Search Results - "Hurd, TC"
Abstract P1-10-13: Mexican American Men and Female Cancer Screening: Is the TexasMexico Border Different?
Published in Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) (15-12-2010)“…Background Husband/partner support is a major determinant of breast/cervical cancer screening in Hispanic women and may adversely affect these rates in south…”
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Axillary recurrence in women with a negative sentinel lymph node and no axillary dissection in breast cancer
Published in Journal of surgical oncology (01-02-2006)“…Objectives Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is widely used for staging breast cancer. SLNB accurately determines axillary lymph node status with a low false…”
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Evaluation of Urinary Plasminogen Activator, Its Receptor, Matrix Metalloproteinase-9, and von Willebrand Factor in Pancreatic Cancer
Published in Clinical cancer research (15-10-2003)“…Purpose: Pancreatic cancer remains a devastating problem with the majority of patients succumbing to death from this disease. A hallmark of pancreatic cancer…”
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Breast cancer in pregnancy: a literature review
Published in Archives of surgery (Chicago. 1960) (01-01-2003)“…Breast cancer in pregnancy will increase as more women postpone childbearing until later in life. To review the literature on diagnosis, staging, treatment,…”
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An evaluation of the integration of non-traditional learning tools into a community based breast and cervical cancer education program: the Witness Project of Buffalo
Published in BMC cancer (29-05-2003)“…Breast and cervical cancer continue to represent major health challenges for African American women. among Caucasian women. The underlying reasons for this…”
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Accuracy of sentinel node biopsy in predicting nodal status in patients with breast carcinoma
Published in Journal of surgical oncology (01-08-2001)“…Background and Objectives While sentinel lymph node biopsy is considered by many to have replaced axillary node dissection in the management of breast cancer,…”
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Effect of stereotactic core needle biopsy on pathologic measurement of tumor size of T1 invasive breast carcinomas presenting as mammographic masses
Published in Cancer (01-05-2003)“…BACKGROUND Stereotactic core needle biopsy (SCNB) may change the size of the tumor defined pathologically at excision. This may alter tumor stage and affect…”
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Postexcision mammography is indicated after resection of ductal carcinoma-in-situ of the breast
Published in Annals of surgical oncology (01-10-2000)“…The adequacy of excision of ductal carcinoma-in-situ (DCIS) usually is confirmed with specimen mammography and histopathological assessment of specimen…”
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Overexpression of urinary plasminogen activator (uPA) protein and mRNA in thyroid carcinogenesis
Published in Diagnostic molecular pathology (01-12-2004)“…Urinary plasminogen activator (uPA), a protease, is one of the critical components of tumor invasion and metastasis. Its expression in thyroid carcinoma and…”
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Impact of extensive intraductal component on recurrence and survival in patients with stage I or II breast cancer treated with breast conservation therapy
Published in Annals of surgical oncology (01-03-1997)“…The relationship between an extensive intraductal component (EIC) and recurrence and survival in patients with stage I or II breast cancer treated with breast…”
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Gastric carcinoma metastatic to the mucosa of the hard palate
Published in Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery (01-09-1995)Get more information
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The evaluation of palpable breast masses: common pitfalls and management guidelines
Published in Surgical oncology (01-12-1997)“…The management of a palpable breast mass starts with identification of the lesion and a suspicion of malignancy. While seemingly simple, the initial evaluation…”
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Red blood cell deformability in human and experimental sepsis
Published in Archives of surgery (Chicago. 1960) (01-02-1988)“…Red blood cell (RBC) "deformability" is necessary for maintenance of normal microcirculation. To determine whether RBC deformability was affected in human or…”
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