Search Results - "Jediny, F"

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  1. 1

    Constraints on Oscillation Parameters from ν e Appearance and ν μ Disappearance in NOvA by Adamson, P., Aliaga, L., Ambrose, D., Anfimov, N., Antoshkin, A., Arrieta-Diaz, E., Augsten, K., Aurisano, A., Backhouse, C., Baird, M., Bambah, B. A., Bays, K., Behera, B., Bending, S., Bernstein, R., Bhatnagar, V., Bhuyan, B., Bian, J., Blackburn, T., Bolshakova, A., Bromberg, C., Brown, J., Brunetti, G., Buchanan, N., Butkevich, A., Bychkov, V., Campbell, M., Catano-Mur, E., Childress, S., Choudhary, B. C., Chowdhury, B., Coan, T. E., Coelho, J. A. B., Colo, M., Cooper, J., Corwin, L., Cremonesi, L., Cronin-Hennessy, D., Davies, G. S., Davies, J. P., Derwent, P. F., Dharmapalan, R., Ding, P., Djurcic, Z., Dukes, E. C., Duyang, H., Edayath, S., Ehrlich, R., Feldman, G. J., Frank, M. J., Gabrielyan, M., Gallagher, H. R., Germani, S., Ghosh, T., Giri, A., Gomes, R. A., Goodman, M. C., Grichine, V., Group, R., Grover, D., Guo, B., Habig, A., Hartnell, J., Hatcher, R., Hatzikoutelis, A., Heller, K., Himmel, A., Holin, A., Hylen, J., Jediny, F., Judah, M., Kafka, G. K., Kalra, D., Kasahara, S. M. S., Kasetti, S., Keloth, R., Kolupaeva, L., Kotelnikov, S., Kourbanis, I., Kreymer, A., Kumar, A., Kurbanov, S., Lang, K., Lee, W. M., Lin, S., Liu, J., Lokajicek, M., Lozier, J., Luchuk, S., Maan, K., Magill, S., Mann, W. A., Marshak, M. L., Matera, K., Matveev, V., Méndez, D. P., Messier, M. D., Meyer, H., Miao, T., Miller, W. H.

    Published in Physical review letters (01-06-2017)
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  2. 2

    Measurement of the Neutrino Mixing Angle θ 23 in NOvA by Adamson, P., Aliaga, L., Ambrose, D., Anfimov, N., Antoshkin, A., Arrieta-Diaz, E., Augsten, K., Aurisano, A., Backhouse, C., Baird, M., Bambah, B. A., Bays, K., Behera, B., Bending, S., Bernstein, R., Bhatnagar, V., Bhuyan, B., Bian, J., Blackburn, T., Bolshakova, A., Bromberg, C., Brown, J., Brunetti, G., Buchanan, N., Butkevich, A., Bychkov, V., Campbell, M., Catano-Mur, E., Childress, S., Choudhary, B. C., Chowdhury, B., Coan, T. E., Coelho, J. A. B., Colo, M., Cooper, J., Corwin, L., Cremonesi, L., Cronin-Hennessy, D., Davies, G. S., Davies, J. P., Derwent, P. F., Desai, S., Dharmapalan, R., Ding, P., Djurcic, Z., Dukes, E. C., Duyang, H., Edayath, S., Ehrlich, R., Feldman, G. J., Frank, M. J., Gabrielyan, M., Gallagher, H. R., Germani, S., Ghosh, T., Giri, A., Gomes, R. A., Goodman, M. C., Grichine, V., Group, R., Grover, D., Guo, B., Habig, A., Hartnell, J., Hatcher, R., Hatzikoutelis, A., Heller, K., Himmel, A., Holin, A., Hylen, J., Jediny, F., Judah, M., Kafka, G. K., Kalra, D., Kasahara, S. M. S., Kasetti, S., Keloth, R., Kolupaeva, L., Kotelnikov, S., Kourbanis, I., Kreymer, A., Kumar, A., Kurbanov, S., Lang, K., Lee, W. M., Lin, S., Liu, J., Lokajicek, M., Lozier, J., Luchuk, S., Maan, K., Magill, S., Mann, W. A., Marshak, M. L., Matera, K., Matveev, V., Méndez, D. P., Messier, M. D., Meyer, H., Miao, T.

