Search Results - "Johnson Shen, Megan"
Evidence of palliative care stigma: The role of negative stereotypes in preventing willingness to use palliative care
Published in Palliative & supportive care (01-08-2019)“…Although palliative care is critical to managing symptoms, pain, and transitions to end-of-life care among those facing serious or chronic illness, it is often…”
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Awareness and Misperceptions of Hospice and Palliative Care: A Population-Based Survey Study
Published in American journal of hospice & palliative medicine (01-03-2018)“…Background: Despite the documented benefits of palliative and hospice care on improving patients’ quality of life, these services remain underutilized…”
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The interactive effect of advanced cancer patient and caregiver prognostic understanding on patients' completion of Do Not Resuscitate orders
Published in Psycho-oncology (Chichester, England) (01-07-2018)“…Objective Advanced cancer patients' prognostic understanding is associated with completion of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders, which often represent engagement…”
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Responding empathically to patients: Development, implementation, and evaluation of a communication skills training module for oncology nurses
Published in Patient education and counseling (01-04-2016)“…Abstract Objective The purpose of this paper is to report on the development, implementation, and evaluation of a Communication Skills Training (CST) module…”
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Association between advanced cancer patient‐caregiver agreement regarding prognosis and hospice enrollment
Published in Cancer (15-09-2019)“…Background Patients with advanced, incurable cancer who understand their illness is incurable are more likely to prefer hospice care at the end of life…”
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Associations between Latino ethnicity and the use of emotional support and completion of advance directives
Published in Palliative & supportive care (01-06-2023)“…Latino patients have been shown to engage in advance care planning (ACP) at much lower rates than non-Latino White patients. Coping strategies, such as the use…”
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Predictors of Satisfaction With Doctor and Nurse Communication: A National Study
Published in Health communication (03-10-2017)“…Prior research indicates that effective communication between medical providers and patients is associated with a number of positive patient outcomes, yet…”
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An examination of Latino advanced cancer patients' and their informal caregivers' preferences for communication about advance care planning: A qualitative study
Published in Palliative & supportive care (01-06-2020)“…Latino-advanced cancer patients engage in advance care planning (ACP) at lower rates than non-Latino patients. The goal of the present study was to understand…”
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Oncology nurses' communication challenges with patients and families: A qualitative study
Published in Nurse education in practice (01-01-2016)“…The benefits of effective communication in an oncology setting are multifold and include the overall well-being of patients and health professionals, adherence…”
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The Intersectionality of Stigmas among Key Populations of Older Adults Affected by HIV: a Thematic Analysis
Published in Clinical gerontologist (15-03-2019)“…Objectives: The present study examined the intersectionality of stigma across varying groups of older persons living with HIV (PWH). Methods: Four focus groups…”
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Using Focus Group Feedback to Identify Patient-Centered Initiatives for Older Persons with HIV
Published in Clinical gerontologist (01-05-2022)“…Objectives: This study assessed how few community-based programs target older people living with HIV. Methods: We conducted four focus groups comprised of…”
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Lower Adherence: A Description of Colorectal Cancer Screening Barrier Talk
Published in Journal of health communication (02-01-2020)“…Understanding how patients and physicians discuss screening barriers may illuminate reasons for non-adherence to recommended colorectal cancer (CRC) screening…”
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Survivor guilt: The secret burden of lung cancer survivorship
Published in Journal of psychosocial oncology (03-09-2019)“…Objectives: Historically, long-term survival following diagnosis of lung cancer has been a rare occurrence. An overall poor prognosis and the low likelihood of…”
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A mixed‐methods examination of communication between oncologists and primary care providers among primary care physicians in underserved communities
Published in Cancer (15-03-2015)“…BACKGROUND Research has demonstrated that communication and care coordination improve cancer patient outcomes. To improve communication and care coordination,…”
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How much time is left? Associations between estimations of patient life expectancy and quality of life in patients and caregivers
Published in Supportive care in cancer (01-07-2019)“…Purpose It is unclear whether life-expectancy estimates of patients with advanced cancer and their caregivers are associated with patient existential, social,…”
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Structured Analysis of Empathic Opportunities and Physician Responses during Lung Cancer Patient-Physician Consultations
Published in Journal of health communication (02-09-2019)“…Despite the importance of empathic communication in cancer patient outcomes, the majority of opportunities to respond empathically to a patient's concern…”
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Cultural adaptation of meaning-centered psychotherapy for latino families: a protocol
Published in BMJ open (04-04-2022)“…IntroductionLiterature suggests couple-based interventions that target quality of life and communication can lead to positive outcomes for patients with cancer…”
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Disentangling the belief in God and cognitive rigidity/flexibility components of religiosity to predict racial and value-violating prejudice: A Post-Critical Belief Scale analysis
Published in Personality and individual differences (01-02-2013)“…► We examined two components of religiosity as predictors of prejudice. ► Cognitive flexibility most strongly predicted racial tolerance. ► Belief in God most…”
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A Content Analysis of Unique Selling Propositions of Tobacco Print Ads
Published in American journal of health behavior (01-03-2017)“…We describe the unique selling propositions (USPs) (propositions used to convince customers to use a particular brand/product by focusing on the unique…”
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Religiosity and Group-Binding Moral Concerns
Published in Archive for the psychology of religion (01-12-2017)“…Research by Graham and Haidt (2010) suggests that beliefs, rituals, and other social aspects of religion establish moral communities. As such, they suggest…”
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