Search Results - "ISAKSON, Brian"
Challenges and Innovations in a Community-Based Participatory Randomized Controlled Trial
Published in Health education & behavior (01-02-2017)“…Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are a long-standing and important design for conducting rigorous tests of the effectiveness of health interventions…”
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Healing After Torture: The Role of Moving On
Published in Qualitative health research (01-06-2013)“…The experience and sociocultural context of torture and its treatment have received little attention in the biopsychosocial model of Western mental health for…”
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Unpacking Trauma Exposure Risk Factors and Differential Pathways of Influence: Predicting Postwar Mental Distress in Bosnian Adolescents
Published in Child development (01-07-2010)“…Methods are needed for quantifying the potency and differential effects of risk factors to identify at-risk groups for theory building and intervention…”
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A Helping Hand Out of the River: Refugee Perspectives for Provider Engagement
Published in Journal of patient-centered research and reviews (27-11-2023)“…A growing number of refugee groups are seeking care within the U.S. health care system for medical, psychological, and social needs. Research is limited in…”
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Adapting and Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions for Trauma-Exposed Refugee Youth and Families
Published in Journal of contemporary psychotherapy (01-12-2015)“…Refugee youth routinely encounter difficult challenges related to past trauma, loss, and resettlement stressors. The recent surge in refugees resettling in the…”
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Refugee Mental Health and Healing: Understanding the Impact of Policies of Rapid Economic Self-sufficiency and the Importance of Meaningful Work
Published in Journal of international migration and integration (01-08-2019)“…Although refugees who are accepted for resettlement in a third country are guaranteed certain rights and experience safety from war and persecution, they face…”
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Understanding Study Attrition in the Evaluation of Jail Diversion Programs for Persons With Serious Mental Illness or Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders
Published in Criminal justice and behavior (01-06-2014)“…Study attrition is a problem in all community-based intervention studies using longitudinal research designs, but is compounded with hard to reach populations…”
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Randomized Controlled Trial of a Multilevel Intervention to Address Social Determinants of Refugee Mental Health
Published in American journal of community psychology (01-06-2020)“…Highlights Multilevel strengths‐based intervention decreases refugee distress and improves protective factors. Holistic focus on psychological, material,…”
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Measuring Culturally and Contextually Specific Distress Among Afghan, Iraqi, and Great Lakes African Refugees
Published in American journal of orthopsychiatry (2024)“…Culturally and contextually valid measurement of psychological distress is critical, given the increasing numbers of forcibly displaced people and…”
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Trauma-Informed Pediatric Primary Care: Facilitators and Challenges to the Implementation Process
Published in The journal of behavioral health services & research (01-07-2021)“…This article describes the process of integrating trauma-informed behavioral health practices into a pediatric primary care clinic serving low-income and…”
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Published in American journal of community psychology (17-02-2020)“…Understanding processes that support the well-being of the unprecedented numbers of forcibly displaced people throughout the world is essential. Growing…”
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Reducing Refugee Mental Health Disparities: A Community-Based Intervention to Address Postmigration Stressors With African Adults
Published in Psychological services (01-08-2014)“…Refugees resettled in the United States have disproportionately high rates of psychological distress. Research has demonstrated the roles of postmigration…”
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"My World Is Upside Down": Transnational Iraqi Youth and Parent Perspectives on Resettlement in the United States
Published in Journal of immigrant & refugee studies (02-10-2018)“…The U.S. war with Iraq led to the displacement of millions of Iraqis, many of whom have resettled in the United States as refugees. We explore the challenges…”
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“Seeing the Life”: Redefining Self-Worth and Family Roles Among Iraqi Refugee Families Resettled in the United States
Published in Journal of international migration and integration (01-08-2016)“…Social and geographic displacement is a global phenomenon that precipitates novel stressors and disruptions that intersect with long-standing familial and…”
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Reducing Mental Health Disparities Through Transformative Learning: A Social Change Model With Refugees and Students
Published in Psychological services (01-08-2014)“…Distribution of power and resources greatly impacts the mental health of individuals and communities. Thus, to reduce mental health disparities, it is…”
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Adolescent Adjustment, Caregiver-Adolescent Relationships, and Outlook Towards the Future in the Long-Term Aftermath of the Bosnian War
Published in Journal of child & adolescent trauma (10-03-2015)“…Using a mixed-method design with Bosnian students ( n = 63, ages 16–19) and their primary caregivers ( n = 50), we explored the impact of post-war…”
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Reducing Refugee Mental Health Disparities: A Community-Based Intervention to Address Post-Migration Stressors With African Adults
Published in Psychological services (23-12-2013)“…Refugees resettled in the United States have disproportionately high rates of psychological distress. Research has demonstrated the roles of post-migration…”
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“Getting better” after torture from the perspective of the survivor
Published 01-01-2008“…The traditional model of Western mental health treatment for survivors of torture has focused mainly on posttraumatic stress disorder and related conditions…”
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