Search Results - "Islier, A. Attila"

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  1. 1

    Multi-channel manufacturing with compatible machines by Islier, B. Turgut, Islier, A. Attila

    “…Multi-channel manufacturing (MCM) is a noteworthy approach offered as a kind of fractal manufacturing. Here cells are organised as channels. Machines are lined…”
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    Journal Article
  2. 2

    A novel attribute-based dynamic content area layout for internet newspapers by Haktanirlar Ulutas, Berna, Attila Islier, A.

    Published in Internet research (01-01-2010)
    “…Purpose - A layout problem may deal with the assignment and arrangement of buildings in a green field, location and or relocation of machines departments in…”
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    Journal Article
  3. 3

    Group technology by an ant system algorithm by Attila Islier, A.

    “…Clustering of items to form meaningful groups is a theoretically challenging problem. Moreover, it has considerable practical value in manufacturing…”
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  4. 4

    Generalisation of unidirectional loop layout problem and solution by a genetic algorithm by Ozcelik, Feristah, Islier, A. Attila

    “…Unidirectional loop layouts (ULLs) are the preferred layouts in manufacturing systems owing to their relative low investment costs, high material handling…”
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  5. 5

    A methodology to design virtual cellular manufacturing systems by Khilwani, Nitesh, Ulutas, Berna H., Islier, A. Attila, Tiwari, M. K.

    Published in Journal of intelligent manufacturing (01-08-2011)
    “…Virtual Cellular Manufacturing System is a new type of cellular system that emerged as a promising alternative for designing cells in real time. The problem is…”
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    Journal Article
  6. 6

    A Solution Approach to Assembly Line Balancing Problem With Task Related Constraints and an Application At An Enterprise by Serkan Altuntaş, A. Attila İşlier

    Published in Mühendislik bilimleri dergisi (01-01-2010)
    “…Occasionally certain tasks in an assembly line balancing problem are required to be kept together due to some specific reasons. These tasks are attained to the…”
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  7. 7

    Dynamic facility layout problem in footwear industry by Ulutas, Berna, Islier, A. Attila

    Published in Journal of manufacturing systems (01-07-2015)
    “…Dynamic facility layout problem (DFLP) deals with the arrangement of machines in a site as to minimize the sum of materials handling and re-layout costs by…”
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  8. 8

    Cellular Manufacturing Systems: Organization, Trends And Innovative Methods by İŞLİER, Attila

    Published in Alphanumeric journal (30-12-2015)
    “…Interchangeability is the distinguishing feature of modern manufacturing. A huge production capacity to satisfy the people is reached thanks to that concept…”
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  9. 9

    A clonal selection algorithm for dynamic facility layout problems by Ulutas, Berna Haktanirlar, Islier, A. Attila

    Published in Journal of manufacturing systems (01-12-2009)
    “…The dynamic facility layout problem (DFLP) aims to minimize the sum of handling and re-layout costs by devising an individual layout for each distinctive…”
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  10. 10

    A novel attributebased dynamic content area layout for internet newspapers by Haktanirlar Ulutas, Berna, Attila Islier, A.

    Published in Internet research (06-04-2010)
    “…Purpose A layout problem may deal with the assignment and arrangement of buildings in a green field, location andor relocation of machinesdepartments in…”
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  11. 11

    Birliktelik Kısıtları Altında Montaj Hattı Dengeleme Problemi İçin Bir Çözüm Yaklaşımı Önerisi ve Bir İşletmede Uygulama by Altuntaş,Serkan, İşlier,A.Atilla

    Published in Mühendislik bilimleri dergisi (2010)
    “…Montaj Hattı Dengelemesinde, -çeşitli nedenlerle- belli iş elemanlarının birbirinden ayrılmaması ve aynı istasyona atanması istenebilir. Bu tür problemler,…”
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  12. 12

    Birliktelik Kısıtları Altında Montaj Hattı Dengeleme Problemi İçin Bir Çözüm Yaklaşımı Önerisi ve Bir İşletmede Uygulama by A. Attila İşlier, Serkan Altuntaş

    Published in Mühendislik bilimleri dergisi (01-01-2010)
    “…Montaj Hattı Dengelemesinde, -çeşitli nedenlerle- belli iş elemanlarının birbirinden ayrılmaması ve aynı istasyona atanması istenebilir. Bu tür problemler,…”
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  13. 13

    Birliktelik Kısıtları Altında Montaj Hattı Dengeleme Problemi İçin Bir Çözüm Yaklaşımı Önerisi ve Bir İşletmede Uygulama by Serkan Altuntaş, A. Attila İşlier

    Published in Mühendislik bilimleri dergisi (01-01-2010)
    “…Montaj Hattı Dengelemesinde, -çeşitli nedenlerle- belli iş elemanlarının birbirinden ayrılmaması ve aynı istasyona atanması istenebilir. Bu tür problemler,…”
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  14. 14

    Birliktelik Kısıtları Altında Montaj Hattı Dengeleme Problemi İçin Bir Çözüm Yaklaşımı Önerisi ve Bir İşletmede Uygulama by Serkan Altuntaş, A. Attila İşlier

    Published in Mühendislik bilimleri dergisi (01-01-2010)
    “…Montaj Hattı Dengelemesinde, -çeşitli nedenlerle- belli iş elemanlarının birbirinden ayrılmaması ve aynı istasyona atanması istenebilir. Bu tür problemler,…”
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  15. 15

    Rassal arama ile su dağıtım manifoldu tasarımı by İŞLİER, M. Bora, İŞLİER, A. Attila

    Published in Mühendis ve makina (2005)
    “…Bu makale, manifold yapısındaki su dağıtım sistemlerinin tasarımını ele almaktadir. Bu sistemlere yapılan yatırımın teknik ve ekonomik başarısı büyük ölçüde;…”
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    Magazine Article