Search Results - "Johnston, Olivia"
A systematic literature review of between-class ability grouping in Australia : Enduring tensions, new directions
Published in Issues in educational research (01-01-2023)“…Ability grouping of students into separate classes within a school can be called 'between-class ability grouping'. This practice has persisted in Australia…”
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Teenagers learn through play too : communicating high expectations through a playful learning approach
Published in Australian educational researcher (01-07-2023)“…Play-based learning is an approach used in early childhood education that is well supported by research on its varieties and effectiveness for young children's…”
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A decade of teacher expectations research 2008-2018 : Historical foundations, new developments, and future pathways
Published in The Australian journal of education (01-04-2019)“…This literature review critically synthesises 10 years of international teacher expectations research using a simplified 'expectation effect process' model…”
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Podfic: Queer structures of sound
Published in Transformative works and cultures (15-09-2020)“…Podfic is the fan practice of reading fan fiction aloud and sharing recordings with other fans. Podfic highlights how slash fan spaces are structurally queer,…”
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The effects of streaming in the secondary school on learning outcomes for Australian students : A review of the international literature
Published in The Australian journal of education (01-04-2016)“…This article reviews the international literature about streaming and the effects of this practice on the learning outcomes for secondary school students in…”
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Projecting student voice by constructing grounded theory
Published in Australian educational researcher (01-07-2021)“…Research methods that prioritise student experiences give students a voice and can provide new insights into how teachers' efforts are experienced by those who…”
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Community-Wide Distribution of a Catalytic Device to Reduce Winter Ambient Fine Particulate Matter from Residential Wood Combustion: A Field Study
Published in PloS one (30-11-2016)“…Residential wood combustion is the main source of elevated concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) during winter in many towns of Tasmania,…”
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An inter-species computational analysis of vibrotactile sensitivity in Pacinian and Herbst corpuscles
Published in Royal Society open science (01-04-2020)“…Vibration sensing is ubiquitous among vertebrates, with the sensory end organ generally being a multilayered ellipsoidal structure. There is, however, a wide…”
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Perceptions on the Legality of Sexting: A Report
Published in Social science computer review (01-12-2014)“…In many cases in today’s world, sexting has replaced sexually explicit letters or messages and one time sent through the postal service. However, whereas mail…”
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Student voices that resonate – Constructing composite narratives that represent students’ classroom experiences
Published in Qualitative research : QR (01-02-2023)“…Words and stories have the power to resonate with people. Composite narratives can be constructed using multiple participant accounts, representing their…”
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‘That teacher really likes me’ - Student-teacher interactions that initiate teacher expectation effects by developing caring relationships
Published in Learning and instruction (01-08-2022)“…Teacher expectations are associated with student academic achievement, but no research has generated new theory that explains how teacher expectation effects…”
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A systematic literature review of between-class ability grouping in Australia: Enduring tensions, new directions
Published in Issues in educational research (01-03-2023)“…Ability grouping of students into separate classes within a school can be called 'betweenclass ability grouping'. This practice has persisted in Australia…”
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A grounded theory about how teachers communicated high expectations to their secondary school students
Published in European journal of psychology of education (01-03-2024)“…High teachers’ expectations are associated with improved student academic achievement. However, no research explains how students experience their teachers’…”
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Teachers' Perspectives of Lower Secondary School Students in Streamed Classes--A Western Australian Case Study
Published in Educational studies (15-03-2018)“…Streaming in secondary schools is not beneficial for improving student outcomes of education with vast amounts of educational research indicating that it does…”
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‘Believe in me, and I will too’: a study of how teachers’ expectations instilled confidence in Grade 10 students
Published in Social psychology of education (01-12-2021)“…Teacher expectation research has continued to establish an association between what teachers expect of their students and what students accomplish…”
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Students' contrasting their experiences of teacher expectations in streamed and mixed ability classes: A study of Grade 10 students in Western Australia
Published in Research papers in education (04-07-2023)“…Many secondary schools sort students into 'ability'-based classes, but research shows that streaming students by ability is inequitable and does not improve…”
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The Equity of Class Ability Grouping Practices in Australian Education: Findings from a Survey in Western Australia and Queensland
Published in The Asia-Pacific education researcher (01-12-2024)“…Grouping students into separate classes according to their ‘ability’ is an inequitable practice that does not, overall, improve academic outcomes. Research has…”
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The effects of streaming in the secondary school on learning outcomes for Australian students - a review of the international literature
Published in The Australian journal of education (01-04-2016)“…This article reviews the international literature about streaming and the effects of this practice on the learning outcomes for secondary school students in…”
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The effects of streaming in the secondary school on learning outcomes for Australian students - a review of the international literature
Published in The Australian journal of education (01-04-2016)“…This article reviews the international literature about streaming and the effects of this practice on the learning outcomes for secondary school students in…”
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The effects of streaming in the secondary school on learning outcomes for Australian students : A review of the international literature
Published in The Australian journal of education (01-04-2016)“…This article reviews the international literature about streaming and the effects of this practice on the learning outcomes for secondary school students in…”
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