Search Results - "KELLERER, A. M"
Distinct frequency of ret rearrangements in papillary thyroid carcinomas of children and adults from Belarus
Published in International journal of cancer (05-01-1999)“…Rearrangements of the ret oncogene were investigated in papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTC) from 51 Belarussian children with a mean age of 3 years at the time…”
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Computation of cell survival in heavy ion beams for therapy. The model and its approximation
Published in Radiation and environmental biophysics (01-02-1997)“…A simplified method for the calculation of mammalian cell survival after charged particle irradiation is presented that is based on the track structure model…”
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Heavy Ion RBE and Microdosimetric Spectra
Published in Radiation protection dosimetry (01-01-2002)“…Reliable values for the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of the complex field of heavy ions is essential for radiation therapy with carbon beams…”
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Induction of Malignant Bone Tumors in Radium-224 Patients: Risk Estimates Based on the Improved Dosimetry
Published in Radiation research (01-01-2000)“…Nekolla, E.A., Kreisheimer, M., Kellerer, A.M., Kuse-Isingschulte, M., Gössner, W. and Spiess, H. Induction of Malignant Bone Tumors in Radium-224 Patients:…”
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Translocation t(10;14)(q11.2;q22.1) fusing the kinectin to the RET gene creates a novel rearranged form (PTC8) of the RET proto-oncogene in radiation-induced childhood papillary thyroid carcinoma
Published in Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) (01-06-2000)“…Evaluation of 20 cases of radiation-induced childhood papillary thyroid carcinoma using fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrated the presence of clonal…”
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Neutron RBE for Induction of Tumors with High Lethality in Sprague-Dawley Rats
Published in Radiation research (01-10-2000)“…Wolf, C., Lafuma, J., Masse, R., Morin, M. and Kellerer, A. M. Neutron RBE for Induction of Tumors with High Lethality in Sprague-Dawley Rats. The…”
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Risk estimates for radiation-induced cancer--the epidemiological evidence
Published in Radiation and environmental biophysics (01-03-2000)“…The risk of low-dose radiation exposures has--for a variety of reasons--been highly politicised. This has led to a frequently exaggerated perception of the…”
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Lung Cancer Mortality among Male Nuclear Workers of the Mayak Facilities in the Former Soviet Union
Published in Radiation research (01-07-2000)“…Kreisheimer, M., Koshurnikova, N. A., Nekolla, E., Khokhryakov, V. F., Romanow, S. A., Sokolnikov, M. E., Shilnikova, N. S., Okatenko, P. V. and Kellerer, A…”
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On the conversion of solid cancer excess relative risk into lifetime attributable risk
Published in Radiation and environmental biophysics (01-12-2001)“…Risk coefficients representing the lifetime radiation-induced cancer mortality (or incidence) attributable to an exposure to ionizing radiation, have been…”
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Options for the modified radiation weighting factor of neutrons
Published in Radiation protection dosimetry (01-01-2004)“…The recent ICRP Report 92 has noted that the current radiation weighting factor, wR, depends on the energy of the incident neutrons in a manner that differs…”
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Microdosimetry: Reflections on Harald Rossi
Published in Radiation protection dosimetry (01-01-2002)“…This and twelve previous Symposia reflect the evolution of microdosimetry, a field of research that has determined major new developments in radiation…”
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Error bands for the linear-quadratic dose-effect relation
Published in Radiation and environmental biophysics (01-07-2003)“…Least square or maximum likelihood fits to the linear-quadratic dose-effect relation are common in experimental radiobiology and in radio-epidemiology. The fit…”
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Risk Estimation for Fast Neutrons with Regard to Solid Cancer
Published in Radiation research (01-12-2001)“…Kellerer, A. M. and Walsh, L. Risk Estimation for Fast Neutrons with Regard to Solid Cancer. Radiat. Res. 156, 708–717 (2001). In the absence of…”
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The Southern Urals radiation studies. A reappraisal of the current status
Published in Radiation and environmental biophysics (01-12-2002)“…In the late 1940s and early 1950s the nuclear workers of the Mayak Production Association in the Southern Urals were exposed to high doses from gamma-rays and…”
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Malignancies in Patients Treated with High Doses of Radium-224
Published in Radiation research (01-12-1999)“…Predominantly from 1945 to 1955, a group of patients in Germany was treated with multiple injections of the short-lived α-particle emitter ^{224}{\rm Ra}$. The…”
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Cytogenetic changes in radiation-induced tumors of the thyroid
Published in Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) (1999)“…Thyroid carcinoma incidence is increased significantly after ionizing irradiation; however, the possible mechanisms have not yet been identified. To provide…”
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Risk quantification
Published in Radiation and environmental biophysics (01-04-2003)Get full text
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Lung cancer mortality among nuclear workers of the Mayak facilities in the former Soviet Union. An updated analysis considering smoking as the main confounding factor
Published in Radiation and environmental biophysics (01-07-2003)“…A new analysis of lung cancer mortality in a cohort of male Mayak workers who started their employment in the plutonium and reprocessing plants between 1948…”
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The European Radiobiology Archives (ERA)—content, structure and use illustrated by an example
Published in Radiation protection dosimetry (01-04-2006)“…The European Radiobiology Archives (ERA), supported by the European Commission and the European Late Effect Project Group (EULEP), together with the US…”
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