Search Results - "Huntingford, Felicity A."
Fish can show emotional fever: stress-induced hyperthermia in zebrafish
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (22-11-2015)“…Whether fishes are sentient beings remains an unresolved and controversial question. Among characteristics thought to reflect a low level of sentience in…”
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A phenotypically plastic magic trait promoting reproductive isolation in sticklebacks?
Published in Evolutionary ecology (01-02-2020)“…This study identifies one possible mechanism whereby gene flow is interrupted in populations undergoing evolutionary divergence in sympatry; this is an…”
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Stress induced hyperthermia in zebrafish: a reply to Key et al
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (25-01-2017)Get full text
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Screening for coping style increases the power of gene expression studies
Published in PloS one (23-04-2009)“…Individuals of many vertebrate species show different stress coping styles and these have a striking influence on how gene expression shifts in response to a…”
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Incipient speciation driven by phenotypic plasticity? Evidence from sympatric populations of Arctic charr
Published in Biological journal of the Linnean Society (01-04-2004)“…Recent models suggest that the existence of environmentally induced polymorphisms within a single population (especially those related to foraging) facilitates…”
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Proximate costs of fighting in male cichlid fish: the role of injuries and energy metabolism
Published in Animal behaviour (01-04-1998)“…While much is known about the functional significance of strategic decisions in animal fighting, relatively little is understood about the mechanisms that…”
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Behavioral and respiratory responses to stressors in multiple populations of three-spined sticklebacks that differ in predation pressure
Published in Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology (01-02-2010)“…Individual animals of the same species inhabiting environments which differ in the frequency and magnitude of stressors often exhibit different physiological…”
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Response to environmental change in rainbow trout selected for divergent stress coping styles
Published in Physiology & behavior (01-03-2011)“…Abstract An extensive literature has documented differences in the way individual animals cope with environmental challenges and stressors. Two broad patterns…”
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Fighting and assessment in male cichlid fish: the effects of asymmetries in gonadal state and body size
Published in Animal behaviour (01-04-1998)“…In fights between animals over limited resources, the larger contestant often wins. Game theoretical models of animal fighting predict that relative body size…”
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The functional significance of inherited differences in feeding morphology in a sympatric polymorphic population of Arctic charr
Published in Evolutionary ecology (01-01-2002)“…Artificially fertilised eggs from wild-caught Arctic charr parents of two sympatric morphs (benthivorous and planktivorous) from Loch Rannoch, Scotland were…”
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Variable neuroendocrine responses to ecologically-relevant challenges in sticklebacks
Published in Physiology & behavior (16-05-2007)“…Abstract Variable neuroendocrine responses to ecologically-relevant challenges in sticklebacks. PHYSIOL BEHAV 00(0) 000-000, 2006. Here, we compare the…”
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Behavioral plasticity in rainbow trout (O ncorhynchus mykiss) with divergent coping styles: When doves become hawks
Published in Hormones and behavior (01-09-2008)“…Consistent and heritable individual differences in reaction to challenges, often referred to as stress coping styles, have been extensively documented in…”
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A moving light stimulus elicits a sustained swimming response in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L
Published in Fish physiology and biochemistry (01-06-2011)“…The productivity and welfare benefits of sustained swimming in fish are well documented, but are not yet exploited in commercial aquaculture. We report here on…”
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Gill development in sympatric morphs of Arctic charr from Loch Awe, Scotland: A hidden physiological cost of macrobenthos feeding?
Published in Ecology of freshwater fish (01-07-2018)“…The development of the respiratory surfaces was compared in two sympatric, lacustrine morphs of Arctic charr. A macrobenthic invertebrate feeding specialist,…”
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Growth, production and fin damage in cage-held 0+ Atlantic salmon pre-smolts (Salmo salar L.) fed either a) on-demand, or b) to a fixed satiation–restriction regime: Data from a commercial farm
Published in Aquaculture (31-03-2008)“…This experiment investigated the impact of feeding regime upon the growth performance, production efficiency and fin damage of cage-held 0+ Atlantic salmon…”
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Social hierarchies, growth and brain serotonin metabolism in Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) kept under commercial rearing conditions
Published in Physiology & behavior (05-07-2008)“…Abstract Monitoring social interactions between individuals in large, high-density groups poses several challenges. Here we demonstrate that relative…”
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Influence of feeding regime on intraspecific competition, fin damage and growth in 1+ Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar L.) held in freshwater production cages
Published in Aquaculture research (01-08-2007)“…The feeding behaviour, growth and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of cage‐held Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar L.) were studied when in 576 m3 (12 m × 12 m × 4…”
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Parallel Evolution of Pitx1 Underlies Pelvic Reduction in Scottish Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
Published in The Journal of heredity (01-09-2007)“…Little is known about the genetic and molecular mechanisms that underlie adaptive phenotypic variation in natural populations or whether similar genetic and…”
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Published in Aquaculture economics & management (01-12-2012)Get full text
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Indirect fitness consequences of mate choice in sticklebacks: offspring of brighter males grow slowly but resist parasitic infections
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (07-01-2001)“…using…”
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