Search Results - "José Benesi, Fernando"
Evaluation of infrared thermography, force platform and filmed locomotion score as non-invasive diagnostic methods for acute laminitis in zebu cattle
Published in PloS one (06-07-2020)“…This study aimed to characterize oligofructose-induced laminitis in zebu cattle and comparatively evaluate four different diagnostic methods for laminitis. A…”
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The Effects of Pre-Storage Leukoreduction on the Conservation of Bovine Whole Blood in Plastic Bags
Published in Biology (Basel, Switzerland) (04-12-2020)“…Leukoreduction (LR) is a technique that consists of reducing the number of leukocytes in whole blood or blood components that can contribute to decreasing…”
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Occurrence of anemia in Holstein calves in the first month after birth
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-05-2019)“…The high mortality rates of calves has encouraged research of the physiological mechanisms that control birth and adaptation of newborns to extrauterine life,…”
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Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy for caseous lymphadenitis abscesses in sheep: Report of ten cases
Published in Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy (01-03-2016)“…Highlights • We investigated the ability of APDT to treat caseous lymphadenitis abscesses. • The average time of healing was 15.3 days, much less than the…”
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Factors affecting immunoglobulin concentration in colostrum of healthy Holstein cows immediately after delivery
Published in Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (01-12-2011)“…This study analyzed the influence of the number of milkings, number of births, and udder quarter in immunoglobulin (Ig) concentration in the colostrum of…”
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Intradermal comparative cervical tuberculin test in the diagnosis of caprine tuberculosis
Published in Brazilian journal of microbiology (01-03-2022)“…Tuberculosis remains one of the most important infectious diseases with well-known zoonotic nature that affect humans, wildlife, and domestic animals,…”
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Viral DNA sequences in peripheral blood and vertical transmission of the virus: a discussion about BPV-1
Published in Brazilian journal of microbiology (01-11-2003)“…This study has detected BPV-1 DNA sequences in wart, blood and plasma samples collected from animals affected by papillomatosis, suggesting viral presence…”
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Cryptococcus gattii molecular type VGII infection associated with lung disease in a goat
Published in BMC veterinary research (07-02-2017)“…Cryptococcus gattii-induced cryptococcosis is an emerging infectious disease of humans and animals with worldwide distribution and public health importance due…”
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Power Doppler sonography in the assessment of neovascularization following surgical fracture repair in sheep: case report
Published in Brazilian journal of veterinary research and animal science (01-11-2017)“…Sonography is a safe and non-invasive imaging modality, with the added benefit of providing dynamic images. Power Doppler sonography allows blood vessel…”
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Cutaneous streptococcal abscess treated by photodynamic therapy
Published in African journal of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicines (01-01-2015)Get full text
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Release of hydrogen peroxide by phagocytes from bovine colostrum in the peripartum period
Published in Acta veterinaria Brno (01-09-2014)“…Changes in the composition of colostrum in the peripartum period focused on the neonate's immunity can minimize the response of the mammary gland before…”
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Estudo retrospectivo das afecções locomotoras em ruminantes atendidos na Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo entre 2000 e 2012
Published in Brazilian journal of veterinary research and animal science (17-08-2014)“…Foi realizado o estudo retrospectivo das afecções do sistema locomotor de ruminantes atendidos no Serviço de Clínica de Bovinos e Pequenos Ruminantes da…”
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Influência do uso da plasmaferese sobre o tempo de recuperação de caprinos doadores de sangue ou plasma
Published in Brazilian journal of veterinary research and animal science (01-10-2010)“…O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar a influência do uso da plasmaferese sobre o tempo de recuperação clínica e hematológica de caprinos doadores de sangue…”
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Evaluation of body temperature by infrared thermography in calves under different thermal states
Published in Acta veterinaria Brasílica (30-06-2024)“…The first 30 days of calves' life is a critical period for dairy farming due to the incidence of diseases that can result in high rates of mortality and…”
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Influência da refrigeração na análise hemogasométrica de sangue venoso caprino
Published in Brazilian journal of veterinary research and animal science (01-04-2010)“…Objetivando-se avaliar o efeito da refrigeração sobre o exame hemogasométrico, foram utilizados 14 caprinos machos, hígidos, mestiços, com cerca de quatro…”
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Influência dos fatores sexuais e etários sobre a proteína total, fração albumina e atividade sérica de aspartato-aminotransferase e gama-glutamiltransferase de ovinos da raça Santa Inês
Published in Brazilian journal of veterinary research and animal science (01-12-2009)“…O presente estudo estabelece valores de referência dos teores séricos de proteínas totais, albumina, AST e GGT em ovinos da raça santa Inês e avalia a…”
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Efeito da idade sobre o equilíbrio ácido-básico de bezerras sadias no primeiro mês de vida
Published in Brazilian journal of veterinary research and animal science (01-01-2002)“…Para investigar o efeito da idade sobre o equilíbrio ácido-básico de bovinos neonatos, colheram-se amostras de sangue venoso de 300 bezerras sadias da raça…”
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Valores de referência do leucograma de bovinos da raça Jersey criados no Estado de São Paulo
Published in Brazilian journal of veterinary research and animal science (2001)“…Estabeleceram-se os valores de referência do leucograma de bovinos da raça Jersey, criados no Estado de São Paulo, avaliando-se a influência exercida pelos…”
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Efeito de medicamentos indicados para a prevenção da mastite bovina no período seco sobre a função fagocítica in vitro de leucócitos do leite de caprinos
Published in Pesquisa veterinária brasileira (01-05-2010)“…O uso de medicamentos antimamíticos específicos para vacas no período seco é indicado para prevenção de infecções na lactação seguinte. Não obstante, a ação…”
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