Search Results - "Jansen, Paul G.W"
A Longitudinal Study of Age-Related Differences in Reactions to Psychological Contract Breach
Published in Applied psychology (01-01-2013)“…The current paper investigated age‐related differences in the relations of psychological contract breach with work outcomes over time. Based on affective…”
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Age and Trust as Moderators in the Relation between Procedural Justice and Turnover: A Large-Scale Longitudinal Study
Published in Applied psychology (01-01-2011)“…The current study investigated the moderating roles of age and trust in the relation of procedural justice with turnover. It was expected that the relation…”
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Individual and contextual predictors of team member proactivity: what do we know and where do we go from here?
Published in Human resource management review (01-12-2019)“…Contemporary organizations are placing greater emphasis on team work in order to meet the challenges of an increasingly turbulent business environment. In this…”
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Psychological contract breach and job attitudes: A meta-analysis of age as a moderator
Published in Journal of vocational behavior (01-02-2008)“…The aim of this study was to examine the influence of age in the relation between psychological contract breach and the development of job attitudes. Based on…”
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Psychological contract breach and work performance: Is social exchange a buffer or an intensifier?
Published in Journal of managerial psychology (01-01-2010)“…The aim of this paper is to investigate how social exchanges modify the relationship between psychological contract breach and work performance. It aims to…”
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Beyond chronological age. Examining perceived future time and subjective health as age-related mediators in relation to work-related motivations and well-being
Published in Work and stress (01-01-2013)“…Since workforces across the world are aging, researchers and organizations need more insight into how and why occupational well-being, together with…”
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What about time? Examining chronological and subjective age and their relation to work motivation
Published in Career development international (01-01-2016)“…Purpose The aging workforce is becoming an increasingly important topic in today’s labor market. However, most scientific research and organizational policies…”
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Proactivity, job characteristics, and engagement: a longitudinal study
Published in Career development international (01-01-2010)“…Purpose - This paper sets out to examine proactive personality in relation to job demands, job resources and engagement.Design methodology approach - The…”
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Career competencies and job crafting
Published in Career development international (10-10-2016)“…Purpose The purpose of this paper is to bring together job design and career theory in the examination of how proactive employees optimize their well-being…”
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Psychological contract breach and work performance
Published in Journal of managerial psychology (30-03-2010)“…Purpose - The aim of this paper is to investigate how social exchanges modify the relationship between psychological contract breach and work performance. It…”
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Bouncing back from psychological contract breach: How commitment recovers over time
Published in Journal of organizational behavior (01-05-2016)“…The post-violation model of the psychological contract outlines four ways in which a psychological contract may be resolved after breach (i.e., psychological…”
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Work factors influencing the transfer stages of soft skills training: A literature review
Published in Educational research review (01-06-2018)“…The transfer of training can be considered the Achilles heel of the training process. When trainees fail to use their new knowledge and skills on the job,…”
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Examining calling as a double-edged sword for employability
Published in Journal of vocational behavior (01-02-2018)“…Using a two-study design (total N=1232), this paper examines the relationship between calling and employability. We suggest that, on the one hand, calling can…”
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Career competencies and job crafting: How proactive employees influence their well-being
Published in Career development international (01-01-2016)Get full text
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Age and work-related motives: Results of a meta-analysis
Published in Journal of organizational behavior (01-02-2011)“…An updated literature review was conducted and a meta-analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between age and work-related motives. Building on…”
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The influence of age on the associations between HR practices and both affective commitment and job satisfaction: A meta-analysis
Published in Journal of organizational behavior (01-11-2010)“…Research on the association between high commitment Human Resource (HR) practices and work-related outcomes at the individual level rarely focuses on age…”
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Motivating Employees to Work Beyond Retirement: A Multi-Level Study of the Role of I-Deals and Unit Climate
Published in Journal of management studies (01-03-2012)“…The present study investigates what role I‐deals (i.e. the idiosyncratic deals made between employees and their organization) play in the motivation of…”
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Organizing School-to-Work Transition Research from a Sustainable Career Perspective: A Review and Research Agenda
Published in Work, aging and retirement (17-06-2023)“…Abstract A successful school-to-work transition is crucial to an individual’s initial entry into the labor market and overall sustainable career development…”
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Managing aging workers: a mixed methods study on bundles of HR practices for aging workers
Published in International journal of human resource management (22-08-2014)“…Since abilities and motives change with age and common human resource (HR) practices might be less suitable for aging employees, scholars and practitioners are…”
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The cognitive costs of managing emotions: A systematic review of the impact of emotional requirements on cognitive performance
Published in Work and stress (03-07-2021)“…In our increasingly service-based world, employees are now, more than ever before, required to manage the emotional demands inherent to client interactions…”
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