Search Results - "Isaila, F."

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  1. 1

    Design and Evaluation of Multiple-Level Data Staging for Blue Gene Systems by Isaila, F, Garcia Blas, J, Carretero, J, Latham, R, Ross, R

    “…Parallel applications currently suffer from a significant imbalance between computational power and available I/O bandwidth. Additionally, the hierarchical…”
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    Journal Article
  2. 2

    Survey of Energy-Efficient and Power-Proportional Storage Systems by Llopis, P., Blas, J. G., Isaila, F., Carretero, J.

    Published in Computer journal (01-07-2014)
    “…Increasingly, large-scale computing systems are consuming more power each passing year. As power consumption is on the rise, concern has been raised over the…”
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    Journal Article
  3. 3

    Multi-model prediction for enhancing content locality in elastic server infrastructures by Tirado, J. M., Higuero, D., Isaila, F., Carretero, J.

    “…Infrastructures serving on-line applications experience dynamic workload variations depending on diverse factors such as popularity, marketing, periodic…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  4. 4

    Geology: Modular Georecommendation in Gossip-Based Social Networks by Carretero, J., Isaila, F., Kermarrec, Anne-Marie, Taiani, F., Tirado, J. M.

    “…Geolocated social networks, combining traditional social networking features with geolocation information, have grown tremendously over the last few years…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  5. 5

    Reconciling Dynamic System Sizing and Content Locality through Hierarchical Workload Forecasting by Tirado, J. M., Higuero, D., Isaila, F., Carretero, J.

    “…The cloud has recently surged as a promising paradigm for hosting scalable Web systems serving a large number of users with large workload variations. It makes…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  6. 6

    Enhancing File Transfer Scheduling and Server Utilization in Data Distribution Infrastructures by Higuero, D., Tirado, J. M., Isaila, F., Carretero, J.

    “…This paper presents a methodology for efficiently solving the file transfer scheduling problem in a distributed environment. Our solution is based on the…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  7. 7

    Clusterfile: a flexible physical layout parallel file system by Isaila, Florin, Tichy, Walter F.

    Published in Concurrency and computation (01-06-2003)
    “…This paper presents Clusterfile, a parallel file system that provides parallel file access on a cluster of computers. We introduce a file partitioning model…”
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    Journal Article
  8. 8

    Clusterfile: a flexible physical layout parallel file system by Isaila, F., Tichy, W.F.

    “…This paper presents Clusterfile, a parallel file system that provides parallel file access on a cluster of computers. Existing parallel file systems offer…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  9. 9

    AHPIOS: An MPI-Based Ad Hoc Parallel I/O System by Isaila, F., Blas, J.G., Carretero, J., Wei-keng Liao, Choudhary, A.

    “…This paper presents the design and implementation of a portable ad-hoc parallel I/O system (AHPIOS). AHPIOS virtualizes on-demand available distributed storage…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  10. 10

    View I/O: improving the performance of non-contiguous I/O by Isaila, Tichy

    “…This paper presents view I/O, a non-contiguous parallel I/O technique. We show that the linear file model may be an unsuitable abstraction for non-contiguous…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  11. 11

    Improving the Performance of Cluster Applications through I/O Proxy Architecture by Sanchez, L.M., Isaila, F., Calderon, A., Singh, D.E., Garcia, J.D.

    “…Clusters are the most common solutions for high performance computing at the present time. In this kind of systems, an important challenge is the I/O subsystem…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  12. 12

    Predictive Data Grouping and Placement for Cloud-Based Elastic Server Infrastructures by Tirado, Juan M., Higuero, D., Isaila, F., Carretero, J.

    “…Workload variations on Internet platforms such as YouTube, Flickr, LastFM require novel approaches to dynamic resource provisioning in order to meet QoS…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  13. 13

    View-Based Collective I/O for MPI-IO by Bias, J.G., Isaila, F., Singh, D.E., Carretero, J.

    “…This paper presents the design and implementation of a new file system independent collective I/O optimization based on file views: view-based collective I/O…”
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    Conference Proceeding
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    Deconstructing the Wireless Sensor Networks Architecture by Escolar, S., Carretero, J., Isaila, F., Garcia, F.

    “…Nowadays there is a trend in distributed systems research of applying software engineering and open standards in the development of large, robust and easily…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  16. 16

    Latency Hiding File I/O for Blue Gene Systems by Isaila, F., Blas, J.G., Carretero, J., Latham, R., Lang, S., Ross, R.

    “…This paper presents the design and implementation of a novel file I/O solution for Blue Gene systems. We propose a hierarchical I/O cache architecture based on…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  17. 17

    A driver model based on Linux for TinyOS by Escolar, S., Carretero, J., Isaila, F., Garcia, F.

    “…The incessant increment of hardware platforms for wireless sensor nodes and their heterogeneity make evident the crucial necessity of adapting the TinyOS…”
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  18. 18

    Multiple-Phase Collective I/O Technique for Improving Data Access Locality by Singh, D.E., Isaila, F., Calderon, A., Garcia, F., Carretero, J.

    “…This paper presents multiple-phase collective I/O, a novel collective I/O technique for distributed memory multiprocessors. Multiple-phase collective I/O is a…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  19. 19

    Optimization and evaluation of parallel I/O in BIPS3D parallel irregular application by Filgueira, R., Singh, D.E., Isaila, F., Carretero, J., Loureiro, A.G.

    “…This paper presents the optimization and evaluation of parallel I/O for the BIPS3D parallel irregular application, a 3-dimensional simulation of BJT and HBT…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  20. 20

    Integrating logical and physical file models in the MPI-IO implementation for "Clusterfile" by Isaila, F., Singh, D., Carretero, J., Garcia, F., Szeder, G., Moschny, T.

    “…This paper presents the design and implementation of the MPI-IO interface for the Clusterfile parallel file system. The approach offers the opportunity of…”
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    Conference Proceeding