Search Results - "Jimenez, Jacinto Torres"
Training of a convolutional neural network for autonomous vehicle Driving
Published in 2022 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC) (09-11-2022)“…In the world of electric vehicles, autonomous driving symbolizes the present and future where research is mainly focused. This paper shows the process to…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Mathematical Approach to Improve the Thermoeconomics of a Humidification Dehumidification Solar Desalination System
Published in Mathematics (Basel) (01-01-2021)“…Water desalination presents a need to address the growing water-energy nexus. In this work, a literature survey is carried out, along an application of a…”
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Journal Article -
Small-signal Model for Dual-active-bridge Converter Considering Total Elimination of Reactive Current
Published in Journal of modern power systems and clean energy (01-03-2021)“…Emerging technologies such as electric vehicles, sol-id-state transformers, and DC transformers are implemented using the closed-loop bi-directional…”
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Journal Article -
Reliability nodal pricing considering CO2 emissions in a multi objective function
Published in Revista IEEE América Latina (01-10-2019)“…This paper proposes a pricing model based on reliability which considers CO2 emissions using a multi-objective optimization criterion. The model performs a…”
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Journal Article -
An Elitist Local Search Based Multi-objective Algorithm for Power Distribution System Reconfiguration
Published in Electric power components and systems (01-10-2016)“…This article proposes a new evolutionary algorithm for power distribution system reconfiguration considering a multi-objective optimization approach. The…”
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Journal Article -
Transmission expansion planning systems using algorithm genetic with multi-objective criterion
Published in Revista IEEE América Latina (01-03-2017)“…In this paper the problem of planning the expansion of the transmission network (PERT) by means of a genetic algorithm on principles of multi-objective…”
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Journal Article -
Aplicación para administrar clientes, cortes y generar fichas hotspot desarrollada con tecnología .NET
Published in Revista de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información (30-06-2022)“…This article shows the development of a custom-made Windows Forms desktop application that allows the management of users with their access permissions,…”
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Journal Article -
Behavioral Cloning Strategies in Steering Angle Prediction: Applications in Mobile Robotics and Autonomous Driving
Published in World electric vehicle journal (27-10-2024)“…Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are artificial intelligence techniques that have made autonomous driving more efficient and accurate; however, autonomous…”
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Journal Article -
Monitor de temperatura, ritmo cardiaco y ubicación enviando mensajes de texto a un teléfono celular
Published in Revista de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información (01-06-2021)“…In this research work, the development of an electronic device that allows reading the temperature, heart rate, and location of a person, and send this data by…”
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