Search Results - "Jayme, Frederico G."
A Post-Kaleckian model with productivity growth and real exchange rate applied to selected Latin American countries
Published in PSL quarterly review (01-06-2021)“…This paper aims to discuss the theory of productivity growth and its empirical applications, several authors emphasize the impact of real exchange rate…”
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Published in Investigación económica (01-10-2022)“…This paper aims to analyze empirically how manufacturing, disaggregated into subsectors by research and development (R&D) intensity, influences the level of…”
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Distribution and Productivity Growth: An Empirical Exercise Applied to Selected Latin American Countries
Published in Review of political economy (03-07-2021)“…The paper investigates whether productivity growth is affected by the rate of growth of income and by that of employment for a representative sample of Latin…”
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Real Exchange Rate and Economic Growth: New Empirical Evidence
Published in Metroeconomica (01-11-2015)“…ABSTRACT The article empirically analyses the relationship between real exchange rate (RER) and growth rate of output. We first estimate the effect of the…”
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Fiscal consolidation in developed and emerging economies
Published in Nova economia (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) (01-12-2015)“…The debate regarding fiscal policy has given support to the formulation of an economic policy based on control of indebtedness and in persecution of public…”
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Endogenous elasticities and the impact of the real exchange rate on structural economic dynamics
Published in Structural change and economic dynamics (01-09-2017)“…•Sectoral endogenous elasticities are embedded in the extension of Pasinetti’s model to international trade (Araujo and Lima (2007))•The main channels of…”
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Capital accumulation, structural change and real exchange rate in a Keynesian-Structuralist growth model
Published in Panoeconomicus (01-01-2015)“…The aim of this paper is to show at theoretical level that maintaining a competitive real exchange rate positively affects the economic growth of developing…”
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Growth, Distribution, and External Constraints: A Post-Kaleckian Model Applied to Brazil
Published in Review of political economy (2021)“…The purpose of this research is to analyze whether the Brazilian economy behaved under a wage-led or profit-led regime between 1960 and 2011, considering a…”
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A North-South Model of Economic Growth, Technological Gap, Structural Change and Real Exchange Rate
Published in Structural change and economic dynamics (01-09-2016)“…•The RER effect is conditional on the size of the technological gap.•Stability is conditional to the initials parameters because of complex dynamics.•The…”
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The structuralist tradition in economics: methodological and macroeconomics aspects
Published in Brazilian Journal of Political Economy (01-06-2015)“…This paper examines the structuralist tradition in economics, emphasizing the role that structures play in the economic growth of developing countries. Since…”
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Competitividade e restrição externa na Zona do Euro
Published in Brazilian Journal of Political Economy (01-03-2013)“…The recent debt crisis in Greece, Ireland and Portugal has exposed the fragility existing in the Eurozone for promoting development and economic convergence…”
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Productivity, real exchange rate, and aggregate demand: An empirical exercise applied to Brazil from 1960 to 2011
Published in Journal of post Keynesian economics (01-01-2018)“…This research analyzes, from a post Kaleckian perspective, the interactions among the aggregate demand, the real exchange rate, productivity, and real wages in…”
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Desenvolvimento do sistema financeiro e pobreza no Brasil: uma análise multivariada
Published in Economia e Sociedade (01-04-2016)“…Nas últimas décadas, diversos estudos têm enfatizado as inter-relações entre o desenvolvimento do sistema financeiro e o crescimento econômico. Análises…”
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Determinants of the real exchange rate in the long-run for developing and emerging countries: a theoretical and empirical approach
Published in International review of applied economics (01-01-2018)“…This paper presents a new framework for the determinants of real exchange in the long-run in developing and emerging countries (DECs). We assume that…”
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Managing real exchange rate for economic growth: Empirical evidences from developing countries
Published in Journal of post Keynesian economics (02-10-2018)“…This article analyses macroeconomic policies capable of influencing the long-run real exchange rate (RER). In this vein, it identifies economic policy tools…”
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Estratégia de localização bancária: teoria e evidência empírica aplicada ao estado de Minas Gerais
Published in Economia e Sociedade (01-12-2013)“…A moeda e os bancos, na abordagem pós-keynesiana, desempenham um papel central na determinação do emprego e produto, notadamente, em nível regional. Em função…”
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Restrição externa, nível da taxa real de câmbio e crescimento em um modelo com progresso técnico endógeno
Published in Economia e Sociedade (01-08-2013)“…O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar considerações preliminares da relação entre nível da taxa real de câmbio, restrição externa e crescimento econômico a…”
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Financial System, Innovation and Regional Development: The Relationship between Liquidity Preference and Innovation in Brazil
Published in Review of political economy (01-10-2012)“…This paper discusses the Brazilian financial system and the impact of liquidity preference on regional development in Brazil. In the Post-Keynesian literature,…”
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Economia mineira em um mundo em transformação: atraso tecnológico e dilemas recentes
Published in Nova economia (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) (2023)“…Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as implicações para a economia mineira de sua especialização em commodities e produtos de baixa intensidade…”
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Balance-of-payments constrained growth: a post Keynesian model with capital inflows
Published in Journal of post Keynesian economics (01-04-2013)“…This paper proposes a brief theoretical analysis of the relationship between international capital mobility and economic growth, seen in the perspective of…”
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