Search Results - "Julien Perret"
Post-crystallization alteration of natural uraninites: Implications for dating, tracing, and nuclear forensics
Published in Geochimica et cosmochimica acta (15-03-2019)“…•Post-crystallization interactions between uraninites and fluids can result in strong chemical (major, minor, trace element) and isotopic (U-Pb-O)…”
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An open-source, QGIS-based solution for digital geological mapping: GEOL-QMAPS
Published in Applied computing and geosciences (01-12-2024)“…Digital geological mapping has experienced significant growth over the past three decades due to the advent of commercial geographical information systems,…”
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Automatic vectorization of historical maps: A benchmark
Published in PloS one (15-02-2024)“…Shape vectorization is a key stage of the digitization of large-scale historical maps, especially city maps that exhibit complex and valuable details. Having…”
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A hidden Markov model for matching spatial networks
Published in Journal of spatial information science (27-06-2019)“…Datasets of the same geographic space at different scales and temporalities are increasingly abundant, paving the way for new scientific research. These…”
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Historical Collaborative Geocoding
Published in ISPRS international journal of geo-information (01-07-2018)“…The latest developments in the field of digital humanities have increasingly enabled the construction of large data sets which can be easily accessed and used…”
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A Generic Model to Exploit Urban Regulation Knowledge
Published in ISPRS international journal of geo-information (01-02-2016)“…The Right to Build is defined by textual elements that determine what an owner can build on a parcel. Such regulations contain elements that can influence the…”
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Modalities of Medical Assistance to Populations in French Role 1 Facilities From January 2020 to December 2021
Published in Military medicine (27-02-2024)“…ABSTRACT Introduction Medical assistance to populations (MAP) is a rich and varied activity, but it is not well known, and its modalities are inconsistent and…”
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A scalable and multi-purpose point cloud server (PCS) for easier and faster point cloud data management and processing
Published in ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing (01-05-2017)“…[Display omitted] In addition to more traditional geographical data such as images (rasters) and vectors, point cloud data are becoming increasingly available…”
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Roads and cities of 18th century France
Published in Scientific data (15-09-2015)“…The evolution of infrastructure networks such as roads and streets are of utmost importance to understand the evolution of urban systems. However, datasets…”
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La géomatique au service de la caractérisation automatique des réseaux hydrographiques
Published in Physio-géo (01-01-2008)“…Analyzing territorial phenomena is made easier today by Geographical Information Systems, which make it possible to integrate within the same platform…”
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Neurophysiological correlates of cognitive absorption in an enactive training context
Published in Computers in human behavior (01-05-2014)“…•Neurophysiological variables doubled the explained variance.•We find that cognitive absorption is positively related to a more relaxed, less vigilant…”
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Parcel Manager: A parcel reshaping model incorporating design rules of residential development
Published in Transactions in GIS (01-09-2022)“…Parcels are the smallest units of land usually considered for urban development purposes. Analyses at the parcel level allow taking into account the…”
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Subvertical, linear and progressive deformation related to gold mineralization at the Galat Sufar South deposit, Nubian Shield, NE Sudan
Published in Journal of structural geology (01-06-2020)“…The Galat Sufar South (GSS) gold deposit (Block 14, NE Sudan) is located within a complexly deformed zone at the junction between the Keraf Shear Zone and the…”
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Pyrite as a microtextural and geochemical tracer of ore-forming processes, Central Zone orogenic gold deposit, Gabgaba District, Sudan
Published in Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists (01-08-2023)“…Gold deposition in structurally controlled deposits is triggered by changes in the mineralizing fluid conditions. Recent research has demonstrated that in…”
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Automatic vectorization of historical maps: A benchmark
Published in PloS one (01-01-2024)“…Shape vectorization is a key stage of the digitization of large-scale historical maps, especially city maps that exhibit complex and valuable details. Having…”
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3D urban data to assess local urban regulation influence
Published in Computers, environment and urban systems (01-03-2018)“…Systematically assessing the influence of new urban plans is an important challenge for designing them efficiently. In this paper, we propose a method to…”
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Tectonic record and gold mineralization in the central part of the Neoproterozoic Keraf suture, Gabgaba district, NE Sudan
Published in Journal of African earth sciences (1994) (01-09-2021)“…The central Keraf suture recorded complex lithospheric-scale deformation associated with the formation of the Neoproterozoic Arabian-Nubian shield and hosts…”
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La biodiversité à l’épreuve des choix d’aménagement : une approche par la modélisation appliquée à la Région Occitanie
Published in Sciences eaux & territoires la revue du Cemagref (01-01-2020)“…Le manque de vision et de coordination territoriales est souvent mis en cause pour expliquer les difficultés pratiques auxquelles se heurte l’application de la…”
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Generating urban morphologies at large scales
Published 15-03-2019“…At large scales, typologies of urban form and corresponding generating processes remain an open question with important implications regarding urban planning…”
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Quels sont les effets des dynamiques urbaines sur les dynamiques écologiques ? Intégrer les enjeux de la séquence ERC dans la planification territoriale par la modélisation ; application à la région Occitanie
Published in Sciences eaux & territoires la revue du Cemagref (15-01-2020)“…Le manque de vision et de coordination territoriales est souvent mis en cause pour expliquer les difficultés pratiques auxquelles se heurte l’application de la…”
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