Search Results - "Jiang, L. Crystal"
Absence Makes the Communication Grow Fonder: Geographic Separation, Interpersonal Media, and Intimacy in Dating Relationships
Published in Journal of communication (01-06-2013)“…Many people assume that it is challenging to maintain the intimacy of a long‐distance (LD) relationship. However, recent research suggests that LD romantic…”
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Predicting intentions to adopt safe home food handling practices. Applying the theory of planned behavior
Published in Appetite (01-02-2011)“…While most home cooks know about safe home food handling procedures, compliance is generally low and has not been much improved by campaigns. Foodborne disease…”
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The divided communities of shared concerns: Mapping the intellectual structure of e-Health research in social science journals
Published in International journal of medical informatics (Shannon, Ireland) (01-01-2015)“…Highlights • Social sciences have become an important approach to study e-Health. • But there is paucity of reviews on how social sciences contribute to…”
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Conversation Breeds Compliance: The Role of Intergenerational Communication in Promoting Preventive Behaviors against COVID-19 among Middle-Aged Parents in China
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (28-09-2021)“…This study aims to explore and compare the influences of two crucial information channels used by middle-aged parents-media and their adult children-on their…”
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The Disclosure-Intimacy Link in Computer-Mediated Communication: An Attributional Extension of the Hyperpersonal Model
Published in Human communication research (01-01-2011)“…The present research investigated whether the attribution process through which people explain self‐disclosures differs in text‐based computer‐mediated…”
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Lies in the Eye of the Beholder: Asymmetric Beliefs about One’s Own and Others’ Deceptiveness in Mediated and Face-to-Face Communication
Published in Communication research (01-12-2018)“…This article examines how people’s beliefs about deception in text-based media (i.e., email, instant messenger) and face-to-face communication are distorted by…”
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From Perception to Behavior: Disclosure Reciprocity and the Intensification of Intimacy in Computer-Mediated Communication
Published in Communication research (01-02-2013)“…This study proposes and tests a novel theoretical mechanism to explain increased self-disclosure intimacy in text-based computer-mediated communication (CMC)…”
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Self-disclosure to parents in emerging adulthood: Examining the roles of perceived parental responsiveness and separation–individuation
Published in Journal of social and personal relationships (01-06-2017)“…The parent–child relationship normally experiences a significant change during the transition from adolescence to adulthood. However, there is much left to…”
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Stigmatized portrayals of single women: a content analysis of news coverage on single women and single men in China
Published in Journal of gender studies (04-03-2017)“…This study explored the stigmatized portrayals of single womanhood in news media by content analyzing news coverage from Mainland China of single women and…”
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"Of and beyond medical consequences": Exploring health information scanning and seeking behaviors of Filipino domestic service workers in Hong Kong
Published in Health care for women international (02-08-2016)“…The increasing trend for women in developing countries to engage in international and temporary labor migration has exposed female migrant workers to health…”
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The expected and unexpected media effects on youth's (mis)perceptions of peer norms: Chinese college students' overestimation of peer smoking prevalence
Published in Chinese journal of communication (03-04-2017)“…Youth's perceptions of peer norms have profound effects on their attitudes and behaviors. Unfortunately, their perceptions of peers tend to be biased. To…”
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Counteracting indirect influence: the responses of single Chinese women to prejudicial media portrayals of single womanhood
Published in Chinese journal of communication (02-07-2016)“…Despite the increasing proportion of marriageable females who are single, the mass media still relegate unmarried womanhood to a stereotypical, second-tier…”
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Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Informatics in 2018
Published in Informatics (Basel) (09-01-2019)“…Rigorous peer-review is the corner-stone of high-quality academic publishing [...]…”
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