    Published in Physical review letters (01-04-2017)
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  3. 3

    Constraints on Oscillation Parameters from ν_{e} Appearance and ν_{μ} Disappearance in NOvA by Adamson, P, Aliaga, L, Ambrose, D, Anfimov, N, Antoshkin, A, Arrieta-Diaz, E, Augsten, K, Aurisano, A, Backhouse, C, Baird, M, Bambah, B A, Bays, K, Behera, B, Bending, S, Bernstein, R, Bhatnagar, V, Bhuyan, B, Bian, J, Blackburn, T, Bolshakova, A, Bromberg, C, Brown, J, Brunetti, G, Buchanan, N, Butkevich, A, Bychkov, V, Campbell, M, Catano-Mur, E, Childress, S, Choudhary, B C, Chowdhury, B, Coan, T E, Coelho, J A B, Colo, M, Cooper, J, Corwin, L, Cremonesi, L, Cronin-Hennessy, D, Davies, G S, Davies, J P, Derwent, P F, Dharmapalan, R, Ding, P, Djurcic, Z, Dukes, E C, Duyang, H, Edayath, S, Ehrlich, R, Feldman, G J, Frank, M J, Gabrielyan, M, Gallagher, H R, Germani, S, Ghosh, T, Giri, A, Gomes, R A, Goodman, M C, Grichine, V, Group, R, Grover, D, Guo, B, Habig, A, Hartnell, J, Hatcher, R, Hatzikoutelis, A, Heller, K, Himmel, A, Holin, A, Hylen, J, Jediny, F, Judah, M, Kafka, G K, Kalra, D, Kasahara, S M S, Kasetti, S, Keloth, R, Kolupaeva, L, Kotelnikov, S, Kourbanis, I, Kreymer, A, Kumar, A, Kurbanov, S, Lang, K, Lee, W M, Lin, S, Liu, J, Lokajicek, M, Lozier, J, Luchuk, S, Maan, K, Magill, S, Mann, W A, Marshak, M L, Matera, K, Matveev, V, Méndez, D P, Messier, M D, Meyer, H, Miao, T, Miller, W H

    Published in Physical review letters (09-06-2017)
    “…Results are reported from an improved measurement of ν_{μ}→ν_{e} transitions by the NOvA experiment. Using an exposure equivalent to 6.05×10^{20} protons on…”
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  4. 4

    Measurement of the Neutrino Mixing Angle θ_{23} in NOvA by Adamson, P, Aliaga, L, Ambrose, D, Anfimov, N, Antoshkin, A, Arrieta-Diaz, E, Augsten, K, Aurisano, A, Backhouse, C, Baird, M, Bambah, B A, Bays, K, Behera, B, Bending, S, Bernstein, R, Bhatnagar, V, Bhuyan, B, Bian, J, Blackburn, T, Bolshakova, A, Bromberg, C, Brown, J, Brunetti, G, Buchanan, N, Butkevich, A, Bychkov, V, Campbell, M, Catano-Mur, E, Childress, S, Choudhary, B C, Chowdhury, B, Coan, T E, Coelho, J A B, Colo, M, Cooper, J, Corwin, L, Cremonesi, L, Cronin-Hennessy, D, Davies, G S, Davies, J P, Derwent, P F, Desai, S, Dharmapalan, R, Ding, P, Djurcic, Z, Dukes, E C, Duyang, H, Edayath, S, Ehrlich, R, Feldman, G J, Frank, M J, Gabrielyan, M, Gallagher, H R, Germani, S, Ghosh, T, Giri, A, Gomes, R A, Goodman, M C, Grichine, V, Group, R, Grover, D, Guo, B, Habig, A, Hartnell, J, Hatcher, R, Hatzikoutelis, A, Heller, K, Himmel, A, Holin, A, Hylen, J, Jediny, F, Judah, M, Kafka, G K, Kalra, D, Kasahara, S M S, Kasetti, S, Keloth, R, Kolupaeva, L, Kotelnikov, S, Kourbanis, I, Kreymer, A, Kumar, A, Kurbanov, S, Lang, K, Lee, W M, Lin, S, Liu, J, Lokajicek, M, Lozier, J, Luchuk, S, Maan, K, Magill, S, Mann, W A, Marshak, M L, Matera, K, Matveev, V, Méndez, D P, Messier, M D, Meyer, H, Miao, T

    Published in Physical review letters (14-04-2017)
    “…This Letter reports new results on muon neutrino disappearance from NOvA, using a 14 kton detector equivalent exposure of 6.05×10^{20} protons on target from…”
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  5. 5

