Search Results - "Incurvati, M"

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    Modeling skin effect in large magnetized iron detectors by Incurvati, M., Terranova, F.

    “…The experimental problem of the calibration of magnetic field in large iron detectors is discussed. Emphasis is laid on techniques based on ballistic…”
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    Journal Article
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    Feasibility Study of High-Precision Power Supply for Ramping Dipoles of a Carbon/Proton Medical Synchrotron by Incurvati, M., Sanelli, C., De Cesaris, I.

    “…A protons and light carbon ions accelerator finalized to the therapy of deep tumors is in construction under the responsibility of the CNAO (National Center…”
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    Ballistic techniques for magnetic field calibration of large iron detectors operating in underground areas by Di Iorio, G., Dulach, B., Incurvati, M., Spinetti, M., Terranova, F., Votano, L.

    “…The experimental problem of the calibration of magnetic field in large iron detectors located in underground areas is discussed. Emphasis is laid on techniques…”
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    The SPARC project: a high-brightness electron beam source at LNF to drive a SASE-FEL experiment by Alesini, D., Bertolucci, S., Biagini, M.E., Biscari, C., Boni, R., Boscolo, M., Castellano, M., Clozza, A., Di Pirro, G., Drago, A., Esposito, A., Ferrario, M., Fusco, V., Gallo, A., Ghigo, A., Guiducci, S., Incurvati, M., Laurelli, P., Ligi, C., Marcellini, F., Migliorati, M., Milardi, C., Palumbo, L., Pellegrino, L., Preger, M., Raimondi, P., Ricci, R., Sanelli, C., Sgamma, F., Spataro, B., Serio, M., Stecchi, A., Stella, A., Tazzioli, F., Vaccarezza, C., Vescovi, M., Vicario, C., Zobov, M., Acerbi, E., Alessandria, F., Barni, D., Bellomo, G., Boscolo, I., Broggi, F., Cialdi, S., DeMartinis, C., Giove, D., Maroli, C., Petrillo, V., Rome’, M., Serafini, L., Chiadroni, E., Felici, G., Levi, D., Mastrucci, M., Mattioli, M., Medici, G., Petrarca, G.S., Catani, L., Cianchi, A., D’Angelo, A., Di Salvo, R., Fantini, A., Moricciani, D., Schaerf, C., Bartolini, R., Ciocci, F., Dattoli, G., Doria, A., Flora, F., Gallerano, G.P., Giannessi, L., Giovenale, E., Messina, G., Mezi, L., Ottaviani, P.L., Picardi, L., Quattromini, M., Renieri, A., Ronsivalle, C., Avaldi, L., Carbone, C., Cricenti, A., Pifferi, A., Perfetti, P., Prosperi, T., Albertini, V.Rossi, Quaresima, C., Zema, N.

    “…The Project Sorgente Pulsata e Amplificata di Radiazione Coerente (SPARC), proposed by a collaboration among ENEA–INFN–CNR–Universita’ di Tor Vergata–INFM–ST,…”
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    Construction and Commissioning of the Magnets for the OPERA Experiment by Falcone, R.A., Bergnoli, A., Cazes, A., Cecchetti, A., Dulach, B., Fanin, C., Fulgenzi, A., Garfagnini, A., Grianti, F., Incurvati, M., Mengucci, A., Orecchini, D., Peiro, G., Pellegrino, L., Sanelli, C., Spinetti, M., Terranova, F., Ventura, M., Votano, L.

    “…The construction and commissioning of the 990-ton gapless iron magnets for the OPERA experiment is presented. These magnets have been built in a deep…”
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    Conference Proceeding
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    Modeling skin effect in large magnetized iron detectors by Incurvati, M, Terranova, F

    Published 10-01-2003
    “…Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A500:441-445,2003 The experimental problem of the calibration of magnetic field in large iron detectors is discussed. Emphasis is laid on…”
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    Status of the SPARC Project by Alesini, D., Bertolucci, S., Bellaveglia, M., Biagini, M.E., Boni, R., Boscolo, M., Castellano, M., Clozza, A., di Pirro, G., Drago, A., Esposito, A., Ferrario, M., Ficcadenti, L., Filippetto, D., Fusco, V., Gallo, A., Gatti, G., Ghigo, A., Guiducci, S., Incurvati, M., Ligi, C., Marcellini, F., Migliorati, M., Mostacci, A., Palumbo, L., Pellegrino, L., Preger, M., Ricci, R., Sanelli, C., Serio, M., Sgamma, F., Spataro, B., Stecchi, A., Stella, A., Tazzioli, F., Vaccarezza, C., Vescovi, M., Vicario, C., Alessandria, F., Bacci, A., Boscolo, I., Broggi, F., Cialdi, S., DeMartinis, C., Giove, D., Maroli, C., Mauri, M., Petrillo, V., Rome, M., Serafini, L., Levi, D., Mattioli, M., Medici, G., Musumeci, P., Pelliccia, D., Petrarca, M., Cianchi, A., Catani, L., Chiadroni, E., Gabrielli, E., Tazzari, S., Ciocci, F., Dattoli, G., Dipace, A., Doria, A., Flora, F., Gallerano, G.P., Giannessi, L., Giovenale, E., Messina, G., Ottaviani, P.L., Pagnutti, S., Parisi, G., Picardi, L., Quattromini, M., Renieri, A., Ronci, G., Ronsivalle, C., Rosetti, M., Sabia, E., Sassi, M., Torre, A., Zucchini, A., de Silvestri, S., Nisoli, M., Stagira, S., Rosenzweig, J.B., Dowell, D.H., Emma, P., Limborg, C., Palmer, D.

    “…The SPARC project has entered its installation phase at the Frascati National Laboratories of INFN: its main goal, the promotion of an R&D activity oriented to…”
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    DAFNE operation with the FINUDA experiment by Milardi, C, Alesini, D, Benedetti, G, Biagini, M. E, Biscari, C, Boni, R, Boscolo, M, Clozza, A, Monache, D. Delle, Di Pirro, G, Drago, A, Gallo, A, Ghigo, A, Guiducci, S, Incurvati, M, Ligi, C, Marcellini, F, Mazzitelli, G, Pellegrino, L, Preger, M. A, Raimondi, P, Ricci, R, Rotundo, U, Sanelli, C, Serio, M, Sgamma, F, Spataro, B, Stecchi, A, Stella, A, Vaccarezza, C, Vescovi, M, Zobov, M

    Published 16-08-2004
    “…DAFNE operation restarted in September 2003, after a six month shut-down for the installation of FINUDA, a magnetic detector dedicated to the study of…”
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