Search Results - "Hulth, Magdalena"
It can be an abuse, even though both have consented: Swedish preschool practitioners' discussions about teaching (sexual) consent to preschoolers
Published in Children & society (04-06-2024)“…This article describes how (sexual) consent is constructed as an objective for teaching in Swedish preschool. An age-critical analysis of focus-group…”
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Samtycke, känslor och möjligheter att agera: barnsyn och barns aktörskap i sexualbrottsförebyggande litteratur för förskoleåldern
Published in Barn (22-12-2022)“…I artikeln analyseras svenska bilderböcker som gör anspråk på att förebygga sexuella övergrepp. Syftet med studien är att analysera böckernas barnsyn och syn…”
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Journal Article -
Child sexuality and interdependent agency in sexuality education texts for Swedish preschool practitioners 1969−2021: three discourses on children's sexual play
Published in Sex education (02-09-2024)“…This paper provides a discourse analysis of 12 Swedish sexuality education texts intended for preschool practitioners and published between 1969 and 2021…”
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Journal Article