Search Results - "John F. Pane"

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  1. 1

    Effectiveness of Cognitive Tutor Algebra I at Scale by Pane, John F., Griffin, Beth Ann, McCaffrey, Daniel F., Karam, Rita

    Published in Educational evaluation and policy analysis (01-06-2014)
    “…This article examines the effectiveness of a technology-based algebra curriculum in a wide variety of middle schools and high schools in seven states…”
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  2. 2

    Translating Standardized Effects of Education Programs Into More Interpretable Metrics by Baird, Matthew D., Pane, John F.

    Published in Educational researcher (01-05-2019)
    “…Evaluators report effects of education initiatives as standardized effect sizes, a scale that has merits but obscures interpretation of the effects' practical…”
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  3. 3

    Implementing an adaptive intelligent tutoring system as an instructional supplement by Phillips, Andrea, Pane, John F., Reumann-Moore, Rebecca, Shenbanjo, Oluwatosin

    “…Evidence is emerging that technology-based curricula and adaptive learning systems can personalize students' learning experiences and facilitate development of…”
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  4. 4

    Switching Cluster Membership in Cluster Randomized Control Trials: Implications for Design and Analysis by Schweig, Jonathan D., Pane, John F., McCaffrey, Daniel F.

    Published in Psychological methods (01-08-2020)
    “…Randomized control trials (RCTs) often use clustered designs, where intact clusters (such as classroom, schools, or treatment centers) are randomly assigned to…”
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  5. 5

    An Experiment to Evaluate the Efficacy of Cognitive Tutor Geometry by Pane, John F., McCaffrey, Daniel F., Slaughter, Mary Ellen, Steele, Jennifer L., Ikemoto, Gina S.

    “…This randomized, controlled field trial estimated the causal impact of a technology-based geometry curriculum on students' geometry achievement, as well as…”
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  6. 6

    Ahead of the Curve: Implementation Challenges in Personalized Learning School Models by Bingham, Andrea J., Pane, John F., Steiner, Elizabeth D., Hamilton, Laura S.

    Published in Educational policy (Los Altos, Calif.) (01-05-2018)
    “…In the current educational context, school models that leverage technology to personalize instruction have proliferated, as has student enrollment in, and…”
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  7. 7

    Student Log-Data from a Randomized Evaluation of Educational Technology: A Causal Case Study by Sales, Adam C., Pane, John F.

    “…Randomized evaluations of educational technology produce log data as a bi-product: highly granular data on student and teacher usage. These datasets could shed…”
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  8. 8

    Examining the implementation of technology-based blended algebra I curriculum at scale by Karam, Rita, Pane, John F., Griffin, Beth Ann, Robyn, Abby, Phillips, Andrea, Daugherty, Lindsay

    “…Studies on blended education pay little attention to implementation, thus limiting the understanding of how such programs contribute to student math learning…”
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  9. 9

    Intention-to-treat analysis in partially nested randomized controlled trials with real-world complexity by Schweig, Jonathan David, Pane, John F.

    “…Demands for scientific knowledge of what works in educational policy and practice has driven interest in quantitative investigations of educational outcomes,…”
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  10. 10

    Poor Implementation of Learner-Centered Practices: A Cautionary Tale by Ikemoto, Gina Schuyler, Steele, Jennifer L., Pane, John F.

    Published in Teachers College record (1970) (01-01-2016)
    “…Many school systems are adopting new curricula in response to more rigorous standards that require higher-order thinking skills. This article presents…”
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  11. 11

    Team Pay for Performance: Experimental Evidence From the Round Rock Pilot Project on Team Incentives by Springer, Matthew G., Pane, John F., Le, Vi-Nhuan, McCaffrey, Daniel F., Burns, Susan Freeman, Hamilton, Laura S., Stecher, Brian

    Published in Educational evaluation and policy analysis (01-12-2012)
    “…Education policymakers have shown increased interest in incentive programs for teachers based on the outcomes of their students. This article examines a…”
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  12. 12

    Ready for Fall? Near-Term Effects of Voluntary Summer Learning Programs on Low-Income Students' Learning Opportunities and Outcomes by McCombs, Jennifer Sloan, Pane, John F, Augustine, Catherine H, Schwartz, Heather L, Martorell, Paco

    Published 16-12-2014
    “…The Wallace Foundation’s National Summer Learning Study, conducted by RAND and launched in 2011, offers the first assessment of district-run voluntary summer…”
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  13. 13

    Mobile Technology and Action Teams: Assessing BlackBerry Use in Law Enforcement Units by Straus, Susan G., Bikson, Tora K., Balkovich, Edward, Pane, John F.

    Published in Computer supported cooperative work (01-02-2010)
    “…This research explores the effectiveness of mobile wireless information and communication technologies (ICTs) for law enforcement teams. Law enforcement teams…”
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  14. 14

    Effects of Student Displacement in Louisiana During the First Academic Year After the Hurricanes of 2005 by Pane, John F., McCaffrey, Daniel F., Kalra, Nidhi, Zhou, Annie J.

    “…The combined impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005 left the education system in the Gulf Coast region of the United States with tremendous challenges…”
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  15. 15

    Hurricane Katrina: A Longitudinal Study of the Achievement and Behavior of Displaced Students by Ward, Michael E., Shelley, Kyna, Kaase, Kristopher, Pane, John F.

    “…This study examined the achievement and behavior of Mississippi children displaced by Hurricane Katrina. The analysis disclosed differences in achievement and…”
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    Published in The annals of applied statistics (01-03-2019)
    “…Students in Algebra I classrooms typically learn at different rates and struggle at different points in the curriculum—a common challenge for math teachers…”
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  17. 17

    Studying the language and structure in non-programmers' solutions to programming problems by PANE, JOHN F., RATANAMAHATANA, CHOTIRAT “ANN”, MYERS, BRAD A.

    “…Programming may be more difficult than necessary because it requires solutions to be expressed in ways that are not familiar or natural for beginners. To…”
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  18. 18

    Student Log-Data from a Randomized Evaluation of Educational Technology: A Causal Case Study by Sales, Adam C, Pane, John F

    Published 09-09-2020
    “…Adam C. Sales & John F. Pane (2021) Student Log-Data from a Randomized Evaluation of Educational Technology: A Causal Case Study, Journal of Research on…”
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  19. 19

    How Curriculum and Classroom Achievement Predict Teacher Time on Lecture- and Inquiry-based Mathematics Activities by Julia H. Kaufman, Rita Karam, John F. Pane, Brian W. Junker

    “…This study drew on data from a large, randomized trial of Cognitive Tutor Algebra (CTA) in high-poverty settings to investigate how mathematics curricula and…”
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  20. 20

    How Curriculum and Classroom Achievement Predict Teacher Time on Lecture- and Inquiry-based Mathematics Activities by Julia H. Kaufman, Rita Karam, John F. Pane, Brian W. Junker

    “…This study drew on data from a large, randomized trial of Cognitive Tutor Algebra (CTA) in high-poverty settings to investigate how mathematics curricula and…”
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