Search Results - "Jones, Latasha"
A Qualitative Study of Health Equity’s Role in Community Coalition Development
Published in Health education & behavior (01-08-2024)“…Opioid overdose deaths are dramatically increasing in the United States and disproportionately affecting minority communities, with the increasing presence of…”
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Journal Article -
Barriers to Parental Involvement for Children at Risk
Published 2014“…For years researchers have been investigating the effects of parental involvement in middle school students. In the United States today, schools lack more in…”
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Dissertation -
Community coalition and key stakeholder perceptions of the community opioid epidemic before an intensive community-level intervention
Published in Journal of substance abuse treatment (01-07-2022)“…Opioid overdoses are a major public health emergency in the United States. Despite effective treatments that can save lives, access to and utilization of such…”
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Journal Article -
Race and Liberty in America: The Essential Reader
Published in Callaloo (01-07-2012)“…Jones reviews Race and Liberty in America: The Essential Reader by Jonathan Bean…”
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Book Review Journal Article -
Come on down to see for yourself: Southern railroad tracks as racial segregators—The case of Greenville, North Carolina
Published 01-01-2010“…Throughout American culture and through varying mediums, railroad tracks have been depicted as tropes of socioeconomic repression, technological development,…”
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Dissertation -
White male secondary science teachers, African American urban students, and culturally responsive pedagogy
Published 01-01-2007“…The purpose of this study is to examine the success of white male secondary science teachers with African American urban students. This research study is a…”
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Dissertation -
Come on down to see for yourself: Southern railroad tracks as racial segregators---The case of Greenville, North Carolina
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