Search Results - "Ii, Miki"
Rif1 provides a new DNA-binding interface for the Bloom syndrome complex to maintain normal replication
Published in The EMBO journal (15-09-2010)“…BLM, the helicase defective in Bloom syndrome, is part of a multiprotein complex that protects genome stability. Here, we show that Rif1 is a novel component…”
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Novel G Proteins, Rag C and Rag D, Interact with GTP-binding Proteins, Rag A and Rag B
Published in The Journal of biological chemistry (09-03-2001)“…Rag A/Gtr1p are G proteins and are known to be involved in the RCC1-Ran pathway. We employed the two-hybrid method using Rag A as the bait to identify proteins…”
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Eukaryotic Initiation Factor (eIF) 1 Carries Two Distinct eIF5-binding Faces Important for Multifactor Assembly and AUG Selection
Published in The Journal of biological chemistry (11-01-2008)“…Eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 1 is a small protein (12 kDa) governing fidelity in translation initiation. It is recruited to the 40 S subunit in a…”
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Slx4 regulates DNA damage checkpoint-dependent phosphorylation of the BRCT domain protein Rtt107/Esc4
Published in Molecular biology of the cell (01-01-2006)“…RTT107 (ESC4, YHR154W) encodes a BRCA1 C-terminal-domain protein that is important for recovery from DNA damage during S phase. Rtt107 is a substrate of the…”
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Mus81 functions in the quality control of replication forks at the rDNA and is involved in the maintenance of rDNA repeat number in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Published in Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (01-12-2007)“…Previous studies in yeast have suggested that the SGS1 DNA helicase or the Mus81-Mms4 structure-specific endonuclease is required to suppress the accumulation…”
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The Yeast Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 4G (eIF4G) HEAT Domain Interacts with eIF1 and eIF5 and Is Involved in Stringent AUG Selection
Published in Molecular and Cellular Biology (01-08-2003)“…Article Usage Stats Services MCB Citing Articles Google Scholar PubMed Related Content Social Bookmarking CiteULike Delicious Digg Facebook Google+ Mendeley…”
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Efficient Incorporation of Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 1 into the Multifactor Complex Is Critical for Formation of Functional Ribosomal Preinitiation Complexes in Vivo
Published in The Journal of biological chemistry (23-07-2004)“…Eukaryotic initiation factor 1 (eIF1) is a low molecular weight factor critical for stringent AUG selection in eukaryotic translation. It is recruited to the…”
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Roles of SGS1, MUS81, and RAD51 in the repair of lagging-strand replication defects in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Published in Current genetics (01-10-2005)“…Yeast cells lacking the SGS1 DNA helicase and the MUS81 structure-specific endonuclease display a synthetic lethality that is suppressed by loss of the RAD51…”
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Insertion of Mitochondrial DNA-encoded F1F0-ATPase Subunit 8 across the Mitochondrial Inner Membrane in Vitro
Published in The Journal of biological chemistry (06-07-2001)“…Cytochrome oxidase subunits I, II, and III, the mitochondrial DNA-encoded proteins, are inserted across the inner membrane by the Oxa1p-containing translocator…”
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Endoribonuclease ENDU-2 regulates multiple traits including cold tolerance via cell autonomous and nonautonomous controls in Caenorhabditis elegans
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (28-08-2018)“…Environmental temperature acclimation is essential to animal survival, yet thermoregulation mechanisms remain poorly understood. We demonstrate cold tolerance…”
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The Eukaryotic Initiation Factor (eIF) 4G HEAT Domain Promotes Translation Re-initiation in Yeast Both Dependent on and Independent of eIF4A mRNA Helicase
Published in The Journal of biological chemistry (16-07-2010)“…Translation re-initiation provides the molecular basis for translational control of mammalian ATF4 and yeast GCN4 mediated by short upstream open reading…”
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Yeast 18 S rRNA Is Directly Involved in the Ribosomal Response to Stringent AUG Selection during Translation Initiation
Published in The Journal of biological chemistry (15-10-2010)“…In eukaryotes, the 40 S ribosomal subunit serves as the platform of initiation factor assembly, to place itself precisely on the AUG start codon. Structural…”
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Yeast 18 S rRNA Is Directly Involved in the Ribosomal Response to Stringent AUG Selection during Translation Initiation<inline-graphic xlink:href="sbox.jpg"/>
Published in The Journal of biological chemistry (10-08-2010)“…In eukaryotes, the 40 S ribosomal subunit serves as the platform of initiation factor assembly, to place itself precisely on the AUG start codon. Structural…”
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Epistasis analysis between homologous recombination genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae identifies multiple repair pathways for Sgs1, Mus81-Mms4 and RNase H2
Published in Mutation research (01-09-2011)“…The DNA repair genes SGS1 and MUS81 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are thought to control alternative pathways for the repair of toxic recombination intermediates…”
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