Search Results - "Jawecki, Tobias"
Computable upper error bounds for Krylov approximations to matrix exponentials and associated φ-functions
Published in BIT (2020)“…An a posteriori estimate for the error of a standard Krylov approximation to the matrix exponential is derived. The estimate is based on the defect (residual)…”
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A study of defect-based error estimates for the Krylov approximation of φ-functions
Published in Numerical algorithms (01-05-2022)“…Prior recent work, devoted to the study of polynomial Krylov techniques for the approximation of the action of the matrix exponential e t A v , is extended to…”
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Unitarity of some barycentric rational approximants
Published in IMA journal of numerical analysis (01-08-2024)“…The exponential function maps the imaginary axis to the unit circle and for many applications this unitarity property is also desirable from its…”
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Computable upper error bounds for Krylov approximations to matrix exponentials and associated $${\varvec{\varphi }}$$-functions
Published in BIT Numerical Mathematics (01-03-2020)“…An a posteriori estimate for the error of a standard Krylov approximation to the matrix exponential is derived. The estimate is based on the defect (residual)…”
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On the restriction to unitarity for rational approximations to the exponential function
Published 09-10-2024“…In the present work we consider rational best approximations to the exponential function that minimize a uniform error on a subset of the imaginary axis…”
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The error of Chebyshev approximations on shrinking domains
Published 07-10-2024“…Previous works show convergence of rational Chebyshev approximants to the Pad\'e approximant as the underlying domain of approximation shrinks to the origin…”
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Computable upper error bounds for Krylov approximations to matrix exponentials and associated \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\varvec{\varphi }}$$\end{document}φ-functions
Published in BIT. Numerical mathematics (11-09-2019)“…An a posteriori estimate for the error of a standard Krylov approximation to the matrix exponential is derived. The estimate is based on the defect (residual)…”
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A review of the Separation Theorem of Chebyshev-Markov-Stieltjes for polynomial and some rational Krylov subspaces
Published 03-05-2022“…The accumulated quadrature weights of Gaussian quadrature formulae constitute bounds on the integral over the intervals between the quadrature nodes. Classical…”
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Efficient Magnus-type integrators for solar energy conversion in Hubbard models
Published in Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science (01-01-2022)“…Strongly interacting electrons in solids are generically described by Hubbard-type models, and the impact of solar light can be modeled by an additional…”
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Unitary rational best approximations to the exponential function
Published 21-12-2023“…Rational best approximations (in a Chebyshev sense) to real functions are characterized by an equioscillating approximation error. Similar results do not hold…”
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A study of defect-based error estimates for the Krylov approximation of $\varphi$-functions
Published 31-01-2020“…Prior recent work, devoted to the study of polynomial Krylov techniques for the approximation of the action of the matrix exponential ${\rm e}^{tA}v$, is…”
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Unitarity of some barycentric rational approximants
Published 21-05-2022“…The exponential function maps the imaginary axis to the unit circle and, for many applications, this unitarity property is also desirable from its…”
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Computable upper error bounds for Krylov approximations to matrix exponentials and associated $\varphi$-functions
Published 10-09-2018“…BIT (2019) An a posteriori estimate for the error of a standard Krylov approximation to the matrix exponential is derived. The estimate is based on the defect…”
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Some Aspects on [numerical] Stability of Evolution Equations of Stiff Type; Use of Computer Algebra
Published in 2021 IEEE XVIIth International Conference on the Perspective Technologies and Methods in MEMS Design (MEMSTECH) (12-05-2021)“…We are dealing with stiffness phenomena in initial value problems for systems of ordinary differential equations. Such problems appear in many physical…”
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Efficient Magnus-type integrators for solar energy conversion in Hubbard models
Published 05-04-2021“…Strongly interacting electrons in solids are generically described by Hubbardtype models, and the impact of solar light can be modeled by an additional…”
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