Search Results - "Irz, Pascal"
The biological condition of French rivers has not improved over the last seventeen years according to the national Fish-Based-Index (FBI)
Published in Knowledge and management of aquatic ecosystems (2024)“…We evaluate, for the first time, variations of the national Fish-Based-Index (FBI) over a seventeen-year period for 1583 sampled sites evenly distributed…”
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A long-term monitoring database on fish and crayfish species in French rivers
Published in Knowledge and management of aquatic ecosystems (2022)“…The data presented here cover ∼4 decades of electrofishing surveys in mainland France rivers. Despite some changes in field protocols and sampling site…”
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Convergence of temperate and tropical stream fish assemblages
Published in Ecography (Copenhagen) (01-08-2009)“…The hypothesis of convergence takes the deterministic view that community (or assemblage) structure can be predicted from the environment, and that the…”
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The biological condition of French rivers has not improved over the last seventeen years according to the national Fish-Based-Index (FBI)
Published in Knowledge and management of aquatic ecosystems (04-06-2024)“…We evaluate, for the first time, variations of the national Fish-Based-Index (FBI) over a seventeen-year period for 1583 sampled sites evenly distributed…”
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Development of a fish-based index (FBI) of biotic integrity for French lakes using the hindcasting approach
Published in Ecological indicators (01-11-2011)“…The European Water Framework Directive clearly indicates that fish is one of the “quality elements” to be considered for the assessment of lentic systems…”
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Evidence that niche specialization explains species-energy relationships in lake fish communities
Published in The Journal of animal ecology (01-03-2008)“…1. Interspecific niche differences have long been identified as a major explanation for the occurrence of species-rich communities. However, much fieldwork…”
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Functional characters combined with null models reveal inconsistency in mechanisms of species turnover in lacustrine fish communities
Published in Oecologia (01-08-2007)“…Functional characters have the potential to act as indicators of species turnover between local communities. Null models provide a powerful statistical…”
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Fish community comparisons along environmental gradients in lakes of France and north-east USA
Published in Global ecology and biogeography (01-05-2007)“…Aim To assess whether eight traits of fish communities (species richness, three reproductive traits and four trophic traits) respond similarly to environmental…”
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Native and introduced fish species richness in French lakes: local and regional influences
Published in Global ecology and biogeography (01-07-2004)“…Aim: To analyse the importance of local and regional influences on the patterns of species richness in natural and man-made lakes and to infer the impacts of…”
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Comparison between the fish communities of lakes, reservoirs and rivers : can natural systems help define the ecological potential of reservoirs?
Published in Aquatic sciences (01-01-2006)“…The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) aims at improving the ecological status of continental waters, including man-made water bodies. Thereby it raises…”
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Controlling for natural variability in assessing the response of fish metrics to human pressures for lakes in north-east USA
Published in Aquatic conservation (01-07-2008)“…1.While fish-based Indices of Biotic Integrity (IBIs) have been developed for a wide array of lotic systems, equivalent tools have seldom been adapted to the…”
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Growth and diet of the pikeperch Sander lucioperca (L.) in two French reservoirs
Published in Archives of Polish Fisheries (01-11-2012)“…The pikeperch Sander lucioperca (L.) is present in numerous French water bodies. However, few studies have focused on the biology and ecology of the species…”
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Contribution of native and non-native species to fish communities in French reservoirs
Published in Fisheries management and ecology (01-06-2004)“…Previous studies showed that only 20% of the variability in fish community structure in French reservoirs could be explained by site characteristics. In…”
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