Search Results - "Kóczy, László Á"

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  1. 1

    Power Indices When Players can Commit to Reject Coalitions by Kóczy, László Á.

    Published in Homo oeconomicus (01-08-2016)
    “…Power indices have been used to evaluate the allocation of power in a wide range of voting situations. While they use the language of game theory, known…”
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    Computing power indices for weighted voting games via dynamic programming by Staudacher, Jochen, Kóczy, László Á., Stach, Izabella, Filipp, Jan, Kramer, Marcus, Noffke, Till, Olsson, Linus, Pichler, Jonas, Singer, Tobias

    Published in Operations research and decisions (2021)
    “…We study the efficient computation of power indices for weighted voting games using the paradigm of dynamic programming. We survey the state-of-the-art…”
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    The coalition structure core is accessible by Kóczy, László Á., Lauwers, Luc

    Published in Games and economic behavior (01-07-2004)
    “…For each (individually rational) payoff configuration of a TU-game with a non-empty coalition structure core there exists a finite sequence of successively…”
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    Editorial by gó, Ferenc, Kóczy, László Á, Pintér, Miklós

    “…Issue Title: Special Issue on SING8 conference Budapest AND Special Issue on VOCAL and Hungarian OR Conference…”
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    Core-stability over networks with widespread externalities by Kóczy, László Á.

    Published in Annals of operations research (01-11-2022)
    “…The Covid-19 epidemic highlighted the significance of externalities: contacts with other people affect the chances of getting infected for our entire network…”
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    Brexit and power in the Council of the European Union by Kóczy, László Á

    Published in Games (01-06-2021)
    “…The exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union has had profound economic and political effects. Here, we look at a particular aspect, the power…”
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    Modeling transfer profits as externalities in a cooperative game-theoretic model of natural gas networks by Csercsik, Dávid, Hubert, Franz, Sziklai, Balázs R., Kóczy, László Á.

    Published in Energy economics (01-05-2019)
    “…Existing cooperative game theoretic studies of bargaining power in gas pipeline systems are based on the so called characteristic function form (CFF). This…”
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    The equivalence of the minimal dominant set and the myopic stable set for coalition function form games by Herings, P. Jean-Jacques, Kóczy, László Á.

    Published in Games and economic behavior (01-05-2021)
    “…In cooperative games, the coalition structure core is, despite its potential emptiness, one of the most popular solutions. While it is a fundamentally static…”
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    Nord Stream 2: A prelude to war by Kóczy, László Á., Csercsik, Dávid, Sziklai, Balázs R.

    Published in Energy strategy reviews (01-11-2022)
    “…To understand the impact of keeping Nord Stream 2 off the map, we model the European natural gas market from the point of view of supply security. Focusing on…”
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    Exits from the European Union and their effect on power distribution in the council by Petróczy, Dóra Gréta, Rogers, Mark Francis, Kóczy, László Á

    Published in Games (01-02-2022)
    “…Debates on an EU-leaving referendum arose in several member states after Brexit. We want to highlight how the exit of an additional country affects the power…”
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    The power ranking of the members of the Agricultural Committee of the European Parliament by Fertő, Imre, Kóczy, László Á, Kovács, Attila, Sziklai, Balázs R

    Published in European review of agricultural economics (01-12-2020)
    “…Abstract We aim to identify the most influential members of the Agricultural Committee of the European Parliament (COMAGRI). Unlike previous studies that were…”
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    Does risk sorting explain overpricing in experimental asset markets? by Kiss, Hubert J., Kóczy, László Á., Pintér, Ágnes, Sziklai, Balázs R.

    “…•Filtering out risk-averse investors is practiced widely in Europe.•We sort subjects into markets by risk attitude and test its effect on overpricing.•Markets…”
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    Efficiency and Stability in Electrical Power Transmission Networks: a Partition Function Form Approach by Csercsik, Dávid, Kóczy, László Á.

    Published in Networks and spatial economics (01-12-2017)
    “…The users of electricity networks are organized into groups where the production and consumption of electricity is in balance. We study the formation of these…”
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    Bounds on Malapportionment by Kóczy, László Á., Sziklai, Balázs R.

    Published in Operations research letters (01-05-2018)
    “…Uniformly sized constituencies give voters similar influence on election outcomes. When constituencies are set up, seats are allocated to the administrative…”
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    A recursive core for partition function form games by KOCZY, Laszlo A

    Published in Theory and decision (01-08-2007)
    “…We present a well-defined generalisation of the core to coalitional games with externalities, where the value of a deviation is given by an endogenous…”
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    Beyond Lisbon: Demographic trends and voting power in the European Union Council of Ministers by Koczy, Laszlo A

    Published in Mathematical social sciences (01-03-2012)
    “…Decision making has become slow in the 27-member European Union and the Treaty of Nice distributed power in a somewhat arbitrary way. The Lisbon Treaty makes…”
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