Search Results - "KATZ, Stephen L"
Quantifying effects of abiotic and biotic drivers on community dynamics with multivariate autoregressive (MAR) models
Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-12-2013)“…Long-term ecological data sets present opportunities for identifying drivers of community dynamics and quantifying their effects through time series analysis…”
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Sixty years of environmental change in the world's largest freshwater lake - Lake Baikal, Siberia
Published in Global change biology (01-08-2008)“…High-resolution data collected over the past 60 years by a single family of Siberian scientists on Lake Baikal reveal significant warming of surface waters and…”
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Modeling the trophic impacts of invasive zooplankton in a highly invaded river
Published in PloS one (01-12-2020)“…The lower Columbia River (Washington and Oregon, USA) has been heavily invaded by a large number of planktonic organisms including the invasive copepod…”
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Shifting regimes and changing interactions in the Lake Washington, U.S.A., plankton community from 1962-1994
Published in PloS one (22-10-2014)“…Understanding how changing climate, nutrient regimes, and invasive species shift food web structure is critically important in ecology. Most analytical…”
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Freshwater Habitat Restoration Actions in the Pacific Northwest: A Decade's Investment in Habitat Improvement
Published in Restoration ecology (01-09-2007)“…Across the Pacific Northwest (PNW), both public and private agents are working to improve riverine habitat for a variety of reasons, including improving…”
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Data system design alters meaning in ecological data: salmon habitat restoration across the U.S. Pacific Northwest
Published in Ecosphere (Washington, D.C) (01-11-2019)“…As an increasing variety and complexity of environmental issues confront scientists and natural resource managers, assembling the most relevant and informative…”
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Reconciling conflict between the direct and indirect effects of marine reserve protection
Published in Environmental conservation (01-09-2012)“…No-take marine reserves directly promote the recovery of predatory species, which can have negative indirect effects on prey populations in reserves. When…”
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Observational Evidence of Spatial and Temporal Structure in a Sympatric Anadromous (Winter Steelhead) and Resident Rainbow Trout Mating System on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington
Published in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (1900) (01-05-2007)“…We documented the spawning distribution and male mating tactics of sympatric anadromous rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (winter steelhead) and resident…”
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Influence of long-distance climate teleconnection on seasonality of water temperature in the world's largest lake--Lake Baikal, Siberia
Published in PloS one (16-02-2011)“…Large-scale climate change is superimposed on interacting patterns of climate variability that fluctuate on numerous temporal and spatial scales--elements of…”
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Primary production and habitat stability organize marine communities
Published in Global ecology and biogeography (01-01-2021)“…Aim The emergence of pattern in the natural world can carry important messages about underlying processes. For example, collections of broadly similar…”
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Design of heterothermic muscle in fish
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-08-2002)“…Among the tremendous diversity of fish, there are a small number that are considered elite in their swimming performance. These include representatives from…”
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Stream Restoration in the Pacific Northwest: Analysis of Interviews with Project Managers
Published in Restoration ecology (01-09-2007)“…Hundreds of millions of dollars per year are spent on river restoration in the Pacific Northwest (PNW), but little is known about the effectiveness of this…”
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The “Melosira years” of Lake Baikal: Winter environmental conditions at ice onset predict under-ice algal blooms in spring
Published in Limnology and oceanography (01-11-2015)“…Winter primary production in seasonally ice-covered lakes historically has not been well studied, but it is increasingly recognized as an important component…”
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Response of Commercial Ships to a Voluntary Speed Reduction Measure: Are Voluntary Strategies Adequate for Mitigating Ship-Strike Risk?
Published in Coastal management (01-11-2012)“…Collisions between ships and whales are an increasing concern for endangered large whale species. After an unusually high number of blue whales (Balaenoptera…”
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Is habitat restoration targeting relevant ecological needs for endangered species? Using Pacific Salmon as a case study
Published in Ecosphere (Washington, D.C) (01-07-2015)“…Conservation and recovery plans for endangered species around the world, including the US Endangered Species Act (ESA), rely on habitat assessments for data,…”
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Trophic status of a non-native crayfish in an oligotrophic lake: bottom-up view of a mixed warmwater and coldwater sport fishery food web
Published in Lake and reservoir management (02-10-2019)“…Loffredo JR, Moore BC, Lee RW, Katz SL, Cross BK. 2019. Trophic status of a non-native crayfish in an oligotrophic lake: Bottom-up view of a mixed warmwater…”
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Muscle Dynamics in Fish during Steady Swimming
Published in American zoologist (01-09-1998)“…Recent research in fish locomotion has been dominated by an interest in the dynamic mechanical properties of the swimming musculature. Prior observations have…”
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The Challenges of Tracking Habitat Restoration at Various Spatial Scales
Published in Fisheries (01-05-2010)“…Evaluating the ecological effectiveness of the hundreds of millions of dollars invested to recover Pacific Northwest salmon has a number of prerequisites—…”
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Assessing marine plankton community structure from long-term monitoring data with multivariate autoregressive (MAR) models: a comparison of fixed station versus spatially distributed sampling data
Published in Limnology and oceanography, methods (01-01-2012)“…We examined how marine plankton interaction networks, as inferred by multivariate autoregressive (MAR) analysis of time‐series, differ based on data collected…”
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Enhanced power in yellowfin tuna
Published in Nature (London) (12-04-2001)Get full text
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