Search Results - "Iwatsuki, Hiroto"
Characterization of PomA periplasmic loop and sodium ion entering in stator complex of sodium-driven flagellar motor
Published in Journal of biochemistry (Tokyo) (01-04-2020)“…The bacterial flagellar motor is a rotary nanomachine driven by ion flow. The flagellar stator complex, which is composed of two proteins, PomA and PomB,…”
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Effect of sodium ions on conformations of the cytoplasmic loop of the PomA stator protein of Vibrio alginolyticus
Published in Journal of biochemistry (Tokyo) (01-10-2019)“…The sodium driven flagellar stator of Vibrio alginolyticus is a hetero-hexamer membrane complex composed of PomA and PomB, and acts as a sodium ion channel…”
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Essential ion binding residues for Na+ flow in stator complex of the Vibrio flagellar motor
Published in Scientific reports (02-08-2019)“…The bacterial flagellar motor is a unique supramolecular complex which converts ion flow into rotational force. Many biological devices mainly use two types of…”
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