Search Results - "JARBOL, Dorte Ejg"
Side Effects of Long‐Term Proton Pump Inhibitor Use: A Review
Published in Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology (01-08-2018)“…Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are widely used, and concerns about overuse have been raised. Therefore, side effects are important to be aware of and several…”
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The role of diseases, risk factors and symptoms in the definition of multimorbidity - a systematic review
Published in Scandinavian journal of primary health care (01-06-2016)“…Objective is to explore how multimorbidity is defined in the scientific literature, with a focus on the roles of diseases, risk factors, and symptoms in the…”
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The durability of previous examinations for cancer: Danish nationwide cohort study
Published in Scandinavian journal of primary health care (01-06-2024)“…Patients previously examined for cancer with a negative result may present in general practice with ongoing or new symptoms or signs suggestive of cancer. This…”
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Associations between smoking status and involvement of personal and professional relations among individuals reporting symptoms related to a diagnosis of lung cancer: a population-based study
Published in BMC public health (06-12-2022)“…Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, but individuals who currently smoke seek healthcare less frequently. This study of individuals reporting symptoms…”
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General practice variation in peptic ulcer prophylaxis: a nationwide register-based study
Published in Scandinavian journal of primary health care (30-08-2024)“…Incidence of peptic ulcer bleeding can be substantially reduced by prophylactic use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) in patients at risk, but use of PPI varies…”
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Is concern for gynaecological alarm symptoms associated with healthcare-seeking? A Danish population-based cross-sectional study
Published in BMC public health (06-01-2022)“…Diagnosing cancer at an early stage increases survival, and for most gynaecological cancers the diagnostic pathway is initiated, when women seek medical…”
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Healthcare costs of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Denmark - specialist care versus GP care only
Published in BMC health services research (28-03-2022)“…Many patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are treated in general practice only and have never received specialist care for COPD. They are…”
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Urological symptoms among 23,240 men in the general danish population - concerns about symptoms, their persistence and influence on primary care contacts
Published in Scandinavian journal of primary health care (01-09-2018)“…Objective: To analyse possible associations between men's likelihood of contacting a general practitioner (GP) for urological symptoms and the persistence of…”
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Improving diagnostics using extended point-of-care testing during in-home assessments of older adults with signs of emerging acute disease: a prospective observational non-randomised pilot and feasibility study
Published in BMC geriatrics (25-04-2024)“…Delayed recognition of acute disease among older adults hinders timely management and increases the risk of hospital admission. Point-of-Care testing,…”
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Extended use of point-of-care technology versus usual care for in-home assessment by acute community nurses in older adults with signs of potential acute respiratory disease: an open-label randomised controlled trial protocol
Published in BMC geriatrics (16-02-2024)“…Due to ageing-related physiological changes, diagnosing older adults is challenging. Delayed disease recognition may lead to adverse health outcomes and…”
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Healthcare practices that increase the quality of care in cancer trajectories from a general practice perspective: a scoping review
Published in Scandinavian journal of primary health care (01-03-2022)“…General practice plays an important role in cancer trajectories, and cancer patients request the continuous involvement of general practice. The objective of…”
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Associations between lifestyle, erectile dysfunction and healthcare seeking: a population-based study
Published in Scandinavian journal of primary health care (02-04-2020)“…Objective: To investigate associations between age, lifestyle and erectile dysfunction (ED) in the general population and to explore associations between age,…”
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Women's barriers for contacting their general practitioner when bothered by urinary incontinence: a population-based cross-sectional study
Published in BMC urology (12-07-2021)“…Urinary incontinence (UI) is a frequently occurring condition among women and increases with age. Effective treatments exist but many women hesitate to contact…”
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Involvement of personal and professional relations among men bothered by lower urinary tract symptoms: a population-based cross-sectional study
Published in BMC public health (05-06-2020)“…Background Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are common among men worldwide and despite frequently of benign origin, the symptoms often influence quality of…”
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Predictive values of upper gastrointestinal cancer alarm symptoms in the general population: a nationwide cohort study
Published in BMC cancer (18-04-2018)“…Survival rates for upper gastrointestinal (GI) cancer are poor since many are diagnosed at advanced stages. Fast track endoscopy has been introduced to prompt…”
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Is healthcare-seeking with gynaecological alarm symptoms influenced by personal and professional relations? A Danish population-based, cross-sectional study
Published in BMJ open (12-05-2020)“…ObjectivesTo identify the personal and professional relations of women experiencing gynaecological alarm symptoms, to analyse if involving a personal relation…”
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Healthcare-seeking with bothersome lower urinary tract symptoms among men in the Danish population: the impact of lifestyle and socioeconomic status
Published in Scandinavian journal of primary health care (03-04-2019)“…Objective: (1) To identify possible factors of importance for reporting lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) among men and (2) to examine possible associations…”
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Self-rated health and functional capacity in individuals reporting overlapping symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, functional dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome - a population based study
Published in BMC gastroenterology (18-05-2017)“…Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are common functional gastrointestinal conditions with a…”
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Prescribing antibiotics: the use of diagnostic tests in general practice. A register-based study
Published in Scandinavian journal of primary health care (01-12-2021)“…To assess (i) the pattern of antibiotic prescribing in Danish general practice, (ii) the use of diagnostic tests [point-of-care (POC) and tests analysed at the…”
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A population-based study on social inequality and barriers to healthcare-seeking with lung cancer symptoms
Published in NPJ primary care respiratory medicine (05-11-2022)“…Healthcare-seeking with lung cancer symptoms is a prerequisite for improving timely diagnosis of lung cancer. In this study we aimed to explore barriers…”
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