    Measurement of Neutrino-Induced Neutral-Current Coherent $\pi^0$ Production in the NOvA Near Detector by Acero, M. A, Alion, T, Allakhverdian, V, Aurisano, A, Back, A, Baird, M, Balashov, N, Baldi, P, Basher, S, Bending, S, Bhatnagar, V, Bhuyan, B, Bian, J, Blair, J, Bour, P, Catano-Mur, E, Choudhary, B. C, Chowdhury, B, Colo, M, Corwin, L, Cremonesi, L, Cronin-Hennessy, D, Derwent, P. F, Djurcic, Z, Doyle, D, Dukes, E. C, Duyang, H, Ehrlich, R, Frank, M. J, Giri, A, Habig, A, Hartnell, J, Hatzikoutelis, A, Heller, K, Holin, A, Huang, J, Jediny, F, Johnson, C, Kakorin, I, Kaplan, D. M, Keloth, R, Klimov, O, Koerner, L. W, Kreymer, A, Kumar, A, Kus, V, Lackey, T, Lang, K, Lin, S, Lokajicek, M, Lozier, J, Luchuk, S, Mann, W. A, Marshak, M. L, Matveev, V, Miller, W. H, Mohanta, R, Muether, M, Mufson, S, Murphy, R, Musser, J, Nayak, N, Nelson, J. K, Oksuzian, Y, Olshevskiy, A, Paley, J, Patterson, R. B, Pershey, D, Petti, R, Plunkett, R. K, Potukuchi, B, Psihas, F, Radovic, A, Rameika, R. A, Rojas, P, Sanchez, M. C, Seong, I. S, Sheshukov, A, Singh, V, Solomey, N, Sousa, A, Strait, M, Tas, P, Thayyullathil, R. B, Thomas, J, Tripathi, J, Torun, Y, Vahle, P, Vasel, J, Vinton, L, Vrba, T, Wang, B, Warburton, T. K, Wetstein, M, While, M, Whittington, D, Yang, S, Yu, S, Zalesak, J, Zwaska, R

    Published 01-02-2019
    “…Phys. Rev. D 102, 012004 (2020) The cross section of neutrino-induced neutral-current coherent $\pi^0$ production on a carbon-dominated target is measured in…”
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  6. 6

    New constraints on oscillation parameters from $\nu_e$ appearance and $\nu_\mu$ disappearance in the NOvA experiment by Acero, M. A, Adamson, P, Allakhverdian, V, Antoshkin, N. Anfimov A, Arrieta-Diaz, E, Balashov, M. Baird N, Bambah, B. A, Bending, S, Bhuyan, B, Blackburn, J. Bian T, Blair, J, Bromberg, C, Buchanan, J. Brown N, Butkevich, A, Campbell, V. Bychkov M, Childress, S, Chowdhury, B. C. Choudhary B, Coan, T. E, Cooper, M. Colo J, Cronin-Hennessy, L. Cremonesi D, Davies, G. S, De Rijck, J. P. Davies S, Derwent, P. F, Djurcic, Z, Duyang, H, Ehrlich, S. Edayath R, Gallagher, M. J. Frank H. R, Gandrajula, R, Germani, F. Gao S, Giri, A, Goodman, R. A. Gomes M. C, Grichine, V, Group, M. Groh R, Grover, D, Habig, B. Guo A, Hakl, F, Hatcher, J. Hartnell R, Hatzikoutelis, A, Kakorin, I, Kaplan, D. Kalra D. M, Keloth, R, Kolupaeva, L, Kumar, Ch. Kulenberg A, Lackey, V. Kus T, Lang, K, Lokajicek, S. Lin M, Maan, S. Luchuk K, Magill, S, Messier, D. P. Méndez M. D, Meyer, H, Miller, T. Miao W. H, Mishra, S. R, Mohanta, A. Mislivec R, Moren, A, Muether, L. Mualem M, Mufson, S, Naples, D, Nelson, N. Nayak J. K, Nichol, R, Norman, E. Niner A, Nosek, T, Olshevskiy, Y. Oksuzian A, Olson, T, Patterson, J. Paley R. B, Pawloski, G, Petrova, D. Pershey O, Petti, R, Plunkett, S. Phan-Budd R. K, Psihas, C. Principato F, Radovic, A, Rebel, R. A. Rameika B, Sachdev, V. Ryabov K, Samoylov, O, Sepulveda-Quiroz, M. C. Sanchez J, Shanahan, P, Singh, A. Sheshukov P, Singh, V, Smolik, E. Smith J, Snopok, P, Song, N. Solomey E, Sousa, A, Strait, K. Soustruznik M, Suter, L, Tas, R. L. Talaga P, Thayyullathil, R. B, Tiras, J. Thomas E, Tognini, S. C, Tripathi, D. Torbunov J, Urheim, Y. Torun J, Vahle, P, Vinton, J. Vasel L, Vokac, P, Vrba, A. Vold T, Wetstein, T. K. Warburton M, Whittington, D, Wolcott, S. G. Wojcicki J, Yang, S, Zalesak, S. Yu J, Zamorano, B, Zwaska, R

