Search Results - "Johansen, Øistein"
Droplet breakup in subsea oil releases – Part 2: Predictions of droplet size distributions with and without injection of chemical dispersants
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (15-08-2013)“…•Data from a new experimental facility for droplet breakup (Paper I).•Theory for droplet breakup and derivation of a model for droplet size prediction.•Model…”
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Natural dispersion revisited
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (15-04-2015)“…•Natural dispersion is a fundamental process defining the lifetime of marine oil spills.•The commonly used model to day rests on questionable empirical and…”
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Droplet breakup in subsurface oil releases – Part 1: Experimental study of droplet breakup and effectiveness of dispersant injection
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (15-08-2013)“…•Presents a unique experimental facility for studying subsurface releases of oil.•Droplets sizes monitored as a function of release conditions and oil…”
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Normalized concept for modelling effective soil thermal conductivity from dryness to saturation
Published in European journal of soil science (01-01-2020)“…Effective soil thermal conductivity (λ eff) is a critical parameter for environmental and earth science as well as engineering applications. Models to predict…”
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Large-scale basin testing to simulate realistic oil droplet distributions from subsea release of oil and the effect of subsea dispersant injection
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (01-02-2021)“…Small-scale experiments performed at SINTEF, Norway in 2011–12 led to the development of a modified Weber scaling algorithm. The algorithm predicts initial oil…”
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Modelling of oil thickness in the presence of an ice edge
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (01-07-2020)“…Oil slick thickness is a key parameter for the behaviour of oil spilled at sea. It influences evaporation and entrainment, viable response options, and the…”
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Combined releases of oil and gas under pressure; the influence of live oil and natural gas on initial oil droplet formation
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (01-03-2019)“…Both oil droplets and gas bubbles have simultaneously been quantified in laboratory experiments that simulate deep-water subsea releases of both live oil…”
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Subsea dispersants injection (SSDI), effectiveness of different dispersant injection techniques – An experimental approach
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (01-11-2018)“…The main objective with this study has been to study injection techniques for subsea dispersant injection (SSDI) to recommend techniques relevant for both…”
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Method for generating parameterized ecotoxicity data of dispersed oil for use in environmental modelling
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (01-10-2011)“…► Development of methodology to enable parameterization of toxicity data following exposure of test organisms to oil dispersions. ► Improving the value of…”
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Intercomparison of oil spill prediction models for accidental blowout scenarios with and without subsea chemical dispersant injection
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (15-07-2015)“…•We compare predictions from oil spill models for a prototype subsea blowout.•The comparison matrix varied the gas to oil ratio, depth, current speed, and…”
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Spreading of waxy oils on calm water
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (01-04-2018)“…The objective of this paper is to provide a simple extension of the much-used gravity spreading model for oil on calm water to account for the spreading…”
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Development and verification of deep-water blowout models
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (01-01-2003)“…Modeling of deep-water releases of gas and oil involves conventional plume theory in combination with thermodynamics and mass transfer calculations. The…”
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Shedding from chemically-treated oil droplets rising in seawater
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (01-06-2019)“…The degree to which droplet shedding (tip-streaming) can modify the size of rising oil droplets has been a topic of growing interest in relation to subsea…”
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DeepSpill––Field Study of a Simulated Oil and Gas Blowout in Deep Water
Published in Spill science & technology bulletin (01-01-2003)“…With the world’s increasing demand for oil and gas and dwindling onshore reserves, the need to exploit oil and gas has moved into deep water. This move brings…”
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DeepBlow – a Lagrangian Plume Model for Deep Water Blowouts
Published in Spill science & technology bulletin (01-01-2000)“…This paper presents a sub-sea blowout model designed with special emphasis on deep-water conditions. The model is an integral plume model based on a Lagrangian…”
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Development of a Numerical Model for Calculating Exposure to Toxic and Nontoxic Stressors in the Water Column and Sediment from Drilling Discharges
Published in Integrated environmental assessment and management (01-04-2008)“…EDITOR'S NOTE: This is 1 of 5 papers reporting on the results of a 4-year project to develop an environmental risk-based decision support tool, to assist the…”
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Biotransformation and dissolution of petroleum hydrocarbons in natural flowing seawater at low temperature
Published in Biodegradation (Dordrecht) (01-10-2004)“…The objective of this study was to establish methods for controlled studies of hydrocarbon depletion from thin oil films in cold natural seawater, and to…”
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Oil Spill Modeling towards the Close of the 20th Century: Overview of the State of the Art
Published in Spill science & technology bulletin (01-04-1999)“…The state-of-the-art in oil spill modeling is summarized, focusing primarily on the years from 1990 to the present. All models seek to describe the key…”
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Numerical model for estimation of pipeline oil spill volumes
Published in Environmental modelling & software : with environment data news (01-02-2006)“…The Minerals Management Service Pipeline Oil Spill Volume Estimation Model (POSVEM) is a computer-based methodology to estimate discharges from seafloor…”
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Norwegian Testing of Emulsion Properties at Sea––The Importance of Oil Type and Release Conditions
Published in Spill science & technology bulletin (01-01-2003)“…This paper is a review of the major findings from laboratory studies and field trials conducted in Norway in recent years on the emulsification of oils spilled…”
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