfield, Tom

    Published in Forest ecology and management (28-02-2019)
    “…•Experimental planting with 38 species over 8 ha degraded lowland Sumatran forest.•Survival was 41% two years after planting with mean growth of 32.5 cm…”
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    Pendampingan Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 bagi Guru Taman Kanak-Kanak di Kabupaten Bekasi by Raharjo, Maiwan, Kardiman, Yuyus

    Published in Perduli (22-11-2021)
    “…Salah satu tantangan pembelajaran dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 adalah bagaimana penanaman nilai-nilai karakter yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai agama dan nilai-nilai…”
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    Analisis Potensi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Photovoltaic-Wind Turbines Di Pantai Sedari Karawang by Widianto, Eri, Santoso, Dian Budhi, Kardiman, Kardiman, Fauji, Najmudin

    “…Pembangkit listrik tenaga surya dan angin merupakan pembangkit listrik berbasis energi terbarukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konfigurasi…”
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    Initial stomatal conductance increases photosynthetic induction of trees leaves more from sunlit than from shaded environments: a meta-analysis by Kang, Huixing, Yu, Yuan, Ke, Xinran, Tomimatsu, Hajime, Xiong, Dongliang, Santiago, Louis, Han, Qingmin, Kardiman, Reki, Tang, Yanhong

    Published in Tree physiology (05-11-2024)
    “…Abstract It has long been held that tree species/leaves from shaded environments show faster rate of photosynthetic induction than species/leaves from sunlit…”
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    Analisis Sifat Mekanik Terhadap Bentuk Morfologi Papan Komposit Sekam Padi Sebagai Material Alternatif Pengganti Serat Kaca by Kardiman, Kardiman, Marno, Marno, Sumarjo, Jojo

    “…ABSTRAKPengembangan material komposit menuntut terciptanya material yang lebih ramah lingkungan. Salah satunya yaitu dengan pemanfaatan serat alam sebagai…”
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    Karakterisasi Pasir Besi Alam Pantai Samudera Baru dan Pemanfaatannya sebagai Filler pada Sistem Penyaring Elektromagnetik by Widianto, Eri, Kardiman, Kardiman, Fauji, Najmudin

    “…Telah dilakukan karakterisasi pasir besi alam Pantai Samudera Baru Karawang dan aplikasinya sebagai filler pada penyaring elektromagnetik. Sampel pasir pantai…”
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    Pemesinan Pada Produksi Mesin Pencacah Sabut Kelapa Sawit di PT. XYZ by Samsul Mu’arif, Kardiman

    Published in Jurnal serambi engineering (Online) (12-01-2024)
    “…A coconut fiber chopping machine or often called a coconut fiber decomposing machine is a very important tool in the production process. Its main function is…”
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    Perancangan Mesin Hammer Mill pada Aplikasi Pengolah Garri Mobile di PT. XYZ by Shalahudin Akmarullah, Kardiman

    Published in Jurnal serambi engineering (Online) (22-12-2023)
    “…This study presents the design of a mobile hammer mill machine for processing Garri, a popular cassava-based food product, at PT. XYZ. The objective of the…”
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    Published in Rotor: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin (09-11-2022)
    “…One of the main components in the rice husk grinding machine is the frame. The frame is the most important fundamental part, especially for use in machinery,…”
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    Skenario Model Optimalisasi Pendapatan Daerah dari Pengelolaan Sampah Kota Semarang by Jaya, R Clarrio Dimassetya, Widayati, Tri, Eka Kardiman, Maman

    Published in Riptek (07-06-2022)
    “…Persoalan sampah merupakan tanggung jawab bersama antara Pemerintah, dunia usaha, dan masyarakat, sehingga pengelolaannya pun harus dilakukan secara sinergis…”
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