Search Results - "Juárez Azpilcueta, A"

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  1. 1

    Abdomen agudo in utero, gastrosquisis etiológica y consumo de cocaína materna. Reporte de caso by Juárez Azpilcueta, A, Rivera, A.M, Islas, L.P, Duran, M.A, Tellez, S.E

    “…Resumen El onfalocele y la gastrosquisis son defectos de la pared abdominal (DPA) más frecuentes. Ambos necesitan un diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento…”
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    Sarcoma osteogénico en gestante adolescente by Juárez Azpilcueta, A, Tellez Ortiz, S.E, Duran Padilla, M.A, Islas Dominguez, L.P, Rivera Hoyos, A.M

    “…Resumen La incidencia de cáncer en una mujer embarazada es un evento relativamente poco frecuente, la asociación de tumor óseo, embarazo y adolescencia es en…”
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    Tumoraciones anexiales en el embarazo, parto y puerperio by Juárez Azpilcueta, A, Rivera, A.M, Duran, M.A, Islas, L.P, Téllez, S.E, Buitrón, R

    “…Resumen Objetivo Evaluar la frecuencia de tumor anexial en el embarazo, parto o puerperio, la histología tumoral y los resultados perinatales. Pacientes y…”
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    Cirugía cardíaca por triple lesión valvular y embarazo en gestante añosa. Presentación de un caso clínico y revisión de la literatura médica by Juárez Azpilcueta, A, Tellez Ortiz, S.E, Islas Domínguez, L.P, Durán Padilla, M.A, Buitrón García, R

    “…Resumen Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente de sexo femenino, de 39 años de edad, la cual cursó con cardiopatía reumática crónica inactiva con secuelas…”
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    Síndrome de Rothmund-Thompson (poiquilodermia atrofica congénita) en mujer gestante by Juárez Azpilcueta, A, Islas Domínguez, L.P, Rivera Hoyos, A.M, Tellez Ortiz, S.E, Duran Padilla, M.A

    “…Resumen El síndrome de poiquilodermia congénita también denominado síndrome de Rothmund-Thompson es una rara genodermatosis de carácter autosómico recesivo por…”
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    Embarazo exitoso y rara asociación en gestante cardiópata con transposición de grandes vasos by Juárez Azpilcueta, A, Tellez Ortiz, S.E, Islas Domínguez, L.P, Rivera Hoyos, A.M

    “…Resumen Las mujeres que actualmente se encuentran en edad reproductiva constituyen las primeras generaciones supervivientes al tratamiento quirúrgico…”
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    Corazón univentricular fetal by Juarez-Azpilcueta, A, Duran-Padilla, M.A, Leon, G, Islas-Dominguez, Luis P, Tellez Ortiz, S.E, Rivera Hoyos, A.M, Cruz Diaz, J

    “…Resumen El corazón univentricular es una cardiopatía congénita poco frecuente. Constituye un 2% del total de las cardiopatías congénitas. Se caracteriza por la…”
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    Current concepts on human papillomavirus infection by Garfias Cano, R, Villarreal Peral, C, Juárez Azpilcueta, A

    Published in Ginecologia y obstetricia de Mexico (01-12-1995)
    “…The human papilloma virus presents a multidimensional problem for gynecologist and urologist. The human papilloma virus infection (HPVI) incidence has been…”
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    Human papillomavirus infection in male genitalia by Cano Garfias, R, Villarreal Peral, C, Juárez Azpilcueta, A

    Published in Ginecologia y obstetricia de Mexico (01-10-1995)
    “…A prospective and transversal study in 100 patients since January to December of 1994, was done, to know the human papiloma virus infection prevalence in male…”
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    Twin pregnancy complicated by one intrauterine fetal death. Report of a case and review of the literature by Chen, F J, Villarreal Peral, C, Juárez Azpilcueta, A

    Published in Ginecologia y obstetricia de Mexico (01-08-1995)
    “…The intrauterine fetal death in a gemelar pregnancy is a rare complication with an incidence from 0.5 to 6.8% of all gemelar pregnancies with a conservative…”
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  13. 13

    Ectopic pregnancy in abdominal cavity. Report of a case and review of the literature by Villarreal Peral, C, Juárez Azpilcueta, A, Chen, F J

    Published in Ginecologia y obstetricia de Mexico (01-01-1995)
    “…A case of ectopic pregnancy in peritoneal cavity is presented, the clinic evolution and the resolution are mentioned a world literature revision was done…”
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  14. 14

    Heterologous adenosarcoma of the Müllerian ducts in adolescence. Presentation of clinical case and review of the literature by Juárez Azpilcueta, A, Villarreal Peral, C, Cacho Méndez, E, Chen, F J, Motta Martínez, E

    Published in Ginecologia y obstetricia de Mexico (01-09-1995)
    “…This is the case of a 16 years old female with an histopathologic diagnosis of mullerian heterologous adenosarcoma, a non-frequent entity in the adolescence…”
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  15. 15

    Spontaneous hepatic rupture during pregnancy. Report of a case. Review of the literature by Villarreal Peral, C, Juárez Azpilcueta, A, Chen, F J, Mejía, I

    Published in Ginecologia y obstetricia de Mexico (01-09-1995)
    “…The spontaneous hepatic rupture during pregnancy or puerperium has been reported as a rare complication, with an extraordinary severity. Usually it's a…”
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  16. 16

    Meningioma in pregnancy. Report of a case and review of the literature by Juárez Azpilcueta, A, Villarreal Peral, C, Dorian Giraldo, I, Chen, F J, Magaña Contreras, G

    Published in Ginecologia y obstetricia de Mexico (01-08-1995)
    “…We present a case of a young woman who presented with meningioma and pregnancy association. This neoplasm is not frequent during pregnancy but when this…”
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    Skin endometriosis in abdominal scar after cesarean section. Case report and review of the literature by Wong Chen, F J, Juárez Azpilcueta, A, Villareal Peral, C, Duarte Torres, R, Motta Martínez, E

    Published in Ginecologia y obstetricia de Mexico (01-05-1995)
    “…Scan endometriosis is a rare entity, commonly related after operation on the uterus or uterine tubes or a laparotomy procedure or other no pelvic surgical…”
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    Obstetrical hysterectomy. Retrospective study over the past 3 years. General Hospital of Mexico by Juarez Azpilcueta, A, Motta Martinez, E, Villarreal Peral, C, Wong Chen, F J, Valle Gay, A

    Published in Ginecologia y obstetricia de Mexico (01-01-1996)
    “…A retrospective, observational and analytical study about Obstetric-Hysterectomy on Hospital General of Mexico patients during a period of 3 years of study…”
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