Search Results - "Kalousek, Miljenko"
Hyperacute Subarachnoid Hemorrhage on T2-Weighted MR Images
Published in American journal of neuroradiology : AJNR (01-03-2003)“…We describe a case of hyperacute subarachnoid and intraventricular hemorrhage from a ruptured aneurysm, which occurred while the patient was undergoing MR…”
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Unusual appearance of a cisternal hydatid cyst
Published in American journal of neuroradiology : AJNR (2003)“…We herein describe a case of an isolated multilocular hydatid cyst occurring in the basilar cisterns, with nondependent levels of different signal intensities…”
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Cerebral Cysticercosis and Echinococcosis: a Preoperative Diagnostic Dilemma
Published in Archives of medical research (01-11-2002)“…Seven cases of neurocysticercosis and three cases of neuroechinococcosis with symptoms of elevated intracranial pressure requiring urgent neurosurgical…”
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Cerebral Cysticercosis and Echinococcosis
Published in Archives of medical research (01-11-2002)Get full text
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"Neuroimaging" metode (CT i MRI) u dijagnostici moždanog udara
Published in Acta clinica Croatica (01-10-2002)Get full text
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Occult papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland with unusual neurologic symptoms
Published in Liječnički vjesnik (01-03-2003)“…We present a patient who had progressive cognitive decline and Jackson epileptic seizures and CT scan of nonspecific multiple cortical lesions. Post mortem…”
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Metode slikovnog prikaza u dijagnostici moždanog udara
Published in Acta clinica Croatica (01-10-2004)Get full text
Conference Proceeding -
Recommendations for management of patients with cerebral stroke. Part Two: Primary and secondary prevention of cerebral stroke
Published in Liječnički vjesnik (01-11-2003)“…Despite the enormous progress done in the course of last years in diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of stroke patients, prevention is still main strategy…”
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Recommendations for care of patients with cerebral accident. Part One: Organization of care for patients with cerebral accidents, treatment of cerebral accident and neurorehabilitation
Published in Liječnički vjesnik (01-07-2003)“…Stroke is the leading cause of disability in modern society. In developed countries stroke is the second or the third cause of death, and in Croatia it is the…”
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Snimanje mozga magnetskom rezonancom i neuropsihologijsko testiranje u jednojajčanih blizanaca nesukladnih na shizofreniju
Published in Acta clinica Croatica (01-12-2003)“…Snimanje mozga magnetskom rezonancom (MR), nedefinirani (soft) neurološki znaci, neuropsihologijsko i psihologijsko testiranje osobnosti primijenjeni su na…”
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Magnetska rezonanca mozga i magnetska angiografija u zbrinjavanju bolesnika s ishemijskim moždanim udarom u vertebrobazilarnoj cirkulaciji
Published in Acta clinica Croatica (01-09-2005)“…Vertebrobazilarna okluzija je za život opasno stanje koje zahtijeva brzu dijagnostičku obradu i terapiju. Suvremene metode magnetske rezonance (MR) mozga,…”
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Intrakranijski venski angiomi - prikaz slučaja
Published in Acta clinica Croatica (01-06-2005)“…Prikazana su dva slučaja intrakranijskih venskih angioma, jedan u 42-godišnje žene i drugi u 27-godišnjeg muškarca. Intrakranijski venski angiomi, također…”
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Utjecaj duhačkih instrumenata na dentoalveolno područje i bimaksilarne odnose
Published in Acta stomatologica Croatica (15-06-1978)“…Ortodontski efekti duhačkih inctrumenata relativno malo su istraživani, posebno od naših autora. U prikazanom radu vrednovali smo djelovanje instrumenata te…”
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Recommendations for Stroke Management
Published in Acta clinica Croatica (01-06-2001)Get full text
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Panhipopituitarizam u 45-godišnje bolesnice: prikaz slučaja
Published in Acta clinica Croatica (01-12-2005)“…Prikazuje se slučaj 45-godišnje bolesnice s neliječenim panhipopituitarizmom. Hipopituitarizam je rijedak poremećaj koji obilježava manjak više hormona…”
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Procjena cerebrovaskularne bolesti magnetskom rezonancijom mozga i magnetskom angiografijom
Published in Acta clinica Croatica (01-12-2003)“…Magnetska rezonancija (MR) mozga je važna tehnika prikazivanja u procjeni ishemijskih promjena moždanoga parenhima. Magnetskom angiografijom (MRA) se birajući…”
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Utjecaj oktreotida na lučenje hormona rasta u bolesnika s akromegalijom
Published in Acta clinica Croatica (03-09-2001)“…Većina adenoma hipofize koji luče hormon rasta zadrže osjetljivost na somatostatin i njegove analoge. Ispitivano je akutno djelovanje oktreotida, sintetskog…”
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Vrijednost CT-a mozga u hitnoj službi: retrospektivna analiza
Published in Acta clinica Croatica (01-03-2004)“…Cilj ove studije bila je evaluacija i radiološko-klinička korelacija CT pretraga mozga u hitnoj službi. Tijekom dvogodišnjeg razdoblja (1. siječnja 2001. - 31…”
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