Search Results - "Küster, Mathias"
Natural history collections recapitulate 200 years of faunal change
Published in Royal Society open science (14-04-2021)“…Changing species assemblages represent major challenges to ecosystems around the world. Retracing these changes is limited by our knowledge of past…”
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A search for shocked quartz grains in the Allerød-Younger Dryas boundary layer
Published in Meteoritics & planetary science (01-03-2015)“…The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis suggests that multiple airbursts or extraterrestrial impacts occurring at the end of the Allerød interstadial resulted in…”
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Late Pleistocene and Holocene terrestrial geomorphodynamics and soil formation in northeastern Germany: a review of geochronological data
Published in Physical geography (03-09-2019)“…This study is based on 616 geochronological ages from aeolian and colluvial sediments as well as paleosols, representing the largest database of…”
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Aeolian sands and buried soils in the Mecklenburg Lake District, NE Germany: Holocene land-use history and pedo-geomorphic response
Published in Geomorphology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (15-04-2014)“…The present study is a pedo-geomorphic approach to reconstructing Holocene aeolian sand dynamics in the Mecklenburg Lake District (NE Germany)…”
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Palaeosols and their cover sediments of a glacial landscape in northern central Europe: Spatial distribution, pedostratigraphy and evidence on landscape evolution
Published in Catena (Giessen) (01-10-2020)“…•The largest local record of palaeosols in northern central Europe is presented.•Most palaeosols are Cambisols, Arenosols and Gleysols.•A share of 9% of the…”
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Multi-decadal lake-level dynamics in north-eastern Germany as derived by a combination of gauging, proxy-data and modelling
Published in Journal of hydrology (Amsterdam) (01-10-2015)“…•Pronounced hydrological changes have been detected in northern central Europe.•Focus is on lake-level dynamics of the last c. 100years.•Data from gauging,…”
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Late Quaternary evolution of rivers, lakes and peatlands in northeast Germany reflecting past climatic and human impact – an overview
Published in Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart (05-07-2012)“…Die Kenntnis der regionalen Paläohydrologie ist eine wesentliche Grundlage für das Verständnis aktueller Umweltfragen, wie zum Beispiel nach den Gründen von…”
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Littoral landforms and pedosedimentary sequences indicating late Holocene lake-level changes in northern central Europe — A case study from northeastern Germany
Published in Geomorphology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (01-07-2014)“…A multidisciplinary study was carried out at Lake Großer Fürstenseer See (LFS) in order to explore the potential of littoral sediments, palaeosols and…”
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Bw horizon in Holocene slope deposits (Kratzeburg, NE Germany) – dating and pedological characteristics
Published in Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart (01-01-2015)“…Eine Boden-Sediment-Sequenz in Nordostdeutschland liefert Informationen zu Dauer und Intensität der Bodenbildung eines Bv-Horizontes in holozänen…”
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Thermal Neutron Detection in Mixed Neutron-Gamma Fields With Common NaI(Tl) Detectors
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-08-2022)“…NaI(Tl) scintillators can detect thermal neutrons with surprising efficiency, even in the presence of ambient gamma radiation. This is due to a peculiarity of…”
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Bw horizon in Holocene slope deposits (Kratzeburg, NE Germany) – dating and pedological characteristics
Published in Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart (11-12-2015)“…Eine Boden-Sediment-Sequenz in Nordostdeutschland liefert Informationen zu Dauer und Intensität der Bodenbildung eines Bv-Horizontes in holozänen…”
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Late Glacial and Holocene aeolian sands and soil formation from the Pomeranian outwash plain (Mecklenburg, NE-Germany)
Published in Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart (10-07-2010)“…Anhand von zwei Dünenprofilen wird die Art, Dauer und Intensität von spätglazialen und holozänen Flugsand- und Bodenbildungen innerhalb des Pommerschen…”
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Geoarchaeological evidence of Holocene human impact and soil erosion on a till plain in Vorpommern (Kühlenhagen, NE-Germany)
Published in Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart (17-11-2011)“…Geoarchäologische Untersuchungen im Bereich eines glazigenen Solls verweisen auf den holozänen menschlichen Einfluss auf einer Grundmoränenplatte in Vorpommern…”
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Neutron Counting in Mixed Neutron-Gamma Fields with Common NaI(Tl) Detectors
Published in 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) (16-10-2021)“…Iodine-comprising scintillators as NaI(Tl) are capable of detecting thermal neutrons with surprising efficiency, even in the presence of ambient gamma…”
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