Search Results - "Jean Bottazzi"
Securities market theory: Possession, repo and rehypothecation
Published in Journal of economic theory (01-03-2012)“…By introducing repo markets we understand how agents need to borrow issued securities before shorting them: (re)-hypothecation is at the heart of shorting…”
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Published in 中国岩溶 (01-12-2021)“…P931.5%P225.2; 隶属于贵州格必(凸)河伏流洞穴系统的紫云苗厅,是世界上已知探明体积和表面积最大的洞厅,平面投影面积仅次于马来西亚的沙捞越大厅.2014年英国研究人员采用Riegl…”
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Incomplete Markets: Transverse Financial Structures
Published in Economic theory (01-08-2002)“…In a multiperiod economy with incomplete markets and assets with payoff depending on the price history (e.g., asset and derivatives), we show that in order to…”
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Significance of the preservation of 'pseudo-thumb' in fossil skeletons of giant panda (ailuropoda melanoleuca) in Shuanghe Cave, Guizhou Province, southern China
Published in Historical biology (02-11-2022)“…The age when the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) transitioned to a bamboo dominant diet has not been well established due to the lack of fossil evidence…”
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A market game for assets and taxed investors
Published in Journal of mathematical economics (01-07-2003)“…We think of tax regimes faced by distinct investors as different after-tax price systems and construct a simple linear economy. After-tax pricing rules are…”
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Excess Demand Functions and Incomplete Markets
Published in Journal of economic theory (01-01-1996)“…This paper is aimed at characterizing excess demand functions around noncritical spot price systems in two-period exchange economies with incomplete markets…”
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Market Demand Functions in the Capital Asset Pricing Model
Published in Journal of economic theory (01-04-1998)“…We demonstrate that in a CAPM economy Homogeneity, Walras' Law, and the Tobin Separation Property characterize market demand on finite sets of prices…”
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Existence of equilibria with incomplete markets: The case of smooth returns
Published in Journal of mathematical economics (1995)“…The aim of this paper is to study a two-period incomplete market general equilibrium model with yields depending regularly on spot price. As the asset space is…”
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On the Algebraic Dimension of "Bad" Prices in Incomplete Markets with Real Assets
Published in Journal of mathematical analysis and applications (15-03-1995)Get full text
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