Search Results - "José Luis Gutiérrez-Villanueva"
The Laboratory of Natural Radiation (LNR) – a place to test radon instruments under variable conditions of radon concentration and climatic variables
Published in Nukleonika (01-09-2016)“…The publication of the new European Union Basic Safety Standards represents a remarkable milestone in the field of radiological protection in terms of adding…”
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Radon measurements in public buildings in El Hierro, Canary Islands (Spain)
Published in Air quality, atmosphere and health (01-06-2021)“…After the underwater eruption that took place on the island of El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain) in 2012, there were significant increases in radon gas…”
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Published in Radiation protection dosimetry (01-11-2018)“…Radon-222, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, responsible together with its progeny of around 50% of the average effective dose received by the population,…”
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The first version of the Pan-European Indoor Radon Map
Published in Natural hazards and earth system sciences (05-11-2019)“…A hypothetical Pan-European Indoor Radon Map has been developed using summary statistics estimated from 1.2 million indoor radon samples. In this study we have…”
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Radiocarbon concentration in modern tree rings from Valladolid, Spain
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms (01-04-2010)“…New results of radiocarbon concentration in tree rings from the City of Valladolid (Spain) covering a growth period of 22 year have been measured using an AMS…”
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Radiactividad en aguas de consumo
Published in Revista de salud ambiental (01-12-2011)“…La directiva europea sobre calidad en el agua potable del año 2003 estableció los límites para los valores de los parámetros radiactivos. Esta directiva…”
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Radiactividad en aguas de consumo
Published in Revista de salud ambiental (01-12-2011)“…La directiva europea sobre calidad en el agua potable del año 2003 estableció los límites para los valores de los parámetros radiactivos. Esta directiva…”
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Suggestions for Improvements in National Radon Control Strategies of Member States Which Were Developed as a Requirement of EU Directive 2013/59 EURATOM
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (23-03-2022)“…Exposure to the indoor air pollutant radon is considered to be a significant health risk globally, as has been demonstrated by many studies over time. A recent…”
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Radioactivity in drinking water Radiactividad en aguas de consumo
Published in Revista de Salud Ambiental (01-12-2011)“…The European Directive on the quality of drinking water in 2003 establishing limits on the values of the radioactive parameters concerning the quality of…”
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