Search Results - "Jaime Zegarra"
Incidence and microbiological characteristics of neonatal late onset sepsis in a neonatal intensive care unit in Peru
Published in International journal of infectious diseases (01-07-2021)“…•Neonatal late onset sepsis (LOS) in a neonatal intensive care unit in Peru.•Neonatal sepsis contributes significantly to neonatal morbidity and…”
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Randomized Controlled Trial of Bovine Lactoferrin for Prevention of Sepsis and Neurodevelopment Impairment in Infants Weighing Less Than 2000 Grams
Published in The Journal of pediatrics (01-04-2020)“…To determine the effect of bovine lactoferrin on prevention of late-onset sepsis (LOS) and neurodevelopment delay. Randomized, double-blind, controlled trial…”
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Combined predictors of neurodevelopment in very low birth weight preterm infants
Published in Early human development (01-03-2019)“…To evaluate the combined prognostic value of neurological examination, head circumference and cranial ultrasound for neurodevelopmental delay (NDD) in very low…”
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Maternal and pregnancy-related factors affecting human milk cytokines among Peruvian mothers bearing low-birth-weight neonates
Published in Journal of reproductive immunology (01-04-2017)“…Highlights • A core of 12 cytokines is detected in human milk across different lactation stages. • Specific pregnancy complications are associated with…”
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Intestinal Mucosal Defense System, Part 2. Probiotics and Prebiotics
Published in The Journal of pediatrics (01-03-2013)“…The interplay between microorganisms and the intestine of newborn infants is associated with diverse functional and clinical outcomes that result from the…”
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Intestinal Mucosal Defense System, Part 1. Consensus Recommendations for Immunonutrients
Published in The Journal of pediatrics (01-03-2013)“…When microbial communities colonize in the developing intestinal tract after birth, microrganisms interact with specific apical surface receptors on the…”
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Political and socioeconomic factors that shaped health taxes implementation in Peru
Published in BMJ global health (01-10-2023)“…BackgroundIn 2016 and 2018, the Peruvian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MoEF) significantly reformulated taxes on tobacco products, alcohol and…”
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Mortalidad por hidroxicloroquina y azitromicina en pacientes con COVID-19 en ventilación mecánica de una unidad de cuidados intensivos de Lima
Published in Acta médica peruana (24-10-2021)“…Objetivos: Estimar la mortalidad relacionada a hidroxicloroquina y azitromicina en pacientes con COVID-19 en ventilación mecánica de una unidad de cuidados…”
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Labeling of Genetically Modified (GM) Foods in Peru: Current Dogma and Insights of the Regulatory and Legal Statutes
Published in International journal of food science (2022)“…The COVID-19 pandemic has affected and afflicted human lives and been a transformative catalyst leading to closure of many companies, disrupting mental health,…”
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Predation Risk by Gastronomic Boom - Case Peru
Published in Journal of Landscape Ecology (Berlin, Germany) (01-01-2018)“…The growth of tourism to Peru and the gastronomic boom with millions of people looking to taste Peruvian food is resulting in a risk of predation of natural…”
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Hemorragia intraventricular y leucomalacia periventricular en neonatos de bajo peso al nacer en tres hospitales de Lima, Perú
Published in Revista peruana de medicina experimental y salud pública (01-09-2019)“…RESUMEN Con el objetivo de describir la frecuencia y severidad de la hemorragia intraventricular y leucomalacia periventricular en neonatos de bajo peso en…”
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Covid-19 in Peru: from supervised walks for children to the first case of Kawasaki-like syndrome
Published in BMJ (Online) (22-06-2020)“… Godlee appraises the UK government’s response to covid-19.1 Peru is among the countries with the most covid-19 cases globally,2 reaching…”
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The Peru Approach against the COVID-19 Infodemic: Insights and Strategies
Published in The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene (01-08-2020)“…The COVID-19 epidemic has spawned an "infodemic," with excessive and unfounded information that hinders an appropriate public health response. This perspective…”
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Managing antibiotics wisely in a neonatal intensive care unit in a low resource setting
Published in Journal of perinatology (01-07-2022)“…Background and objectives Unnecessary early antibiotic exposure is deleterious, it may induce the selection of multi-drug-resistant organisms. The objective of…”
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Morbilidad y mortalidad en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio ST elevado en un hospital general
Published in Revista médica herediana (01-10-2010)“…Objetivo: Determinar la morbilidad y mortalidad de los pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio ST elevado (IMA STE) atendidos en un hospital general y…”
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Randomized Controlled Trial of Lactoferrin for Prevention of Sepsis in Peruvian Neonates Less than 2500 g
Published in The Pediatric infectious disease journal (01-06-2015)“…BACKGROUND:Lactoferrin (LF) is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial and immunomodulatory milk glycoprotein. OBJECTIVE:To determine the effect of bovine LF on the…”
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Trends in Perinatal Practices and Neonatal Outcomes of Very Low Birth Weight Infants during a 16-year Period at NEOCOSUR Centers
Published in The Journal of pediatrics (01-10-2020)“…To describe trends in mortality, major morbidity, and perinatal care practices of very low birth weight infants born at NEOCOSUR Neonatal Network centers from…”
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Nutrient profile of food products exempted from the application of front-ofpackage warnings during the first stage of the Healthy Eating Law in Peru: case studyPerfil nutricional de produtos alimentícios isentos da aplicação de advertências na parte frontal da embalagem durante a primeira etapa da Lei de Alimentação Saudável no Peru: estudo de caso
Published in Revista panamericana de salud pública (2021)“…Identify the nutritional profile of food products exempted from presenting one or more front-ofpackage nutritional warnings during the first stage of Law…”
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SDGs Managers' Assessment Bias and Their Implications for Preventing Violence Against Women in Companies
Published in Violence against women (02-05-2024)“…This study explores the role of managers' perceptions of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in preventing violence against women in companies. Surveying 673…”
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