Search Results - "Jacqueline Araneda"
Ultra‐processed food and homemade fried food consumption is associated with overweight/obesity in Latin American university students during COVID‐19
Published in American journal of human biology (01-08-2023)“…Objective We estimated the association between the consumption of select ultra‐processed food (UPF), homemade fried food and overweight/obesity in Latin…”
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Intake of sugar-sweetened non-alcoholic beverages and body mass index: A national sample of Chilean school children
Published in Salud pública de México (01-03-2015)“…To estimate the association between the intake of sugar-sweetened non-alcoholic beverages and body mass index (BMI) in Chilean school children. Food…”
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Food Availability in Different Food Environments Surrounding Schools in a Vulnerable Urban Area of Santiago, Chile: Exploring Socioeconomic Determinants
Published in Foods (22-03-2022)“…The analysis of the food environment is used to identify areas with gaps in the availability of healthy foods and can be used as a public policy assessment…”
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Dietary Patterns and Dietary Recommendations Achievement From Latin American College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown
Published in Frontiers in sustainable food systems (14-07-2022)“…This study aimed to compare the diet quality of different dietary patterns among college students from Latin American countries, including vegetarians, vegans,…”
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Stages of change in the purchase of ultra-processed snacks among university students after the implementation of the chilean food law; a multi-center study
Published in Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición (01-12-2020)“…The Objective is to determine the stages of change in the behavior of university students regarding the purchase of ultra-processed snacks consumed…”
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Front-of-pack warning labels are preferred by parents with low education level in four Latin American countries
Published in World nutrition (30-12-2019)“…Background: Overweight and obesity rates in Latin America are much higher than the global prevalence. Front-of-pack (FOP) nutrition label systems are gaining…”
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Autopercepción de las competencias en salud pública adquiridas por estudiantes de carreras de la salud
Published in Edumecentro (2024)“…RESUMEN Fundamento: debido a los cambios epidemiológicos y demográficos de los últimos años, es necesario que los profesionales del área de salud cuenten con…”
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Food Insecurity Is Associated with the Quality of Diet of Non-Institutionalized Older Adults from a Southern Chilean Commune: A Cross-Sectional Study
Published in Nutrients (23-12-2021)“…As the population ages, greater attention to age-related health problems related to diet and lifestyles is needed. Here, we sought to evaluate the associations…”
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Valorization of extracts from maqui (Aristotelia chilensis) and calafate (Berberis microphylla) biowaste blends by supercritical fluid and pressurized liquid extraction
Published in Journal of agriculture and food research (01-03-2024)“…Maqui and calafate biowastes were fractionated using emerging technologies such as supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and pressurized liquid extraction (PLE)…”
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Una mirada actualizada sobre los ambientes alimentarios y obesidad
Published in Revista chilena de salud publica (10-06-2020)“…La obesidad es considerada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud como un gra¬ve problema de salud pública. En Chile los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de…”
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Blueberry consumption and healthy lifestyles in an emerging market
Published in Spanish journal of agricultural research : SJAR (01-01-2019)“…Aim of study: This study focuses on the preference for and consumption habits of blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in an emerging market. The objective is…”
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Percepción de escolares chilenos de distinto nivel socioeconómico sobre la regulación de la publicidad de alimentos
Published in Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición (01-01-2018)“…El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la percepción de escolares de 8 a 12 años, de ambos sexos, distinto nivel socioeconómico (NSE) y estado nutricional, sobre…”
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Actitudes de escolares chilenos de distinto nivel socioeconómico al inicio de la implementación de la ley que regula la venta y publicidad de alimentos altos en nutrientes críticos
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (01-04-2017)“…Introducción: el 27 de junio de 2016 se implementó en Chile la Ley sobre Composición Nutricional de los Alimentos y su Publicidad, que implica rotular el…”
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Food insecurity and its determinants in a vulnerable area of Santiago, Chile
Published in Frontiers in sustainable food systems (14-09-2022)“…This study aims to identify the determinants associated to food insecurity in a group of households composed of schoolchildren and their mothers/caregivers,…”
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Consumo de frutas y verduras en mujeres Jefas de Hogar. Un estudio cualitativo
Published in Revista chilena de nutrición (01-04-2022)“…RESUMEN Introducción: La ingesta de frutas y verduras (FV) es reconocida como un factor protector de la salud cardiovascular y ciertos tipos de cáncer…”
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Hábitos alimentarios y estado nutricional de niños y niñas que asisten a las Escuelas Deportivas Integrales del Instituto Nacional de Deporte, Región de Ñuble
Published in Revista chilena de nutrición (01-08-2020)“…RESUMEN La malnutrición por exceso se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública a través de todo el ciclo vital. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar los…”
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Eating characteristics of Chilean indigenous and non-indigenous adolescent girls
Published in Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición (01-03-2010)“…During childhood and adolescence, eating habits become established which are instrumental in determining eating behavior later in life. Various authors have…”
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Asociación entre consumo de alcohol y exceso de peso entre estudiantes universitarios de América Latina
Published in Revista chilena de nutrición (01-04-2023)“…RESUMEN Introducción: El sobrepeso y la obesidad son problemas de salud pública de nivel mundial. Si bien existe información respecto al consumo de alcohol en…”
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Características alimentarías de adolescentes chilenas indígenas y no indígenas
Published in Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición (01-03-2010)“…During childhood and adolescence, eating habits become established which are instrumental in determining eating behavior later in life. Various authors have…”
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Evaluation of the precision and accuracy of a food registry survey with digital image support in real time
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (10-04-2019)“…Introduction: food surveys are used to determine the consumption of food and nutrients at the population and/or individual level, although they underestimate…”
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