Search Results - "Hyson, J M"
Amalgam: Its history and perils
Published in Journal of the California Dental Association (01-03-2006)“…The current amalgam issue is not new. In the 1840s, there was even an "amalgam war" between the dentists who advocated the use of gold as a restorative…”
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Doctors five : African-American contract surgeons in the Spanish-American war
Published in Military medicine (01-06-1999)“…The role played by African-American contract surgeons during the Spanish-American War has been a neglected aspect of the war's medical history. These men left…”
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Female dentists in the U.S. Army: the origins
Published in Military medicine (01-02-1995)“…Female dentists were not accepted into the U.S. Army Dental Corps until the exigencies of the Korean War in 1951 called for the "maximum utilization" of the…”
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African-American dentists in the U.S. Army : The origins
Published in Military medicine (01-07-1996)“…The majority of the dentists mentioned in this work are unknown both to dental and military historians. However, the contributions of Dr. William T. Jefferson,…”
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Man and pain: eternal partners
Published in Journal of the history of dentistry (01-11-2001)“…Morris (1991) divides pain into two categories--physical and mental; he calls it the "Myth of Two Pains." He rationalizes that it is difficult to separate the…”
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Basil Manly Wilkerson: dental inventor extraordinaire
Published in Journal of the history of dentistry (01-07-1999)Get more information
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Patient bites dentist: an 1894 case report
Published in Journal of the history of dentistry (01-07-1998)“…Although dog bites man is a common occurrence, and patient bites dentist not unusual, death subsequent to a human bite was most bizarre even for the nineteenth…”
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Mercury poisoning with tooth loss: an 1813 case report
Published in Journal of the history of dentistry (01-03-1997)“…During the War of 1812, the medical surgeon and his "mate" were responsible for the soldiers' dental care; there were no dentists employed by the United States…”
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The mystery of John Wilkes Booth's dentist
Published in Journal of the history of dentistry (01-11-1999)“…For many years there has been much speculation over the identity of the dentist of President Abraham Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth. Some have…”
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The "Amex" cast aluminum denture of World War I
Published in Journal of the history of dentistry (01-07-2001)“…In 1917-18, the U.S. Army revived a denture technique first introduced in 1866 by Dr. James Baxter Bean, the Confederate dental surgeon who established the…”
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The soldier dentist: Colonel John R. Lewis of the 5th Vermont
Published in Journal of the history of dentistry (01-07-1995)“…The role of dentistry during the American Civil War has drawn scant attention from both dental and military historians. It is not the purpose of this paper to…”
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Portrait of a confederate secret agent: Henry A. Parr, DDS
Published in Journal of the history of dentistry (01-07-1996)“…Dr. Henry Albert Parr wore many faces during his career beginning with his Civil War service as a Confederate secret service agent and ending as a presidential…”
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The suicide of General Emory Upton: a case report
Published in Military medicine (01-10-1990)“…On the evening of March 14, 1881, Emory Upton inexplicably and unexpectedly committed suicide. He was acknowledged as the United States Army's leading…”
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Did you know--a dentist embalmed President Lincoln?
Published in Bulletin of the history of dentistry (01-11-1994)Get more information
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The air turbine and hearing loss: are dentists at risk?
Published in The Journal of the American Dental Association (1939) (01-12-2002)“…Damage to the dentist's hearing because of the popularity of the air turbine has been the subject of many articles, but no conclusive proof has been given that…”
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Dental forensics: the fate of Lieutenant Harrington at the Little Big Horn
Published in Bulletin of the history of dentistry (01-11-1993)Get more information
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<">Fairness" and Joint and Several Liability in Government Cost Recovery Actions Under CERCLA
Published in The Harvard environmental law review : HELR (01-01-1997)“…Three recent courts of appeals decisions have limited the imposition of joint and several liability on potentially responsible parties (PRPs) under CERCLA. The…”
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William Saunders: the United States Army's first dentist--West Point's forgotten man
Published in Military medicine (01-08-1984)Get more information
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Absence of nonshivering thermogenesis in anesthetized adult humans
Published in Anesthesiology (Philadelphia) (01-10-1993)“…Typically, core temperature rapidly decreases after induction of anesthesia, but reaches a stable plateau after several hours. This plateau typically occurs in…”
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Portrait of a Confederate secret agent: the dentis Henry A. Parr
Published in Revista del Museo de la Facultad de Odontologia de Buenos Aires (01-11-1998)“…Dr. Henry A. Parr had many aspects in his career, beginning life as secret confederate agent during the Civil War, and finally ending as the president's…”
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