Search Results - "Ibarra Jimenez, Sebastian"
New Food Baits for Trapping German Cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.) (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae)
Published in Journal of economic entomology (05-12-2017)“…German cockroaches (GCRs), Blattella germanica (L.) (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae), are attracted to those beer semiochemicals (e.g., ethanol) that formerly…”
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Developing a paired-target apparatus for quantitative testing of nest defense behavior by vespine wasps in response to con- or heterospecific nest defense pheromones
Published in Journal of Hymenoptera research (30-11-2015)“…Social wasps commonly exhibit impressive, pheromone-mediated nest defenses with stinging attacks on potential vertebrate nest predators. Studying this type of…”
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Evidence for sex pheromones and inbreeding avoidance in select North American yellowjacket species
Published in Entomologia experimentalis et applicata (01-07-2017)“…Little is known about the roles of sex pheromones in mate‐finding behavior of social wasps (Vespidae). Working with the aerial yellowjacket, Dolichovespula…”
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Yeasts Harbored by Vespine Wasps in the Pacific Northwest
Published in Environmental entomology (01-04-2017)“…The ecological role of social wasps has been extensively studied, but little is known about symbiotic relationships of these wasps with microbes. Recently, it…”
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Prevalence of Verticillium spp. and Pratylenchus spp. in Commercial Potato Fields in Atlantic Canada
Published in American journal of potato research (01-08-2024)“…A survey of New Brunswick (NB) and Prince Edward Island (PEI) potato fields in crop rotation phase prior to potato production was conducted in fall (October…”
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Evidence for a Nest Defense Pheromone in Bald-Faced Hornets, Dolichovespula Maculata, and Identification of Components
Published in Journal of chemical ecology (01-05-2016)“…In eusocial insects like Bald-faced hornets, Dolichovespula maculata, nest defense is essential because nests contain a large number of protein-rich larvae and…”
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