Search Results - "Kamenev, A.A"
The Effect of Accumulation on the Characteristics of Video Information Systems in Various Detection Modes
Published in 2019 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies (FarEastCon) (01-10-2019)“…The effect of the accumulation time on the generalized signal-to-noise ratio of video information systems in various modes is considered. It is stated the…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Effect of Eu doping and partial oxygen isotope substitution on magnetic phase transitions in [.sub.0.7][Ca.sub.0.3]Co[O.sub.3] cobaltites
Published in Journal of experimental and theoretical physics (01-02-2014)“…We study experimentally and theoretically the effect of Eu doping and partial oxygen isotope substitution on the transport and magnetic characteristics and…”
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Journal Article -
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes by catalytic conversion of methane: Competition between active components of catalyst
Published in Carbon (New York) (2007)“…Catalytic growth of carbon nanotubes from methane was studied as competitive catalytic process in situ of both oxidative (partial oxidation) and non-oxidative…”
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Journal Article -
Epitaxial phase stabilisation phenomena in rare earth manganites
Published in Thin solid films (03-12-2001)“…Using injection, powder-flash and band-flash MOCVD techniques, epitaxial thin films of Nd, Ho, Y, Tm, Dy and Lu manganites were prepared. The formation of…”
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Journal Article -
Epitaxial variant structures of the perovskite manganites with the high tunnel magnetoresistance
Published in Journal of crystal growth (15-02-2005)“…We have found that single-crystal substrates of ZrO 2(Y 2O 3) with (0 0 1) and (1 1 1) orientation are suitable for the growth of (1 1 0) perovskite films of…”
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Journal Article