    Published 31-05-2018
    “…Phys. Rev. D 98, 032012 (2018) We present updated results from the NOvA experiment for $\nu_\mu\rightarrow\nu_\mu$ and $\nu_\mu\rightarrow\nu_e$ oscillations…”
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  7. 7

    Constraints on Oscillation Parameters from $\nu_e$ Appearance and $\nu_\mu$ Disappearance in NOvA by The NOvA Collaboration, Adamson, P, Ambrose, D, Antoshkin, A, Augsten, K, Backhouse, C, Baird, M, Bending, S, Bernstein, R, Bhuyan, B, Brown, J, Buchanan, N, Bychkov, V, Campbell, M, Catano-Mur, E, Childress, S, Chowdhury, B, Coan, T. E, Coelho, J. A. B, Colo, M, Cooper, J, Cremonesi, L, Davies, G. S, Davies, J. P, Dukes, E. C, Feldman, G. J, Frank, M. J, Gabrielyan, M, Germani, S, Gomes, R. A, Group, R, Grover, D, Hatcher, R, Holin, A, Hylen, J, Judah, M, Kafka, G. K, Kasahara, S. M. S, Kasetti, S, Keloth, R, Kotelnikov, S, Kurbanov, S, Lee, W. M, Lozier, J, Luchuk, S, Magill, S, Mann, W. A, Matveev, V, Méndez, D. P, Messier, M. D, Meyer, H, Miller, W. H, Mohanta, R, Moren, A, Mualem, L, Murphy, R, Musser, J, Nelson, J. K, Nichol, R, Niner, E, Nosek, T, Oksuzian, Y, Patterson, R. B, Pawloski, G, Petti, R, Phan-Budd, S, Poling, R, Principato, C, Psihas, F, Radovic, A, Rameika, R. A, Rebel, B, Rocco, D, Ryabov, V, Sachdev, K, Samoylov, O, Schroeter, R, Shanahan, P, Sheshukov, A, Singh, J, Singh, V, Smolik, J, Solomey, N, Song, E, Soustruznik, K, Strait, M, Suter, L, Talaga, R. L, Tas, P, Thomas, J, Tognini, S. C, Tripathi, J, Vasel, J, Vinton, L, Vrba, T, Wang, B, Whittington, D, Yadav, N, Yang, S, Zalesak, J

    Published 09-03-2017
    “…Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 231801 (2017) Results are reported from an improved measurement of $\nu_\mu \rightarrow \nu_e$ transitions by the NOvA experiment. Using…”
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  8. 8

    Measurement of the neutrino mixing angle $\theta_{23}$ in NOvA by The NOvA Collaboration, Adamson, P, Ambrose, D, Antoshkin, A, Augsten, K, Backhouse, C, Bending, S, Bernstein, R, Bhuyan, B, Brown, J, Buchanan, N, Bychkov, V, Campbell, M, Catano-Mur, E, Childress, S, Chowdhury, B, Coan, T. E, Coelho, J. A. B, Colo, M, Cooper, J, Cremonesi, L, Davies, G. S, Davies, J. P, Ding, P, Djurcic, Z, Dukes, E. C, Duyang, H, Edayath, S, Feldman, G. J, Gabrielyan, M, Gomes, R. A, Group, R, Grover, D, Hatcher, R, Holin, A, Hylen, J, Judah, M, Kafka, G. K, Kasahara, S. M. S, Kasetti, S, Keloth, R, Kotelnikov, S, Kurbanov, S, Lee, W. M, Lozier, J, Luchuk, S, Magill, S, Mann, W. A, Matveev, V, Méndez, D. P, Messier, M. D, Meyer, H, Miller, W. H, Mohanta, R, Moren, A, Mualem, L, Murphy, R, Musser, J, Nelson, J. K, Nichol, R, Niner, E, Nosek, T, Oksuzian, Y, Patterson, R. B, Pawloski, G, Petti, R, Phan-Budd, S, Poling, R, Principato, C, Psihas, F, Radovic, A, Rameika, R. A, Rebel, B, Rocco, D, Ryabov, V, Sachdev, K, Samoylov, O, Schroeter, R, Shanahan, P, Sheshukov, A, Singh, J, Singh, V, Smolik, J, Solomey, N, Song, E, Soustruznik, K, Strait, M, Suter, L, Talaga, R. L, Tas, P, Thomas, J, Tognini, S. C, Tripathi, J, Vasel, J, Vinton, L, Vrba, T, Wang, B, Whittington, D, Yadav, N, Zalesak, J

    Published 20-01-2017
    “…Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 151802 (2017) This Letter reports new results on muon neutrino disappearance from NOvA, using a 14 kton detector equivalent exposure of…”
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