Search Results - "Júnior, Império Lombardi"
Evidence for the efficacy of Tai Chi for treating rheumatoid arthritis: an overview of systematic reviews
Published in São Paulo medical journal (01-03-2021)“…Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic disease with higher prevalence among women aged between 30 and 50 years and general prevalence of 1% worldwide…”
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Influence of isostretching on patients with chronic low back pain. A randomized controlled trial
Published in Physiotherapy theory and practice (01-02-2021)“…: This study investigated the influence of isostretching on patients with chronic low back pain. : It was a randomized, controlled trial with concealed…”
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The impact of a low-calorie, low-glycemic diet on systemic lupus erythematosus: a systematic review
Published in Advances in rheumatology (London, England) (06-11-2021)“…Diet plays a critical role in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) patients, impacting on the microbiota composition and, consequently, on the immune response…”
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Spine school for patients with low back pain: interdisciplinary approach
Published in Coluna (01-06-2015)“…OBJECTIVE: To analyze and evaluate an interdisciplinary educational treatment - Spine School.METHODS: This study is a non-controlled clinical trial. Twenty one…”
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Laser therapy in the tissue repair process: a literature review
Published in Photomedicine and laser surgery (01-02-2010)“…Carry out a literature review on the use of laser therapy in the tissue repair process and address the different lasers and parameters used by the authors. A…”
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Progressive resistance exercise in women with osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized controlled trial
Published in Clinical rehabilitation (01-03-2015)“…Objective: To determine the effect of a progressive resistance exercise (PRE) program on women with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Methods: Eligible subjects…”
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Investigação do estresse, ansiedade e depressão em mulheres com fibromialgia: um estudo comparativo
Published in Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia (01-01-2014)“…A depressão tem se apresentado como o transtorno mental mais prevalente em pacientes com fibromialgia. O estresse, cujas fases são alarme, resistência,…”
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Static, dynamic balance and functional performance in subjects with and without plantar fasciitis
Published in Fisioterapia em movimento (01-03-2017)“…Abstract Introduction: Plantar fasciitis (PF) is characterized by non-inflammatory degeneration and pain under the heel, and is one of the most common foot…”
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Força muscular de membros inferiores em mulheres com artrite reumatoide e mulheres sem a doença: há diferença?
Published in Fisioterapia e pesquisa (01-12-2018)“…RESUMO A artrite reumatoide (AR) é uma doença inflamatória sistêmica, crônica, que acomete preferencialmente a membrana sinovial das articulações. Dentre as…”
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Effect of a muscle stretching program using the global postural reeducation method for patients with chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled trial
Published in Joint, bone, spine : revue du rhumatisme (01-07-2015)“…Abstract Objectives To assess the effect of a muscle stretching program using the global postural reeducation (GPR) method for patients with chronic low back…”
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Evidence for the efficacy of Tai Chi for treating rheumatoid arthritis: an overview of systematic reviews
Published in São Paulo medical journal (2021)“…ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic disease with higher prevalence among women aged between 30 and 50 years and general prevalence of…”
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Aspectos psicológicos da síndrome da fibromialgia juvenil: revisão de literatura
Published in Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia (01-02-2016)“…A síndrome da fibromialgia juvenil (SFJ) é uma condição dolorosa não inflamatória crônica que ocorre principalmente em meninas entre nove e 15 anos. Pode ser…”
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The influence of the practice of physical activity on the quality of life, muscle strength, balance, and physical ability in the elderly
Published in Revista brasileira de geriatria e gerontologia (01-03-2013)“…INTRODUCTION: Ageing has become a huge public health challenge due to the need to find solutions for improving quality of life. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to…”
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Exercise dependence, body dismorphia, and anxiety in crossfit practitioners: A cross-sectional study
Published in Journal of bodywork and movement therapies (01-10-2022)“…Physical exercise provides better body image perception and well-being. However, if practiced compulsively, it may lead to compulsion and psychobiological…”
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Nível de atividade física e risco de quedas em idosos institucionalizados
Published in Revista Pesquisa em Fisioterapia (27-11-2018)“…INTRODUÇÃO: O envelhecimento se caracteriza pelo declínio progressivo de todos os processos fisiológicos, o que acarreta em alterações de todos os órgãos e…”
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Acute effect of a resistance exercise session on markers of cartilage breakdown and inflammation in women with rheumatoid arthritis
Published in International journal of rheumatic diseases (01-11-2017)“…Aim To assess the acute effect of resistance exercise (RE) on circulating biomarkers of cartilage breakdown and inflammation in women with rheumatoid arthritis…”
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Associação entre qualificação profissional de fisioterapeutas e a percepção sobre o tratamento de osteoartrite de joelho: um estudo transversal
Published in Revista Pesquisa em Fisioterapia (23-02-2021)“…INTRODUÇÃO: A Osteoartrite (OA) é a forma mais prevalente de artrite e requer intervenção terapêutica adequada. A Fisioterapia desempenha um importante papel…”
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Les effets d’un programme d’étirements musculaires selon la méthode de rééducation posturale globale (RPG) sur les patients souffrant de lombalgie chronique : un essai randomisé contrôlé
Published in Revue du rhumatisme (Ed. française : 1993) (01-10-2015)“…Évaluer l’efficacité d’un programme d’étirements musculaires selon la méthode de rééducation posturale globale (RPG) sur les patients souffrant de lombalgie…”
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EXPLORANDO A RELAÇÃO ENTRE SINTOMAS, INTERNAÇÃO E DÉFICITS COGNITIVOS EM PACIENTES DE COVID-19 // Exploring the relationship between symptoms, hospitalization, and cognitive deficits in Covid-19 patients
Published in Revista de Psicologia (01-10-2024)“…O governo brasileiro decretou a Emergência em Saúde Pública Nacional, causada pela pandemia da covid-19, em 3 de fevereiro de 2020. Temos atualmente alguns…”
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Recordações do mar: evidências psicológicas percebidas por surfistas amadores após a desistência da prática
Published in Revista brasileira de educação física e esporte = Brazilian journal of physical education and sport (31-12-2023)“…Na presente pesquisa, abordamos a relação entre regularidade nas práticas corporais em consonância ao acréscimo das tarefas diárias, discutimos a respeito das…”
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